Danny Sheehan's main concerns about the Psionic Program's potential misconduct - Psicoactivo #323

Danny Sheehan's main concerns about the Psionic Program's potential misconduct - Psicoactivo #323

Psicoactivo Podcast

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@Crodmog83 - 27.02.2025 21:01

They make a lot of claims but never show any proof. Im covinced a lot of these people are bad actors pushing an evil agenda. Dont be sheep

@sarahmattie728 - 27.02.2025 21:10

Born in '73, I was in an accelerated education program grades 4,5&6 in California. Some of the students were a part of the GATE program as well. I recall lots of time with those headphones. Now that I'm thinking back it's interesting that our yearly trip was to Catalina island (twice) and Yosemite, two locations of high strangeness 🤔

@PaulSawczyc - 27.02.2025 21:16

You are off on a wild goose chase --- let's see a live alien that is obviously not human.

@sagesleuth - 27.02.2025 21:53

Thank you, Danny!!! They have never stopped.

@jdubeau007 - 27.02.2025 22:33

Children do need to be protected. This sounds like another Pizzagate conspiracy. Does "Comet Ping Pong" ring bell?
A comet is an icy body that releases gas when near the Sun. Does anyone remember Heaven's Gate?

@63parisdiamonds - 27.02.2025 22:34

The Gateway program, yes I remember signing papers on that year's ago.
My daughter was excited about the Program.
I had questioned the entire thing was sus a bit.
Gifted and Talented, first 3 letters
She also graduated ahead of her class. She was also the child I was pregnant with when I seen a UFO.
Many years ago.

@KevinMurillo-y4c - 27.02.2025 22:37

If something can be militarized for the benefit of national security. You best believe the military has been studying it and has weaponized it.

Certain drugs drugs have a military counter type. MilDMT and others used for near death experiences (NDE) which is used to study consciousness. They most like use Autistic children for military purposes, using them to memorize codes that they wouldn’t want held in a hard drive, remote viewing, PSI related things.
Everything starts in military research nd makes its way to the open.

@williamdudleybass9302 - 27.02.2025 22:47

Unless extinction is imminent, children shouldn’t ever be used as combatants/child slave labor, etc.. Good for Danny Sheehan. All this makes me wonder, however, if these operations were the seeds or grains of truth fueling all those improbable rumors & wild tales of extreme reverse aging, 20-&-back programs, child soldiers in the SSPs & human slave labor colonies on Mars - reads like a stack of fantastical syfy comic books. And if so many of the recent whistleblowers are counterintelligence psyopers, jeeez, what are they really hiding?

@Peter-kk6rg - 27.02.2025 22:50

Hi from New Zealand
Psionics is real and it's simple to do. You can do it,anyone can do it. Go to a beach at night and think of Aliens.

@defuse56 - 27.02.2025 22:50

I'm looking at the broader perspective. We had some great momentum and maybe have it still. Infighting will kill us if we let it continue. 👽

@johngaanderson307 - 27.02.2025 22:51

yo T&G and GATE kids, anyone else have a mom involved in MK Ultra? pushing the epigenetic changes with LSD

@joejo6273 - 27.02.2025 22:59

Its about time that Dr Greer was persecuted for his arrogance, lies and false story telling on the whole subject of UFO's

@pipdennison7595 - 27.02.2025 23:21


@michaelmorrissey8983 - 27.02.2025 23:21

Thanks Pavel, and your point about us being in control our own destinies through the use of our in born psi abilities I'm beginning to think IS the BIG secret the US Military is hiding even more so than UAP. They're terrified of not having the consciousness "market" cornered. They can't classify consciousness, though I'm sure they've tried and will certainly do everything they can to keep the common people like myself from realizing true freedom and our full potential. At the end of the day who are they defending really? Not me that's for damn sure.

@loganproksch9305 - 27.02.2025 23:43

Karl Nell was also at Northrop Grumman and lead various projects. Gerb has various videos on the type of things they were involved in. They are one of the major producers of the B-2 stealth bomber. Multiple branches of what Northrop does are associated with Battelle, SW crane, SAIC and many other high profile defense contractors. Many of these seemingly different factions of the UAP disclosure movement are indeed the same thing and it is broad reaching. Contractors for the military often set up or work in close proximity to indigenous reservations. Many people go missing in these places and law enforcement can not keep up with the reports. Deep under ground base's are reported in these area's to include Utah, Arizona, Colorado, New Mexico and parts of California and Nevada to name a few. They have high velocity trains with large capacity rail cars to transport things like Air Force One using this system. We even know how they could potentially construct such massive underground structures. Randy Anderson at SW crane was just the tip of the iceberg. The dugway proving ground is a good example of how this might operate.

@tamastarczy6262 - 27.02.2025 23:45

If Sheehan knew about it why he didnt report it to police...?

@alanheadrick7997 - 27.02.2025 23:47

The problem I have with this is...If ET can communicate with us in this manner, why don;t they simply communicate with the entire human population all at once.

@johnnym6338 - 27.02.2025 23:55

You're all going to love this link. Google: "Now Northrup Grumman Are Psychic abilities real?" It won't allow the direct link but NG says no, no scientific evidence of it. This was published in 2023.

@Psionikman - 27.02.2025 23:56

Pertinent, lucid and timely. Thanks from the UK. Please have a good break and vacation.

@harlanmueller7499 - 28.02.2025 00:43

I believe that Jeffrey Mishlove is the only person who received a PhD that is officially entitled para psychology

@lataravalle5172 - 28.02.2025 00:48

I was part of two different GATE programs in two different states in the late 90s: GT in Reno, Nevada and TAG in Portland, Oregon. They pulled me out of class in the 3rd grade for an intensive IQ test and called my mom at work to tell her the results because they were way above average for a child that age. We were taken to a local college for special classes and did projects and studies. I never got recruited for anything, but I can say I've had a very strange life that brought me to places all over the world and gave me experiences which define my perspective of reality now. But then again I self medicate because of those experiences. Fun mix of crazy.

@Valiant-Loki - 28.02.2025 01:22

I don't trust Sheehan ... too many connections to the Jesuits and democrat operatives .... he is very political and supported Kamala for President 🤣.... highly questionable actions ... imo, he is working for the gatekeepers as an agent of disruption ... smh.

@positivelastaction3957 - 28.02.2025 01:50

Love Danny! He may exaggerate a bit but he is fun to listen to. Also love Dr. Mishlove.

@pugix - 28.02.2025 02:30

When psi abilities become accepted, I would anticipate a paradigm shift in fields of psychology and sociology to look for how psi is entailed in all sorts of human behaviors, especially group behaviors like those now being called "mass formation psychosis", or group coordinations such as fighter jets flying in close formation, football teams, etc. All of these that are now called behavioral (which is just descriptive) could turn out to have a telepathy dimension. We are not as separate as our current paradigm believes.

@SuperJoey1950 - 28.02.2025 03:55

When any of these people say to the effect, they need to be careful what they can say, you must know ALL of them are being controlled. Until nothing is held secret ,we will never know what THEY don't want us to.

@JaneOnTheJourney - 28.02.2025 04:35

Been loving the Mishlove for years. He's lived it...

@distractionsinthewind9976 - 28.02.2025 05:40

Very dirty inhumane activity. Did a president back then actually approve of this secret to protect us all from a much deeper indigestible Truth?

@ZBB0001 - 28.02.2025 05:54

Pavel, I've been watching you a lot lately and I want to say PLEASE know that most Americans don't hate Mexicans. Have a good time in Mexico City. I LOVE the University personally but I'm a geek. Could take the wife to Xochimilco...

@poopsy-y5s - 28.02.2025 07:53

Saw the same interview. Seemed as though Sheehan also had his doubts about Garry Nolan and the SOL Foundation. ( Government financing )

@LouSimpson-vn5wn - 28.02.2025 08:10

I don't trust Sheehan.

@ElsaGSD - 28.02.2025 08:10

Yes, grew up in 70's, was pulled out and tested in 3rd grade. Sent to a different school. Put into "MGM" classes in HS (strange acronym, but it stood for Mentally Gifted Minor). Many strange things through my early life. My Mom kept asking me questions about what I thought was going to happen in the future and I would oblige by simply opening my awareness to whatever
"popped into my head". Sometimes very accurate results. Being young, I did not think much of it. My Mom, an intensely devoted Catholic, told me to be very careful with whatever that was. I believe she thought it might be demonic so she was very cautious and kind of scared me about it. Intense recruitment outreach from military which I rejected. Vietnam was still very fresh memory with some of my older brothers friends having been drafted and not coming home, so military service was highly stigmatized at that time. Weird intersection points took place from people seemingly appearing from nowhere to ask me very technical questions about electronic circuits and then they would disappear. They would come to my house and tell my parents to encourage me to go in certain directions, but my folks and I were always highly suspicious as to where these folks came from and what their motivations were. Being kind of a rebel, I never followed their advice and these occurrences ceased around my mid twenties. Then in my 40s a work colleague, a very intelligent gent, brought up the subject of UFOs at our first lunch together, and then started sharing some very compelling information. I found he was involved with Mufon. I thought is was odd that he would bring this up to me, but I was certainly intrigued. We later were holding a meeting with representatives from the State of California, and at a dinner, one of them asked me point blank what I thought about the topic. Again, very odd as we were at dinner to discuss permitting issues and this official just drops this on me out of context of our intended conversation. It ended with them telling me that I should be assured that life is much stranger than it seems. A couple of my friends did go into some very odd careers, one going into heavy research on psychotropic drugs. His trail disappeared from my trajectory after attaining a PhD. So, yes, I am convinced there was a very active sorting program that was going on targeting us at very young ages and then attempting to steer us into this work in that 70s timeframe.

@Mr_Top_Hat_Jones - 28.02.2025 08:29

I took some tests for the GATE program in the early ‘90s. As far as I know, nothing ever came of it. Guess my psi potential was too low. Thank god!

@user-co9er8zq3u - 28.02.2025 10:09

Hi Pavel it's always good to hear and see one of my favourite podcasters (you) promote one of my other favourites NTA.

I had a sneaky suspicion you were also a fan with some things you've mentioned in the past.
Your approach to this subject and related topics reminds me of Jeffery Mishloves non judgemental style and it's very refreshing to see.
Keep up the great work your doing such a superb job 👍🙂

Greeting from Aberdeen,Scotland 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿

@DorianRodring - 28.02.2025 11:50

Akira, the movie, warned us about this!

@premalabonisiddiqui3256 - 28.02.2025 13:23

Can you please share some more of your own personal experiences Pavel? I love hearing about them, it's always fascinating.

@RATLEEA10 - 28.02.2025 13:23

Bringing these Craft down and incinerating the bodies after samples are taken is as barbaric as it gets, Humanity will pay for this. and no it won't be just the military who are targeted it will be me and you for doing F.A. about it! And don't tell me we are doing this AARO and that UAP TASK FORCE, because boys and girls that is B.S. and you know it! We can't even say the word Alien so we say UAP.... Who gives a flying Fuc/ about what car they drive apart from the Military, we need to know about the Alien Beings and where we stand, because you do all realise our children will pay the price! It has got so bad of late that it is turning into a full-blown Circus, it is all Psionics and demons and there are no Alien Beings, B.S.

@KCdestroyerofworlds - 28.02.2025 14:06

Glad you're taking a little time with the family! Always appreviate your commentary!

@nickfanzo - 28.02.2025 15:44

That’s a big difference between using ce5 and summoning with military people. One is innocent, the other is for selfish and evil reasons

@nickfanzo - 28.02.2025 15:59

As someone who was visited by greys and the large mantis being, I would highly recommend the channel the mantid encounters

Edit mantis encounters

@cyeamaculture8486 - 28.02.2025 16:52

Love the new thinking allowed podcast.. there's hundreds of great discussions on there .

@georgie4110 - 28.02.2025 17:24

It shouldn't surprise anyone that governments everywhere, are not above abusing their citizenship "in the name of national security" USA has a long history of this type of behavior, Montauk, WW2 Chemical Experiments, The Tuskagee Study, to name a few.

@cocobolooooooooo - 28.02.2025 19:36

Unalive ? Is this the new buzzwordsalad coming out of UAP-land now ?

@alphacentauri3665 - 28.02.2025 20:25

Beginning to reveal your own 'genius' Pavel ... Know what gave you away? ... you used the word seemless. Can't use that word by chance. I don't. Glad you are informing and drawing very useful maps for those of us not entirely certain - is it this road? Or that one? Serious comment. Please continue to avoid poking sociopathic bears or gorilla's so assholes don't start slapping holsters. I can see you have exercised excellent balance so far: Keep that edge Pavel.

@das250250 - 28.02.2025 21:20

First reaction is , it's psy op detour ,

Another new topic , another new category , another new diversion
Show me someone bringing a space ship to land ,

BTW Like all phones they are encrypted to log into your phone. Fancy a super race allowing their space ships to be hacked without any encryption ..

@caseyrrobertson - 28.02.2025 21:31

Born in 79. I was also removed from regular class for TAG program/Odyssey of the Mind ~ grades 4-6.

@cyclops8697 - 01.03.2025 19:19

Curious to get your thoughts on the Farsight channel?

@newkalapatechpark2065 - 02.03.2025 23:01

Daniel Sheehan is a government disinformation agent. Beware!

@Josh_Paulson - 27.02.2025 20:44

alledged uap on the 25th over christ the king staue in mexico city. Did you summon it pavel 😀
