Voted for trump a week early !
ОтветитьDang, Charlie nails a lot of good points.
ОтветитьWe have to remind pregnant women that adoption is an option!!
Google estimates around 36 couples are ready to adopt per 1 child given up for adoption at any given time.
This episode brought me to tears. I can't get enough.
ОтветитьI’m watching this after the election results…glory to God 🙌🏽
ОтветитьIt’s not making money off the name of god. It’s the father
ОтветитьI really like Belle. She asks amazing questions and has such good insight.
ОтветитьGeorge is so wise. Way to give everyone the benefit of the doubt. That’s what Jesus does. He saves us and gives us grace. That’s what you just did for Alex Cooper.
ОтветитьWhat in Canada we have lunchables and cereal, Canada is just as bad as the USA in this situation.
Fats are very good for you I grew up being taught it wasn’t but the kings back in the day would get the fatty parts of the meats. That should say enough
Ever thought about why they use that saying?? It’s my body… satan twisting Gods words when he broke the bread this is my body ??
ОтветитьI was literally unwrapping a Reece’s cup while Charlie said that 🫢
ОтветитьThe show has brought me closer to the Lord! You’re using your gift as the lord wanted, great job.
ОтветитьI calculated only ADDED sugar in my kids school lunch, it was 35 grams of added sugar!!!!! Not total sugar, ADDED sugar!
ОтветитьCarbohydrates are also the only one of the food groups that don't cause a hormone response to trigger a feeling of satiation, AKA fullness
ОтветитьI was going to vote but i missed the voting registration deadline by a day but i'm glad Trump was elected. Regardless of what people say of him, i'd say he's our best bet right now.
ОтветитьMy husband and I got pregnant with our daughter when we were just 17 & 18 yo She is now 18 yo and a freshman at UTSA. I couldn’t imagine it any other way.🐻🤍 She’s our blessing and she is teaching us every step of the way how to be a parents bc we now have a 17,6, and 4 yo lol. I pray for them everyday.🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽 Children are an heritage of the Lord. Blessings!🫶🏽 TRUMP2024!!! MAGA!!!🙏🏽🇺🇸❤️🫡
ОтветитьI think the fact that Charlie wants us to believe he'd disallow an abortion if it came to his young daughter getting raped, is hilarious. do you guys actually believe him? how dumb are you people? you're getting played lol, none of these political influencers have principles.
ОтветитьPlease get Richard Lorenzo jr. on the podcast
ОтветитьI agree with George, I believe that every being is valuable, however I cannot force a non-christian who let’s say is a victim of rape to have the baby because we don’t think and believe the same. I also think that forcing people to live under Christian laws will just have the opposite effect of bringing people to Jesus. If somebody forced me to live under Islamic laws I wouldn’t think Islam is a beautiful religion and would want to learn about it in the first place.
ОтветитьThank you Lord ❤
ОтветитьGeorge you're so wrong about Parker 😂😂😂
ОтветитьAnyone thinks he twitches on his left side face
Ответитьwhat’s the books that Charlie mentioned again?
ОтветитьGo Trump
ОтветитьI thank my mom every day for not aborting me. My dad's mom tried to pay my mother to have an abortion. I'm now 36 and so thankful my mom chose life. God is so so good!
ОтветитьThey Don't create math and astronomy Janko 😂😂, they maybe discover 😅 I don't know
ОтветитьThese two suck at talking..they be cutting each other off and always want the mic😂
ОтветитьI love your content. George, what I would like to see more of is you not cutting everybody off while they're speaking, especially your wife. Keep it up bud. Doing a great job
ОтветитьI wish you guys talked more about Jesus in this episode. I am on my journey to heaven and I wish to learn as much as I can about our Father
ОтветитьI wanna ask Charlie so bad 1 thing... first I wanna say I am a Christian and I have conservative views HOWEVER, why do we want to push people who dont want kids to have them and then what? They throw them in a dumpster? Or they hate them their entire life and abuse them? Is that ok as long as theyre alive??? And then when these kids grow up to have trauma and mental health problems and become drug addicts that society and tax payers have to support???? Even when he says oh its the best thing in ur life and u may not feel that way for the first 5yrs the kid is alive but one day u will... what happens to that baby for the 1st 5yrs of its life???? This is never brought up and i wanna hear their thoughts on it
ОтветитьCharlie Kirk 2028
ОтветитьYo, get Jim Caveizel, idk you would love gigs testimony on passion of the Christ
ОтветитьI sincerely appreciate George’s conversion and testimony of Christ’s work in his life. That being said, with him having such a large online platform, I’d hope he realizes how much of a responsibility he has to be informed. Love the work he’s doing, and I pray God guides him to grow in his understanding and maturity.
ОтветитьGeorge interrupts wayyyyy too much.
ОтветитьI love you, George. But sometimes you gotta stop interrupting Belle😂😂
ОтветитьWe rrreaaallyy need to stop demonizing carbohydrates. We are doing the exact same thing they did in the 60's and 70''s with saturated fat and salt. As a former keto/carnivore fanatic x 6 years, this is NOT the answer. It's a bandaid. Restoring metabolic health so the body CAN PROCESS natural sugars properly is the solution. Not to just never eat sugar again and demonize glucose WHICH IS REQUIRED FOR LIFE Charlie. You are absolutely incorrect. When you don't eat it, your liver is taxed in making it through a very energetically expensive process called gluconeogenesis. This upregulates stress hormones which is why people feel so "amazing" at first on low carb/ keto. They're literally running on adrenaline. Your body will get tired of that. Please people look into the bioenergetic view of health. Many of the same principles, minus the demonization of dietary glucose FROM WHOLE FOODS which have never been shown in any study (or in any nomadic people groups eating very high carb/ starch diets) to cause insulin resistance or diabetes. Let's stop with the reductionism and learn science. Thanks for coming to my TedTalk.
ОтветитьGeorge I thought was just a vine guy but after this i respect the man
ОтветитьAs a female, I wonder why no one brings up the fact, that there are contraceptives to keep from getting pregnant. I'm mean come on, your body your choice. Why don't you choose to take a pill or use a condom, or adoption. Why choose child sacrifice. Because that's what this boils down too. If it's not from God it's from the Wicked.
I pray for all the children. You ladies have a choice. Why choose something that's going haunt you forever. 🙏♥️
It makes me so angry that the same company sells a different food product in the US and Canada.
ОтветитьI think many people - if they saw a breakdown of what is actually performed in an abortion and the true size and anatomy of a baby at 7 weeks , 10 weeks, 15 weeks… I think they would be much more against abortion
ОтветитьJesus is Lord!!✝️❤️
ОтветитьI voted Trump
ОтветитьVOTED: Trump....duh
ОтветитьI feel like I’m burning calories as I hear Charlie Kirk speak.
ОтветитьI want to know what regimen Charlie is on. No sugar is hard but I’ve done it before. I hope you do more episodes about Depression and Anxiety. Perhaps with a mental health professional and someone of faith who is still struggling with it.
ОтветитьFantastic episode, thanks for addressing the Jubilee Video plot, they definitely tried to set him up, and he still came strong defending his viewpoints.
ОтветитьThe important message from the Trump presidency is "war is the WORST thing we can do, but it is the thing we can do the BEST, and therefore you go to war against American interests at your own peril."
ОтветитьI think George talks too much and interrupts like dud relax let the guest speak and I feel like George is very undecided
ОтветитьAny women in need for help with a pregnancy who needs information a kind environment and an encouragements from medical professionals, who also provide wipes and formula and diapers. Search up Amnion Pregnancy Center if you live in the greater Philadelphia area. Remember that the lord loves you and loves your baby and he already knows them and has a plan for their life.
ОтветитьWild i was eating a thing of planters peanuts while watching this, i decided to look at its labels, tell me why a thing of salted peanuts has 15 ingredients added????? Just why