SmartBox Shark Tooth Fixture Box

SmartBox Shark Tooth Fixture Box


8 лет назад

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@hollysisti2353 - 31.10.2020 15:51

Where exactly do the wires feed through? There is absolutely no instruction or diagram on it. First time doing this, I got the hole cut but now I'm stuck with this wire issue. HELP

@scottgoebel4671 - 16.12.2020 03:23

I just received a couple of these. I will give them a try. I have a few of the allied products round old work boxes. They are too large in diameter and the wings do not work. I'm crossing my fingers on these.

@WyattFamilyonUTUBE - 26.04.2021 05:17

The hole saw is useless. It wore down past the teeth before I even got a 1/4 inch into the wall.

@ericcoggins966 - 21.11.2021 01:30

Absolute garbage. The 9/16 snapped before getting half way through the wall.

@854Z - 02.12.2021 01:31

What’s the max weight capacity? The video says it comes with 6-32 holes so I’m guessing 25lbs? Thats awfully allot for a cut in box only supported by Sheetrock.

@pfschuyler - 21.06.2022 21:07

The soundtrack really adds everything.....

@auntcatziegler3791 - 16.07.2022 04:51

So, the claw part is a single use plastic? They're probably not biodegradable... can we re-use them?

@MakinNBreakin - 24.07.2023 01:36

Used one of these for the first time today. They're great!

@cheri-sb5qf - 03.02.2024 17:25

I tried this Smartbox sharktooth...IT DIDNT WORK😢

@cheri-sb5qf - 03.02.2024 17:30

Tried this...regular drywall..didnt even cut an 1/8 into drywall. I have a lot of experience...this just didnt work as advertised😢

@1950Archangel - 20.03.2024 19:13

Was real excited about this cause I REEEALLY didn't want to buy a an actual metal saw (this is the ONLY time I'll be drilling such a hole!) {sigh} Even read the directions a few times and watched EVERY vid I could find. Have a GOOD Bosch drill. The center 'point' went it pretty well; and I was careful to touch-down the 'teeth' on a slight angle as the directions said. Not trying to force, letting the teeth cut... (Got all those directions echoing in my head, starting from my dad back in my teen years!)

It SEEMED to be doing a bit of digging, then it got bound. Started over. And over. And over. By the time the teeth were gone, I had... maybe a 1/16" (nice round) 'abrasion' in the wallboard. Okay: dry wall saw it is! {shrug} *I* cut a nice hole for the box with the handsaw. So, not excited for the thing: it was helpful -- but not good enough.

@wendy4295 - 07.01.2025 07:25

Installed this in about 10 minutes this evening, super quick and easy!! It cut through the drywall like butter.
