If you use thorium with this kind of efficiency, something really amazing becomes possible.
Kirk Sorensen:
Every cubic meter of the Earth has got a certain amount of uranium and thorium in it. About two cubic centimeters of thorium, and half a cubic centimeter of uranium. If you can use thorium to the kind of efficiencies that we're talking about today, this has the energy equivalent of more than 30 cubic meters of the finest crude oil or anthracite coal. This is like taking any worthless piece of dirt, anywhere in the world, and turning it into multiples of the finest chemical energy resources we have. I mean that's absolutely amazing. That's something that- that just completely changes our paradigm about relative national wealth and resources and so forth. That means worthless pieces of dirt become potential energy mines. Now, good news is we don't have to mine average continental crust for thorium. There's lots of places where nature has already pre-concentrated thorium in much greater concentrations than this.
#nuclear #thorium #MSR #Molten_Salt_Reactor #Earth #efficiency #Efficient #cubic_centimeter #uranium #30_cubic_meters #paradigm #resources #pre-concentrated_thorium #concentrations #multiple #crude_oil #nuclear_fuel #Kirk_Sorensen #LFTR #thorium_breeder