Fujifilm XH1 2023: Should You Buy It or Look for a Newer Model?

Fujifilm XH1 2023: Should You Buy It or Look for a Newer Model?


1 год назад

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@perigee1275 - 20.12.2024 20:10

Still a nice camera. And still a heavy oversized mirrorless.

@ChuckMarteau - 09.12.2024 21:30

Great camera, horrible battery life.

@TIM123451ERR - 08.10.2024 23:41

Xh1 vs xt2?

@clevelandke - 14.08.2024 02:37

it was encouraging listening to you. Been on the fence about buying the XH1 for my wedding works and this just gave me the push to purchase it. I am also a fan of using older cameras. I use the Canon 5D mark 3. I have been contempplating moving to fuji for the longest time and i am glad that i am now finally doing it with the XH1.

Thank you

@TopshelfJunior - 11.07.2024 05:20

X-H1 or X-T1, which should I get ?! I need the camera with some SOUL, something special inside..

@leiflindqvist9095 - 10.04.2024 10:05

Very good and relevant comments. I have been photographing since long before digital cameras were even thought of. I had a developing darkroom in the bathroom. All my Canon digital cameras are now quite old considering the developments. I have been looking at Fujifilm cameras…..you have helped me decide, I will try a used X-H1. I think it can give me a bit of that nice old analog feel with a modern digital result. (However, a few weeks later. I bought an X-S10 and two lenses. I am very happy with the camera and the possibilities it gives. There is a lot to learn and practice in a modern feature rich camera.)

@rogerwhitefield3782 - 30.03.2024 09:02

great video bro
I had an X-H1 and fell for the X-Pro3 then wondered why I kept getting blurry shots.... oh I relied on the IBIS heaps !! so I sold it and bought an X-T4 , now looking for another X-H1 due to budget, can't wait to get back to a camera I was actually quite happy with

@williamvesterberg1107 - 26.03.2024 23:01

Is a Xh1 with battery grip and 3 batteries for 650$ good? Im considering switching from sony a7riii

@martingreenberg870 - 11.02.2024 05:08

I just purchased an XH1. I don’t need the higher speced features. I only use video for clips.

Found a great deal on Craigslist for this body. The price was OK but the package came with a Fuji 23 f2 and two nonfuji lenses.

I’m ambivalent about this body. I do street photography and this body is big and heavy. Not the best tool for the job. I just ordered an excellent condition grip from MPB and awaiting delivery. This of course makes the body even bigger and heavier.

Loved the images you shared. The colors are vibrant. I was hoping you’d share the attributes you appreciated with this body.

I am looking forward to using an Xtrans3 sensor. I’ve seen images produced from this sensor on yours and other videos and they are gorgeous. Now I have an XH1 I will see from myself.

I’ve heard that FW updates improved the performance and added features. Wish I can find out more about this.

Mask On Nurse Marty (Ret)

@eljstreets - 01.02.2024 07:18

im rocking the xpro1 rn and looking to get the xh1, getting the latest and greatest to me is OD great video thank you

@thorgrimb2416 - 10.11.2023 05:08

Just ordered an X-T30 ii but have to wait for stock to come in. This is to go with my X-T1 and replace my old Sony NEX7, but hey, only need lenses for one mount now.
I have been looking at the upgrade for a while, and the choice was to go full into Fuji or keep both with more limited lens selection for both, so either buy a a6400 mainly for better video or buy a Fuji body ie X-S10 or used X-T3. Hadnet really looked at the X-T30 ii, but it meets most of my needs.

I've been a big fan of Fuji's colours and low light performance since my trusty old Fuji S Pro 1but back when I switched to mirrorless to save weight and bulk Sony was really the only choice one I admit I had zero issues withand wish I could have both fully ie 3 zooms and 3-4 primes which for me is enough for my meager needs.

I am looking forward hopefully testing for myself the difference between xtrans2 and xtrans4.

@grillforce5941 - 09.11.2023 03:55

Still using a xt100, maybe it's a good choice updating to xh1

@auleconservatorio8157 - 27.09.2023 18:11

Congratulations for the portraits you take. Great shots!

@Icelandscapes - 31.08.2023 18:47

A really good and honest opinion. Image quality and added technology does not make you a better photographer 🙂

@vadergrd - 04.08.2023 20:20

i am looking at xh1 now .sh ~450 500 euros

@dingbat19 - 20.07.2023 13:18

X-H1 is ridiculously good value on the used market - it is a crazy good camera for the money, being really well made and with excellent IBIS, EVF, controls. Downsides are getting used to the super sensitive shutter, the continuous AF is not great, eye detect AF more limited than with X-T3, X-T4 or X-T5/X-H2 (e.g. no eye AF in AF-C !!). Also the battery - this camera EATS batteries - get the vertical grip - you need the latter if you want to use boost mode that speeds up AF and EVF refresh anyway

@chloescanlon1107 - 13.07.2023 17:45

The rear LCD mechanism is far better on the X-H1. I despise that damn side hinged flippy, flappy screen on the H-H2. It’s too slow and conspicuous.

@itacatv2146 - 03.07.2023 16:57

XH1 has the Xtrans 3, not “Xtrans 2”.
I could be wrong, but I think the XT2 has the same one.

@novavin1140 - 02.07.2023 07:40

Will anyone recommend this as my first ever mirrorles and first ever fuji camera?, I used to shoot with my old nikon d5200 and considered it's time to get a mirrorless

@renatobajardo8855 - 25.06.2023 21:27

Hi, do you think that the new AF (X-T3/4) should help with sport shot (basket)? Is the X-H1 good enough for that?

@jordancruz9843 - 22.06.2023 17:50

Tron between getting the SX10 vs the XH1 😢

@deathblowgeorg - 18.06.2023 10:35

XH1s can be had for under $600 these days. I just picked up one for $550! Probably the best camera I ever bought for this kind of money.

@Chazyfizzlez - 11.06.2023 08:35

Of course it’s still good. The XT1 and XPro1 are still good (I own and use both). Let’s be honest. If you don’t need all the video features of newer cameras and you’re using it for still photography only like landscape or portraits, any Fuji body in the last 10 years is just fine.

@SuyePhoto - 30.05.2023 09:29

Awesome shots!!

@driftfits - 25.05.2023 08:33

I’ve been torn. I have Canon glass and could go with a 1DX (or mark ii) or grab a the x-h2 to add another body. I sold my x-pro3 and kept my x-h1
I’ll probably hold off and possibly just add another lens to my collection to remind myself i dont need another body, it’s a hobby not income. Thinking the fuji 50mm f/1.0 or viltrox 75mm f/1.2

@6042833 - 22.05.2023 00:30

If you ask me to pick up only one Fuji camera it will be X-H1.
Camera is built to last forever. Shame the newest Fuji cameras is not built up to same standard.

@tomislavmiletic_ - 14.05.2023 14:19

Still have both X-H1 & X-T2, both of them bought new, and didn't upgraded since, they fit my bill...

@tambokpatikan3700 - 13.05.2023 20:58

Finally somebody pointed out that upgrading most of the time is just for convenience.

That's why I actually just wanna upgrade cameras every 6-7 years to actually notice a difference. Came from a D7000, upgraded to a X-T3 and the only thing I wish the X-T3 has was IBIS that's all, other than that it's the perfect camera for me and probably 10 years to come.

But sad story after almost 4 years my X-T3 is malfunctioning, shutter speed dial is not matching the actual shutter speed and would most likely cost $350-$500 to get fixed.

So yeah, probably better to get a new camera then spend that much. Contemplating between the X-T5, X-S20 or X-Pro4 maybe? GAS much. 😅

@SconeBone5678 - 06.05.2023 20:09

Still using the X-T2, still loving the images im getting, might change sometime in the next year if I start doing more video

@99985cc - 04.05.2023 22:37

I don’t do video. Still rocking with the XH1 as the grip pairs nice w the 16-55 and 50-140. Dual slots + weather sealing is great.

@jjstarrprod - 04.05.2023 20:55

Little correction : The X-T2 and X-H1 were indeed on the same sensor which was... the X-Trans 3 (not 2, that was the model for X-T1 and X-T10). I remember it was quite an uproar in the whole Fuji fam to have the X-H1 being a flaghship camera at nearly 2000$... To be outclassed by the X-T3 just a mere 6 months later with a brand new sensor X-Trans 4, a new processor as well, overall much better AF and video capabilites, all of that for 1600$ (only minus the big grip, top screen and IBIS).

Back to the point, frankly, I still shoot with my trusty X-H1 slapped with a Mitakon manual 35mm f0.95 and X-T3 combo since 2018, and I'm having a BLAST ! Always !
Just came back from a Star Wars May the 4th gathering and GODDAMN I've got some money shots in there !

And btw, you might have mil... Thousands of subs, but that's thousands that LOVE you, so hey, imagine being in a room with thousands of people in front of you, shouting your name, and you're on the freakking Hall H of Comic Con for a Marvel movie, man !

@JavierCarrillo01 - 04.05.2023 15:02

Nice photos

@krisceuppens5273 - 04.05.2023 13:28

i still regularly use my xt20 (silver) when I want to go lighter than light!
i still regularly use my d810, have that almost 9 years now...

@bychrisjones - 04.05.2023 06:37

I was running the XT2 and X100V last year, sold my X100V off he hype, got the xh1 for ibis, probably won’t upgrade till the xt4 drops down in price for slight sensor upgrade and flippy screen. XS-10 could be a cop too if I give up the vertical grip option

@hainguyenhoang9583 - 03.05.2023 17:52

tôi cũng đang sử dụng X-H1 và rất hài lòng ❤

@hainguyenhoang9583 - 03.05.2023 17:51

ảnh đẹp vãi ông Tùng ạ 😂❤

@SpiritLifeMinistriesInt - 03.05.2023 01:06

Yep I've had 3 or 4 xh1's. Amazing camera

@dandanu2526 - 01.05.2023 22:44

Why wouldn't these cameras be good nowadays..some of us are using cameras from 2013 with very good results..i love my xh1 ,together with xs 10 ! Great video,great photos,as always! Love ya too!:))

@dan.knows.photography - 30.04.2023 15:25

Xt2 gang gang

@photobritain - 30.04.2023 14:56

The Fujifilm X-H1 is an awesome camera. The flippy screen is awesome for street photos and video.

@stuartblink - 30.04.2023 11:59

X-H1, which I got used this year which gave me more budget to invest in lenses

@oxeneers - 29.04.2023 20:19

Wild how well Fujifilm gear ages, man. Imagine the X-H2 in a few years -- so amped. Great points dude, totally agree.

@jarek916 - 29.04.2023 11:40

Love that camera my combo is XH1/XPro2 . Your pic. looks amazing..!!!

@thomashill5768 - 29.04.2023 07:44

My XT20 still going strong. Most of the time I still reach for it over my XT3

@ChacoOutdoorsman - 29.04.2023 00:24

Love your jokes 😂, also awesome content 🤘

@josecolon8143 - 28.04.2023 23:00

Any camera is good in 2023 from the AE-1 to the Sigma Merril! ALL !!!!! What suck is people! People don’t want to learn they just want to copy others!

@pascalneydt6329 - 28.04.2023 22:33

Oui je me sers toujours de mo XH 1 et je ne compte pas m'en séparer. Merci.

@Wolfgahto - 28.04.2023 22:07

Hey Tongue, Good video and to answer your question on what Fujifilm cameras I am still using? I am still shooting with the Fujifilm X-T2, XPro2, XH-1 and lastly the X-T3 each have their place for the style I want to shoot. I think that is the best thing about the Fujifilm system they have a body that fits every style or need, but the lenses which are where the real know makes the quality of an image shine all work on every camera body.
