Saniderm and call it a day. Literally game changer
ОтветитьMy artist gave me a saniderm wrap that i wear for 5 days before taking it off. Should I still avoid sleeping on my left side/back? The tattoo is located on my left shoulder blade
ОтветитьHow are your tattoos so dark? I got one about 9 months ago and its not black anymore. I went to a reputable place
ОтветитьHey I’m bouta start my sleeve next week. I know I should sleep on clean bed sheets to start but how often should I wash/ change the sheets during the healing process?
ОтветитьCould've used this video 9 days ago🥹
ОтветитьTake off plastic wrap after 1st shower, let it breathe
ОтветитьThank you you answered so much of my questions! I'm planning to get both arm sleeves and one of my legs done and I needed to know how to survive for that first week lol
ОтветитьHow is it expensive compared to the tattoo lol
ОтветитьI just got my first tattoo yesterday and have already passed the plastic wrap stage. Now, my tattoo is on my left calf and I tend to sleep on my back. Should I just sleep on my stomach the next few nights?
Ответить“U never kno what happens in the bed” lol that’s what she said
ОтветитьRewrapping it is a No No
ОтветитьMy artist put the sandiderm on my tattoo when it was done. He told me to keep it on for four days. Honestly it was driving me nuts after awhile because it was getting wrinkly and it was bugging my skin. I like the barrier though. Now it itches around my tattoo were the sandiderm was. Which that part itches more than the tattoo.
ОтветитьI kind of just follow the advice of my artist. Not that I wouldn't follow your advice. I think this was great advice!!! But I think you should always listen to the artist. I remember when I slept with my first ink, I just had the cling-film over them and was all g
ОтветитьSuch a beautiful man, OMG ❤
ОтветитьSaniderm is amazing
ОтветитьWhat if it wasn’t wrapped when you got it done
ОтветитьYeah I'm not new to tattoos however I got my first tattoo in a sensitive area and my inner arm and I fell asleep and it was stuck to my shirt all night and now it's all inflamed hopefully it will heal properly from now on I'm going to sleep with my head above my head This is my 9th tattoo I'm never had an issue before but most of my tattoos are on my back and on the side sleeper with this is very irritating wish I watched your video sooner lol I'm sure I will be fine but I will definitely be sleeping in a different way
ОтветитьMy tattoo artist gave me a fake skin to leave on for 2 to 3 days and boy summers here is not helping with healing
ОтветитьCan you put saniderm after 6 days on your tattoo?
ОтветитьHi I just got my first tattoo yesterday what should I do for the first one week today is day two so in the morning every day wash it should I also wash it at night to as in two times a day should I was the tattoo and put the cream on at nine should I cover it or not
ОтветитьJust say your videos. I just got my first one tattoo done on my shoulder and the saniderm was coming off. So i watched your cleaning video, i followed what you said. But i recover it with cling wrap because i move a lot in my sleep. Only thing i couldn't clean my bedsheets because i got the tattoo late.
Ответитьguys don‘t over think it jeezus
ОтветитьHi everyone. I’m new on this community and also from The Netherlands and I need your advice:
How not to sleep on your tattoo, if your tattoo is on your forearm?
It’s almost impossible not to touch your sheets when you’re sleeping.
Please help me out for some advice.
Thanks a lot.
It’s funny my first tattoo I was on a Naval vessel didn’t have second skin, didn’t sanitize my sheets, had neospirin that was it
ОтветитьI’m 15 rn and getting a back tattoo for my 16th bday in a few days, it’s pretty big so I’m nervous about the aftercare, these help so much though 😭
ОтветитьIt’s been a week since I’ve gotten my tattoo. I gotten it on the 12th of this month and ima a wild sleeper any suggestions
ОтветитьI have a 2nd skin on my arm now. I will change it tonight and reapply and leave it for 6 more days.
Ответитьjust got in on Thursday. My artist used saniderm and said I can leave it for 4-6 days but it got pretty icky so I took it off after 24 hours and have been puting Aquaphor on it since. It's healing great no problems
ОтветитьI just washed it and wrapped it again since it’s my first night is that a good choice
ОтветитьI will be real with everyone on here. I am sleeved up and down my arms. Been tattooed in prison and now they are all covered up with shop ink. 20 Years experience getting tattooed. Once the ink is in your skin it is not going anywhere. Believe me I have had a couple tattoos that I wish the ink fell out or looked bad after healing. Nope just a shitty tattoo artist that gave a bad tattoo from the start. Tattoo artist love to put the blame on their clients when their shit doesn't come out like it is supposed to. The only thing that is going to affect the ink in a tattoo is if you develop an infection or by chance you find out after the fact you are allergic to one of the ingredients in the ink that was use. The only other reasons why the ink would not stay in or look good is because the tattoo artist is garbage and doesn't know how to tattoo properly or used low quality ink. Sleeping a certain way or covering it with bandages or fake skin is not going to make the tattoo look any better than it is going to already. The only thing that a skin covering like Saniderm is going to do help it heal a little faster by keeping plasma and blood on the surface of the wound for the first 24 hours. That much is true. I have had tattoos heal a lot faster covering with it for the first 24 hours. With that said the only important things you need to do is keep it washed clean and apply scent free lotion like Lubriderm to keep it moisturized for the rest of the healing process. Oh and guess what wear a long sleeve shirt to protect your ink from the sun. Especially while it heals. After it is healed I recommend always wearing a long sleeve during the day if you are outside exposed to the sun for more than 5-10 minutes. High SPF sunscreen just became your new friend because UV damage from the sun is the #1 cause for a tattoos degradation. So please the last thing you should be worried about or adding something to stress about is how you sleep with a new tattoo. Adding more stress will only prolong the healing process.
ОтветитьDawn dish soap….non abrasive and antibacterial. It’s what I’ve always used and never had issues.
ОтветитьAt the end of the day not everything other people do will work for you. All skin is different, it’s all genetics. What works for a white boy like me is I keep saniderm on for 5 days, take it off slowly in the shower, then use ‘aquaphor healing ointment’ for the rest of the healing process. I even use it to moisturize after it’s healed. Hell I accidentally left my wrap on for 7 days, took it off and it healed and acted normal.
ОтветитьSaniderm. Thats all i got to say, game changer for tattoo healing. Your silly if you dont use it
ОтветитьDo not put a second plastic wrap you need to let it breath.
Ответитьjust got my first tattoo at 18 yesterday it was a 25cm cybersigilism on the knee area
ОтветитьI have tegaderm does that work as well as saniderm or would that be good/ok to use? It looks basically like saniderm or similar to it. This is my first tattoo it says it lasts up to a week, I’m planning to use that. Would that be ok or good to use? I’m new to this channel. My appointment is on October 8th.
ОтветитьI have tegaderm does that work as well as saniderm or would that be good/ok to use? It looks basically like saniderm or similar to it. This is my first tattoo it says it lasts up to a week, I’m planning to use that. Would that be ok or good to use? I’m new to this channel. My appointment is on October 8th.
ОтветитьBy the way mine is a small to medium size tattoo.
ОтветитьWell will be of that size. This is going to be my first tattoo. My appointment is on October 8th. Two days after my birthday.
Ответитьsecond skin makes my skin develop eczema. do you have any alternative advices? much thanks!
ОтветитьI sleep on my stomach, use ointment and rewrap areas
ОтветитьDude i slept with marmy out to my side the whole damn night 😂
ОтветитьJust go to sleep, works just fine for me.
ОтветитьDid Dr. drew tattoo you? I swear I seen one of her pieces on his page
ОтветитьSo my tattoo isn’t that big and they given me no option to cover it back up. All I gotten was paper on not the paslit paper. Thing- is it ok for me to not wear one? But only wear a very loose top? It’s on my collarbone. It’s a little fish. I’m sure I’m ok. Right?
ОтветитьWhy was in Vegas? Got tattoo on my birthday and I went to sleep with the rock the rap are coming off by take a shower. It’s alsoblack snakes. Cypress, some more saran wrap on mytattoo right now.
ОтветитьIf my tattoo artist told me you dont need a touch up after it was fully healed it means i did a good job with after care😁
ОтветитьJust had my tattoo done thanx for advice and help
ОтветитьWhat tip did you agree with the most? 🤔