A dimly lit office in Washington, D.C. Marco Rubio sits behind a massive mahogany desk, hands clasped in anxious prayer. Across from him stands a shadowy political advisor, holding a folder full of polling data.
Marco Rubio (whispering, nervously): "Would you still support me... if I were a worm?"
Advisor (raising an eyebrow): "Senator, I don’t follow."
Rubio (looking down at his hands, voice trembling): "If I abandoned all principle, if I twisted and turned with the political winds, if my spine dissolved entirely into the shifting sands of public opinion—would they still call me a leader?"
Advisor (shrugging, flipping through the polls): "That depends. How do the donors feel about worms?"
Rubio (nodding slowly, taking a deep breath): "Then a worm I shall become."
A news broadcast scrolls across the screen: "Marco Rubio reverses stance on Russia, Ukraine, and the Budapest Memorandum. After once insisting that the U.S. had a 'moral obligation' to uphold security assurances given to Ukraine in 1994, he later dismissed the agreement as 'not a binding treaty.' Now, as Secretary of State under Donald Trump, Rubio is pressuring Ukraine to accept an unfavorable peace deal, advocating for lifting sanctions on Russia while simultaneously cutting military aid to Kyiv. Experts describe his flexibility as almost invertebrate-like. The advisor smirks.
Rubio stares blankly into the darkness, like a man who has just glimpsed his own future—and found it formless, spineless, without substance..
From:DELLA Bailey of Memphis, Tennessee:
ОтветитьWhat the people thinks about the sheets off paperworks the brolleaf off worrenties the medicals off ah" the Worden's, and the imployments elect integrities off the army ant" pay! There master's programs net survisis checking values
ОтветитьThe minus impurities,off ball.
ОтветитьThay can't see it, sandfly, the minus entities, there brol.
ОтветитьPages off pages and can't find there's,births rites there Worden's
ОтветитьAs a Brit I am very worried by the despicable way in which Pres. Zelensky was treated in the Oval Office. Clearly the US govt. is currently led by ignorant thuggish idiots! Trump is making the world a more dangerous and unsafe place - he is the one who is taking us all towards WW3, not Zelensky! It is obvious to any normal human being that he and his cronies are not fit for office and are conspiring to make the US appear ridiculous and crooked! The sooner they are kicked out the better! Should they be allowed to stay in power, then expect serious negative consequences for world peace!
ОтветитьThe smudge off production Worden's working scales would Thay really fite fore, a Ballance sheet off geormand stock the noe, lettering would it work,
ОтветитьBut yall keep voting for these clowns 😂🤣🤣😂
Congress aint doing a GD thing about hks decisions.
Congress is acting like its scared of Donald Trump 😲😲😲😲😲😲😲😲😲😲😲😲😲😲😲😲😲😲😲😲😲😲😲😲😲😲😲😲😲😲😲😲.
Congress is ""WEAK AS A MF!!!!"". 😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡
We don't have a GD Congress. 😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡
Donald Trump is acting like he is the Congress. 😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡.
What United States????
Congress is going to let other nations come into the United States and destroy the United States. 😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡 because they are scared of Donald Trump
You guys are lying through your teeth. The gangster is Zelinsky anyone who knows what’s going on knows that’s true anyone who knows what’s going on knows that the invasion was only necessary because NATO wanted to expand into Ukraine and because the Ukrainians had been bombing the Russian areas of Ukraine since 2014 after the Americans put in a different government in Ukraine.
ОтветитьYou’re a terrible terrible reporter and you’re extremely biased Nicole. Get on Team America.
ОтветитьI think the cameras were invited so tRUMP could show and prove to Pootin he’s a tough guy! The spy in the seat of the United States Of America is a very veryyy horrible man!
ОтветитьPuttin is popping Vodka before he does the champagne.
ОтветитьThe fact of the U S electorate chose and voted once again this obvious sham con man shows percisely the collective values of too many of our fellow citizens ! Trump has lied too much for so long with such petty persuasion that we are now impotent to do anything to redeem ourselves with nothing more than to wait until his presidential tenure expires , SADLY !
ОтветитьNot the Balkan states Joe , it's the BALTIC states that are spending more of their GDP to aid the Ukraine ! Just thought i would mention and correct it !
ОтветитьCommunism in Play
ОтветитьWhat make you laugh will make you cry God don’t like ugly at all what a man sow they will reap it will come back to you God see it all
ОтветитьDay after day reporting the USA journey towards Fuktardia must be a bit discouraging. Once it gets milder the Capitol will become crowded with Citizens who want this to end. They will succeed.
Don’t lose faith in what is right and don’t back down. Tom Petty would appreciate his strong understated mantra leading you forward.
They all need to go Trump frist then the rest go
ОтветитьCommunism at Play
ОтветитьTrump & Eyeliner Vance sold out American for 30 Rubles ..
ОтветитьTrump will not win a Noble prize..
ОтветитьSee The World is supporting Israel and Jesus Christ! Amen
ОтветитьIf I was Zelenskyy, I would make any deals with European countries. I wouldn't trust Trump and certainly not want to enter into any deals with him for any mineral rights. Not when he openly showed his support for Putin in my face on national TV and switched the script to say Ukraine started it when Russia started it. Zelenskyy was exercising admiral restraint. However, this is for Trump in honor of President Zelenskyy.
🖕🐑, 🐑💩🍊🤡. 😁
I thought impeached means out of office
ОтветитьHave we all forgotten the huge number of children Putin ha s taken from Ukraine? Maybe the republicans could send their children to Russia and then Putin would leave this small country alone
ОтветитьThey are enemies of the state, how much more proof do you need? And Lindsey Graham is a thousandfold turncoat, completely uncredible.
ОтветитьZelenskyy, is the President of his Country and Trump should resign from America! This isn’t a TV Show! Such a shame and disgrace! This is America! This is not a business man; Trump has failed at everything he touches after being given everything on a clean plate! He is a great failure!
ОтветитьTrump and Vance are Bullies!
ОтветитьRepublicans are puppets with no mind of their own
ОтветитьTrump wants attention, poor BABY
ОтветитьPutin may try to takeover this country.
ОтветитьBoth of them should be in jail trump and putin
ОтветитьWhen i hear bs like "it feels like we almost fully switched sides" it makes me sick!!! You completely and utterly switched sides!
ОтветитьTrump is an alien
Creature and he is a robot
Hate trump
Says lying MSNBC
liars liars pants on fire 🔥
Trump and Putin have been negotiating behind the scene for the rare earth and minerals that Ukraine has. They have been carving out Ukraine for their best interest. It’s not about NATO that’s just a deflection.
ОтветитьEurope should be smart and subsidize Ukraine for the purpose of owning red earth and minerals that is what Trump and Puter are after. NATO is just a deflection for the real excuse.
ОтветитьInstead of following trump blindly off a cliff, why don't the Republicans take him to a doctor. He needs help NOW. If this continues,in Trump's own words, "we won't have a country anymore"
ОтветитьPresident Zelensky is such a wonderful human being. God bless you. Stay strong.
ОтветитьThere's always been something very sinister about Trump, and if those Americans that didn't see it from the beginning, then they're just plain lost idiots.
ОтветитьMarco Rubio knew if he didn't take the position. He would have to face the wrath of all those Latins who voted for Frump whose undocumented family members, friends and associates are now looking at deportation from sunny
Florida. I'm hoping he gets dragged into the morass.
Take a closer look at him... when is the last time he went for medical check-up? Won't get long before...😂🤣🤔😡🤬👎🤡🤑💵💰
ОтветитьThis is a pre-planned arrangement. "We"ll distract them and cripple the Federal Workforce, stop giving intelligence and funding to Ukraine so you can get it back and ypu help us get Panama Canal and Greenland. We have all the power." Everyone watches it happen. He is a traitor and should be arrested for treason.
ОтветитьMike waltz, and marco rubio, should resign immediately, as should lindsay Graham, theseguys change their tunes, at the drop of the hat, you dont ambush an ally,IN PUBLICno less, because trump wants regime change in Ukraine, so he can put a putin favorable president in power, who will work with putin, to create a land grab deal, gtfoh!¡
ОтветитьGram is spineless embarrassing
ОтветитьDonald tromp he an traitor to America.. he needs to be impeached and Elon must go to jail,, reason they are trying to steal money from from Medicaid and social security… and eliminate other programs that help the fortunate… Im not a rich men, but wend see someone digging in garbage my hearth breakers and find myself paying for breakfast or lunch a person in need… this people want to make situation where very poor people to die, they want that number to grow by taking people retirement funds.. so, this people are not human. They are the scam of the earth.. to stop Tromp impeachment immediately…😮😮😮😮 senate must up hold the law and remove these dirty people…🥸🥸🥸
ОтветитьUS hypocrisy If Russia is the evil state,so is Israel