The Toughest Thing I Have Ever Done! | Scythe Mowing One Hectare in One Day | One Hectare Challenge

The Toughest Thing I Have Ever Done! | Scythe Mowing One Hectare in One Day | One Hectare Challenge


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@Nikita-Belinskil - 29.09.2024 21:29

Вставай Отсо Тебе нужно вспахать поле размером в 100000 гектаров😂😂😂

@cagivadriver3204 - 01.10.2024 00:26

Bro would have been valuable in 1500

@dilipv12 - 01.10.2024 08:09

Farming and s super duper labor intensive bless you use fossil fuels. Makes good case for having lot of children at home but now with money and industry few jobs in market

@Scythinghead - 02.10.2024 00:26

an average 8.5 square meters per minute is like 3X3m or 6x1.5 in one minute. Thats as fast as snail goes and man calls himself a professional... a professional joke indeed.

@collin_is_ballin_ - 02.10.2024 01:49

thats some hard work, good job bro.

@쯔요시-z4g - 02.10.2024 13:34

It's amazing that you can cut down that vast grassland with just one sickle...

@Agatocles1 - 04.10.2024 13:09

You are the man!

@ZafrasF - 05.10.2024 14:42

You can become viral by doing pretty much anything as long as you put enough heart into it and people complain about the modern world.

@thelonewolf666 - 06.10.2024 07:50


@SmellyBodega - 06.10.2024 08:40

why your ancectors all had higher test

@DanBanan69 - 06.10.2024 15:32

"Å der va hålet ja". That's the words of a true Slåttergub.

@corbanyl - 08.10.2024 11:30


@JerryBeatFreak - 10.10.2024 19:47

Idé/tanke/fundering med det stora bladet: Om man kunde fäster en bit ståltråd mellan bladet (kanske genom att borra ett litet hål, vet inte hur känsligt dom där bladen är för det) och en liten bit upp på orvet så skulle gräset kanske "rinna av" tråden istället för att klumpa sig i hörnet. Problemet uppstår ju för de trycks "in" i hörnet där och fastnar där. Ingen aning om det skulle funka, men det var en tanke jag fick spontant.

- 13.10.2024 00:23

very good work and video. thnx for share with us

@richardwilliams1334 - 15.10.2024 04:57

My grandfather born 1881 with his male siblings in a mining came in Thames NZ.
Later he spent his youth shearing sheep with hand shears and in summer cutting their hay with a Scythe.
Later he with 2 other brothers were off to WW1 and on their return, they found the NZ Crown had taken care of the farm by steeling most of it under the Public Works Act.
Pop went back to using the skills he'd learnt from the War blasting and cutting hay with their trusty scythe.
All his life he was a very fit old fulla, as kids we'd race him to the letter box for our Daylie mail and each time, he won the running race in both directions.
His fitness mum always said was because they were brought up the pioneer way on the end of the scythe and horse and gig.
Pop earnt his wings in 1966 a great old sole was he, to be always rembered.
It's Pops Scythe that I hold in our shared today.

@donttreadonmemes - 16.10.2024 01:18

I'd hate to be the guy you're about to face in the upcoming revenge fight and/or martial arts tournament

@wojciechcieslukowski1974 - 16.10.2024 10:06

I am a city kid that moved to the countryside at the age of 43 to run a small ecological farm in Poland, Mazury. From the onset I decided to use a scythe on the farm as much as possible. The beginnings were not easy. After a 50 m row I was almost dead, full of pain and blisters and had to call it a day. But I persisted and now I cut 10 acres of buckwheat in 3 hours quite easily with a 70 cm blade. I enjoy it a lot, taught my kids to use a scythe as well. And encouraged some of my neighbours.
Janne, thank You for promoting scything. It is a great way to stay fit and do some good for the environment.

@bingcheah - 18.10.2024 06:04

This is fantastic. I'm inspired to start scything now!

@krishamilton4458 - 18.10.2024 08:18

Man stuff= doing hard larbor for fun and challenging ones self

@ellenorbjornsdottir1166 - 19.10.2024 17:02

you may find the bread may get in the way of your goals with regards to burning more in the way of fat. though I'm sure with that much exercise you do burn through a relatively small amount of carbs quite quickly. idk i'm just saying words

@mrsporadicsporkguy5481 - 21.10.2024 07:26

If feudal serfs had better nutrition they'd look like modern day decathalon athletes.

@braidend4379 - 21.10.2024 07:32

Watching this after my whipper snipper died.

@Marino378 - 21.10.2024 08:08

Hopefully this guy got his pay 💙 he definitely achieved it

@kadengrossman6252 - 22.10.2024 16:04

i want to get a sythe when i get a house with a yard. it would be slower than a lawn mower, but it would get me exercise and connect me to an experience that my ancestors had regularly.

@GshockBeats - 22.10.2024 21:44

Kayne IRL

@Miquell_Wester - 23.10.2024 16:19

Never expected to watch this type of video, but I did and I enjoyed it.

@joeboivin3897 - 24.10.2024 02:12

Is his name John Deere

@deman7276 - 24.10.2024 04:45

The amount of calories this man burned is probably ridiculous.

@apeezyfguamy - 25.10.2024 05:54

Confused why he ran back and just didn’t start at the end of each row going back-and-forth

@tylerpayne07 - 25.10.2024 11:15

You get a like. You don’t get my subscription until you beat the hectare.

That feels evil.

Also how tf did I get here.

@aragorn767 - 27.10.2024 04:01

You're watching Grass Men on History Channel. Generic southern rock

@ReniWantikka - 27.10.2024 16:15

Wow this is the most satisfying Ngarit ever 🔥🔥🔥🔥

@andrewkeeton3627 - 27.10.2024 23:06

You think that’s impressive? I just watched some idiot take two days to weed wack about 25 yards of sidewalk median that didn’t even have grass. Pure skill

@patrickday4206 - 27.10.2024 23:30

At the end he was like i should have started a half hour earlier 😂😂😂

@corpy7499 - 29.10.2024 00:05

more like 75% done in 14 hours.... i think u can made 100% in 24h. Nobody say 24h in a row :D Thats: 14h scything > 12h resting > u still have 10h for work. In my eyes u done it completly ;-)

@papatrad3458 - 30.10.2024 18:21

Life before modernization.

@Confluence358 - 30.10.2024 20:41

you totally should produce a carbon fibre scythe!

@robindegu7294 - 01.11.2024 20:25

i think he missed a spot

@toytulog576 - 02.11.2024 18:04

The wrong on this Scythe is the length of the stick is short for your height. You should not bent your knees. It will consume a lot of your energy by doing this. Its better to make a custom stick out of 1" PVC Pipe with 45 Elbow, that way reduce the lifting of your Scythe.

@Egotiztik - 03.11.2024 13:49


@jozulik1 - 04.11.2024 15:14

I think that you need to do it again!

@SarahlabyrinthLHC - 08.11.2024 00:57

I wonder what a scythe made with a flint edge would be like? Flint is the sharpest blade you can get.

@Nigel-v9h - 11.11.2024 01:35

3 to 4 strong men would storm that grass field in next to no time 👍. Great going though but very tiring by yourself 😉.

@ryanizcool3370 - 14.11.2024 05:32

If this guy hit you with a hook, you are going to sleep.

@mw6563 - 14.11.2024 22:39

Why is my YT algorithm losing its mind???

@onetimeinashop - 17.11.2024 07:14

dawg... i saw one short video of a lady using a scythe cutting grass and now im in a scythe rabbit hole with my home page filled with scythe videos...

@Podobed - 16.06.2024 01:16

Can anyone in the comments recommend a scythe? To be fair, we have a small tractor but we have quite a few buildings in a close area and this would be better for those spaces, and also on the hills and under trees. Thank you
