The Christian Avengers | EP. 100

The Christian Avengers | EP. 100

George Janko

7 дней назад

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@naomirayo3870 - 03.03.2025 21:11

Hey George. Love the mission but i do feel it would have been nice if you talked a bit less ans gave others more of a chance to talk. Would have been nice to hear more from cliff, stuart and ruslan. I know they were quiet due to humility but would have been nice to hear more from their perspectives as they are more seasoned Christians as well.

@doom5277 - 03.03.2025 21:25

Voice of Reason would educate all of you. Yall are so lost

@ElizaCeci - 03.03.2025 21:26

This is very much NOT the belief of Catholics about 'un-aliving yourself'. We are taught to honor and preserve life and also trust that God alone will offer grace and mercy.

Here's what the catechism says: We should not despair of the eternal salvation of persons who have taken their own lives. By ways known to him alone, God can provide the opportunity for salutary repentance. The Church prays for persons who have taken their own lives (CCC 2283)

I was saved just a few years ago and am now becoming Catholic BECAUSE of the Lord teaching me of His True Presence in the most Holy Eucharist. I too was closed off and judgmental about Catholicism and now I'm becoming one through God's infinite love! Now going to mass is the most holy, precious, and joyful time for me. If Protestants really knew that they could receive the FULLNESS of Jesus in the mass I think more would at least be open to learning about the Church Jesus established.

Read John 6 and pray the Lord reveals His Truth to you. I pray George will repent, learn (read the early church fathers and what they believed about the Eucharist like Ignatius of Antioch or Justin the Martyr), and maybe have some conversations with Catholics on these topics.


@TopComment213 - 03.03.2025 21:36

We are the light. We go to dark places. Like the mission field. Not strip clubs. Jesus was not in sinful environments. Having dinner with sinners is not going to the bar and being in a place where sin thrives. Wanna let your light shine? Be a missionary. Come to a place like here in Peru where the majority is idolatrous Catholics. Then you will stand out as a light.

Ответить - 03.03.2025 21:55

Interesting all the RCC comments; I am not RCC but since when do they expect a seat at the table in the largest protestant and total christian country in the world? I actually agree with Ruslan though a lot and it would be cool to have the other perspectives.

@Fkfkf-djdkm - 03.03.2025 21:57

Committing suicide and dying in a road range while angered are two completely different things I believe it’s the intention of committing suicide and knowing what comes after if you go through with it now don’t quote me on that though also if u die in road rage anything can happen the other person can hit u or ur so mad u might swerve idk to many variables. But yeah thats two diff things. Very cool podcast❤

@Michelle071 - 03.03.2025 22:08

Praying for all of these Christian avengers to come home to the One, Holy, Apostolic Catholic Church!! The Church’s teachings have clear solid and beautiful answers to all the questions that were not clearly answered in this podcast.
Love you all!!
-your sister in Christ (former Protestant)

@candicephillips6858 - 03.03.2025 23:03

Thank you all for this conversation.

To those angry with the imperfections of George: he is still learning. He is open to learning. He is able to receive direction. Not at any time does he say he knows it all. Give him some grace. He isn’t Cliff or Billy Graham. He is still a baby Christian. However HE IS spreading the Gospel. HE IS sharing his faith. HE IS talking about Jesus on this platform.

George, your humility is honorable. I pray you keep fighting the good fight. God loves you❤

@isaiahmercuv17 - 03.03.2025 23:11

God Bless. Thank y’all for the wisdom. 🙏

@lis4846 - 03.03.2025 23:45

Since when did christians become celebrities who go sell out tickets and go on tour? It's getting weird these days.

@Diaxminator - 03.03.2025 23:48

Read John 6 bro, Jesus' words. No symbolic clarification and literal language is used "true food & true drink".

@Pryor-fi5jl - 03.03.2025 23:54


@lis4846 - 04.03.2025 00:17

Can I just say how classy and stylish Georges wife is? I don't even know her name but I just had to.☺

@angieruthw - 04.03.2025 00:22

I CANNOT believe a so called theological scholar thinks the Catholic teaching on Mary is that she was conceived by the Holy Spirit and said it ONLINE as a FACT. How embarrassing

@eatemupjonny - 04.03.2025 00:47

Heretics speaking heresy - what’s new?

@MisterrSZ - 04.03.2025 00:59


@Ultimat3Drummer - 04.03.2025 01:09

I truly loved listening to yall while at work. This is the type of fellowship I long for and have not been able to find in a church.

@ZarathustraX - 04.03.2025 01:19

Cliff, no Catholic believes Mary's mother was a virgin. What on Earth or you talking about? You can't make up nonsense to try and make us look foolish.

@TheOpenCouchPodcast - 04.03.2025 01:37

Love the episode❤❤ big fan of Ruslan but I notice that Cliff, his son and Ruslan were the ones who spoke the least. I wonder why? Love you guys

@SnubMonk - 04.03.2025 01:59

Definitely the evangelical avengers, definitely not the Christian avengers. Not even the protestant avengers, you guys are so terribly misinformed.

@xYuzyx - 04.03.2025 02:01

We need a behind the scenes and all the videos of everyone on campus that they kept talking about!!!!

@ColinCreighton - 04.03.2025 02:06

Disappointed that George had no Catholics or Orthodox on. I hope he tries harder in his learning about the teachings of the Apostles and the early Church.

@andre.eccard - 04.03.2025 02:26

Thank you, "Avengers" for making me even more Catholic than I actually was. Good job!

@ChopGutta415 - 04.03.2025 02:35

Heretic Avengers

@siaosivatuvei9498 - 04.03.2025 02:48

Trent horn said stop being a bichh and invite for a one on one discussion 😂😂


@jimhunter6795 - 04.03.2025 05:00

The doctrines of Catholicism on justification follow plainly from the scriptures. It’s always like claws on a chalkboard to hear Protestants acting like their very forced exegesis is somehow just obvious to anyone who reads the Bible. Quite the opposite.

This isn’t to mention that a merely symbolic understanding of the Eucharist is similarly forced (although I can see how someone comes to something more like a Lutheran understanding on it).

@JSTL610 - 04.03.2025 05:21

I think it’s just awesome that George you put yourself on the line. And you pulled all these awesome minds of the faith together to talk about hard faith questions that a lot of people ask. I feel bad that you get judged by people when you put yourself on the line. But I respect it hardcore that you are bold with your opinions.

@izzywestwood5914 - 04.03.2025 05:59

Odd how u talk about Catholics yet don’t even have a Catholic on here. Scared of the truth?😭

@stillatshore - 04.03.2025 06:17

two good choices would be Dr. John Bergsma and/or Dr. Scott Hahn, who were both Protestant pastors and are now Catholic scholars. i’m praying for you George.

@Grimxonic - 04.03.2025 06:41

Catholicism is unbiblical, Satan is doing a really good job with so many people believing in it. God bless my Catholic brothers and sisters.

@Cloud550vv - 04.03.2025 06:45

John 3:16 “For God so loved the world that He gave His One and Only Son so that whoever believes in Him, shall not perish but have eternal life” God loves you no matter what, never forget that!😊😊1$

@CapKingDeluxe - 04.03.2025 06:57

Icons are idols - says the man regarding himself and his mates as Christian Heroes

@Grimxonic - 04.03.2025 07:01

Catholics: They didn't have anyone representing us!

It's the CHRISTIAN avengers! I guess they should have had a Jehovah's Witness and Mormon on the podcast too? They are all unbiblical. I pray for my brothers and sisters confused in their faith. We all love God and accept Jesus Christ as our Lord and Savior, that is what is most important, but please just have faith in God's Word.

@dhiyajohn7034 - 04.03.2025 07:09

It's like the muslims saying how could God eat, be nurtured by a mother. If the Son of God could become a mere human why could He be the same presence in the Eucharist to be with us till the end of time.

@JMC992.9 - 04.03.2025 07:31

Yall were missing Sam Shamoun

@JesusIsTheWay300 - 04.03.2025 07:42

Have to respect George’s ability to ask the tough questions that many of his viewers may be thinking. 🙏🏾

@jessicasahagun759 - 04.03.2025 08:27

george you lack humility brother. big time.

@GotthardHeinrici-o5j - 04.03.2025 10:20

The baptist advengers😂😂

@frogs_under_your_bed - 04.03.2025 10:46

I pray you repent for the blasphemy you so brazenly committed against Jesus Christ our Lord.

The simple fact is, none of these "Avengers" would dare debate or even sit down to discuss with Trent Horn, Jimmy Akin, Matt Fradd, Voice of Reason, or Iron Inquisitor because they'd be out of their depth. This episode also sadly points to an unfortunate truth: it simply doesn't matter how much historical evidence you present to a Protestant, they'll cling to Sola Scriptura like it's a lifeboat. There is unanimous consent among the Church Fathers, both patristic and apostolic, on the topic of regenerative baptism. I challenge anyone reading this to find a single Father with a protestant-sounding position on baptism. You won't find it. The Catholic Church has the full weight of historical proof behind it on the doctrine of baptismal regeneration, and yet some Protestants, especially low church ones, do not agree.

It's sad, and I hope you do bring on some Catholic apologists. Trent Horn offered.

@tea-he8ei - 04.03.2025 11:02

All of the Roman Catholics in the comments demand representation. 😂 It's a podcast. Go to Congress for your representation.

@GeorgeJanko - 21.02.2025 08:11

Thank you for watching the 100th episode! God willing, I’ll have the chance to sit with some Catholic and Orthodox brothers and sisters sometime this season—I’d love to learn from their perspective. Grateful for all your love and support! ❤️
