How They’re Currently Feeling About You| PICK A CARD In-Depth Love Tarot Reading

How They’re Currently Feeling About You| PICK A CARD In-Depth Love Tarot Reading


3 года назад

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@xy510a - 11.10.2024 08:39

Pile 4❤ thank you Eso ❤❤

@marieantoine - 23.10.2024 00:21

Why did the pile I picked matched so much with my situation 😞 I feel hopeless and just wanna move on but idk how. I hope time will make me forget. Because wishing for the other person to want to fix things between us is.. never mind. I know he'll never say sorry for something he doesn't truly feel sorry for. I'm ready to accept if this is really the end for us.

@emilyle9635 - 25.10.2024 09:18

You know its crazy that this reading popped up only 3 years later. 😳😳😳😳 Pile 2. We are done

@JustinRoyCrouch - 28.10.2024 11:37

It’s what we believe we perceive

@JustinRoyCrouch - 28.10.2024 12:02

ESO your beautiful soul thank you for helping me with my mind you just pulled me back out of the dark that I was letting my mind fall in your like a real deal Jesus

@JustinRoyCrouch - 28.10.2024 12:03

You are needed more then you might know

@JustinRoyCrouch - 28.10.2024 12:05

I’m like a lion with no courage some times but you just restored my courage thank you

@JustinRoyCrouch - 28.10.2024 12:13

Thank you

@JustinRoyCrouch - 28.10.2024 12:26

I know what you are saying your giving me info now on me and Lilly that I blew the connection that fell apart

@JustinRoyCrouch - 28.10.2024 12:29

I will leave this till after I have a sleep so I don’t make any more problems thoughts I am having mind troubles at the moment I should not have my mind here while it’s like this it’s not your fault it’s my mind I suffer bipolar girl

@JustinRoyCrouch - 28.10.2024 12:37

I want to save the ship with both saved

@JustinRoyCrouch - 28.10.2024 12:37

I won’t to stand up and fight for this connection

@JustinRoyCrouch - 28.10.2024 12:39

This is my own free will my choice to keep the connection going and I’m coming good now my minds settling again

@JustinRoyCrouch - 28.10.2024 12:40

I do want it to keep going I want to fix heal and rehabilitate this

@JustinRoyCrouch - 28.10.2024 12:40

It sure does effect the inner peace but I’m finding peace again now

@JustinRoyCrouch - 28.10.2024 12:41

And I will let go of trying to control and let spirit lead again

@JustinRoyCrouch - 28.10.2024 12:42

Thank you I have love in my heart and my mind is coming well again

@elysiamorris3286 - 30.10.2024 17:30

Not a 3 year old reading resonating omgg

@empressgoddess111 - 10.11.2024 18:13

Omg. Pile four ! We met on Roomster a year ago last October 2023. I rented his master room from him .

We are for sure past lives soul mates. It was confirmed by a friend who reads tarot.

I thought I sunk it a few weeks ago, with me foolishly getting into my masculine energy for an intoxicated moment....
I still have to remain femm...
Although he just now woke to a burnt pit of lentil bean soup cuz I forgot about cuz I was so into this read ...!! I hope this isn't a set back cuz this is how men are , one little thing and they can change their mind about a can be nail biting...
But I LOVE LOVE LOVE THIS READ ! I pray it all works out. I'm saving and will keep you posted.

Thanks so much,!

@empressgoddess111 - 10.11.2024 19:06

Its ironic that this read you're giving quite a lengthy discussion about whether or not if you could should continue these love reads and this happens to be the absolute best love read for me ever ( pile four !! ) of them all for me. I just pray it works out for me.

And women our number one need is security and we God knows this this is how we're made.
I just think it's completely necessary to continue to do as many love reads as possible because the number one highest vibration in the world is love

The song,

"you think that people would have had enough of silly love songs.

I look around me and I see it isn't so , whoa no "

Some people want to fill the world with silly love sons...

But what's wrong with that???

I'd like to know.

Cuz here I go..


I love you !!
Paul McCartney.

@RimaTheBoss - 12.11.2024 11:08

3rd pile fully resonated

@jazelcanwrite - 26.11.2024 05:18

I appreciate you @esotarot ❤❤❤ watching this in 2024. Do what you love. 🎉😊

@robin-f2s8y - 07.12.2024 16:49

pile 4 whoa

@izzyybabe - 10.12.2024 07:14

Pile 3. This really hit, I am so connected to a past fling and cannot seem to surrender right now. I really appreciate this

@liliprager5939 - 11.12.2024 23:47

Thank you Eso for all your work!❤ Your readings are best

@liliprager5939 - 11.12.2024 23:49

This topic is what i want to see😍 loving your readings

@spyraalexandra5742 - 19.12.2024 06:39

I love these types, I usually am curious about what's going on with others. You've been the best at resonating with situations. Keep up the good work and do what you enjoy!

@spyraalexandra5742 - 19.12.2024 20:37

Cackling at the submissive and breedable. I spit my drink out!

@raychillsnider176 - 21.12.2024 08:01

I would love to see a love reading about our person of interest/so/sp etc. and their struggles with the connection, such as how or why are they struggling with the connection and what we can learn from this or advice, but is along the lines of what are their current feelings... But specifically in a sense of maybe them holding back, or just I guess what are the struggling with, even if it's just minor or fun playful stuff ! I'm sure you could shape it better than I'm explaining haha

@katiep9240 - 24.12.2024 20:48

Eso, you are gifted and very accurate in all your readings. You’ve helped guide me into a new version of myself for years. I’m thankful and grateful for every message you send. ❤

@vautumnb1 - 28.12.2024 06:54

You are fantastic so do what makes you happy 🎉 I appreciate your reading. It is December 2024! Still wonderful!❤

@adelinahernandez3330 - 10.01.2025 12:40

Omgggg Thanks for Sharing!!! At the beginning. I relate so much. I have my own like tarot pages and stuff too and love readings are my favoriteeee to make and the genre im beat at. Yet i had been feeling guilty too lately, i feel my guides wanted me to Hear this as a sign definitely! Anyways love your videos!❤

@danielam1247 - 12.01.2025 17:00

You are the best tarot reader I've ever seen, your readings are so on point I just can't!

@wolfcry087 - 12.01.2025 18:52

Pile 3 👌
There were multiple times where you called me out and elicited certain reactions from me that made me more aware of my ego. It seems I may still act or think sometimes from it despite my efforts not to. When you had said to stop assuming that this person doesn’t feel the same way about me, I had grimaced with disbelief. Previously, you had also said something about stopping assuming that I'm not good enough for this person and that I'll be easily replaced by someone else, I felt a dual reaction where I immediately furrowed my brows and denied I felt that way, knowing I am special and enough, but I also felt a quieter stir of something else rise within me, which was most likely fear... And to think this reading was three years ago 😭 it resonates so true to me now.

@Aqua444angel - 17.01.2025 21:37

Esso you make me laugh!

@redribbonshoe - 22.01.2025 15:58

@Mar-sunshineflowlove - 27.01.2025 17:42


@Mar-sunshineflowlove - 27.01.2025 17:57

♍️ moon to ♍️ moon the reading is spot on

@OloveMeowiesCreations-63945 - 29.01.2025 01:41

Very eye opening! Some of it I have known or sensed and now with the clarity you showed me I now KNOW what I need to do!!! Thank you so very much. I was inmediately drawn to your gorgeous Calcite! May I be so bold as to ask where I may find one like it? You are Awesome and spot on with your reading. I just subscribed and thank you! ❤😊❤😊❤😊❤😊❤

@angelloves888 - 29.01.2025 02:13

Pile 3 , im the vulture for sure i have mars and venus in scorpio, definitely grew and been through some harsh shut in my life , im always growing, im not even the same as i was a day ago sag sun gem moon and rising as well. I had a lot of patience with my person but i cant stand their ego anymore. They dont admit mistakes and their victim mindset is unexplainable how much bothers me. I feel like a divine feminine honestly. Im very independent strong and secure about my appearance, my goals where im standing. I appreciate what i have every day and i write positive affirmations always. I lost a lot of weight (85kg) and cut of antidepressants after cutting them off. I got rid of my depression. I went to church often i started walking every day makes me happy. Im very abundant right now in my life starting to accept this easy mode life and patience. Talked to them yesterday but they were cold and they didnt want to talk bc of their ego. I didnt get sad i told them that i wont accept any breadcrumbing nobody and i mean it nobody will ever want to be with your ass if u are acting like that😂stand on your ground and stop the bs. The person i used to talk to was bsing all the time about a lot. Im just very done with them in general. I want them to talk straightforward and tell me that they are in love with me because i can feel it that they are hiding them from them. They are obsessed with me even there is no way. I dont know if i should accept them but i honestly texted them bc i am moving abroad and i was about to talk to them about what happened and come into peace. The more i grow my scorpio becomes libra. The more i grow the more forgiving i tend to be. My mom gave me an advice from my birth chart and told me to start forgiving people and not hold hatred. And i wanted to share this, after i did yesterday, i felt free even if i shaded them at the end about the breadcrumbs 😂i told them before that im at peace with what happened and i forgive the situation and myself firstly. They had many insecurities and they still do , and i feel they are facing difficulties with their family. I feel that they hate me cause they told me that they got tremendous anger about me. And i was like they are defo jealous of how much i glowed up. I still want to talk to them from close but i feel like they are going to fight honestly i want them to shoot their ass down and listen to what im about to say 😂cause its about to be hella funny. No but im going to be at peace and talk with patience cause trust this person needs A LOT of patience but i know for a fact that they defo have a lot of emotions for me. I feel that they dont like the fact that they have feelings for me and they are rejecting it. Honestly i need a tarot reading about my person i wanna know a lot... If u doing personals i wanna know about prices ngl❤thanks

@paudax8601 - 02.02.2025 18:11

No shame on love readings. Often, when people try to make others feel bad about something, it is a reflection of themselves rather than a reflection of you. Keep doing what you want in life! You choose your path and no one else can live your life for you. Peace and love ❤

@flowerchildvoid - 10.02.2025 20:20

Pile 1 <3

@celestial.linds27 - 07.03.2025 04:26

Pile 2: OMG!!! I’m a Scorp (mouse) and my husband is an Aries (fire ant) and the description is exactly what’s lead to our divorce. Girl, if I could tell you my story… well, you’re kind of reading it aren’t you? 😅

@anacosta992 - 07.03.2025 08:30

You do you babe! I love to know about love and your insights are wonderful, your advices are precious ❤

@lananhtrucle2776 - 09.03.2025 15:11

2. twinflame dynamic

@Anonymous-dw8gc - 11.03.2025 19:30

Pile 4 really resonate with me but he has a gf so we don’t talk atm 😌

@christinenotchristine - 15.03.2025 04:41

pile 3

@lynettemazur9924 - 21.03.2025 16:23

Fuck the haters!!! We love ALL of your readings, especially the love ones 🙌🏼🫶🏼💯
