I Stay In A 5 Star Floating Hotel - OMG

I Stay In A 5 Star Floating Hotel - OMG

Walk With Me Tim

1 год назад

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@NigelMelanisticSmith - 21.02.2024 02:36

Auto blinds are one of the better hotel amenities I've seen

@matsfrisk3653 - 22.02.2024 22:37


@Heather-xz3eo - 24.02.2024 17:05

Those flowers in your toilet were Statice

@lizstuart4259 - 02.03.2024 06:24

You, Gabby and wee Casper should come to New Zealand sometime...there are some great places to visit here...Queenstown is one of the greatest towns to stay at here :) Love your videos

@CarolStJohn-ev9ry - 13.03.2024 10:08

It was very impressive, I loved the decor and the views.

@cherrymoore5166 - 14.03.2024 13:31

Oop, my ocd 😂😂😂 looks absolutely stunning ❤

@cherrymoore5166 - 14.03.2024 13:39

Tim, are the dressing gowns and slippers and the things in the box free to take home? I did wonder if you could take them because if you've worn them surely, they don't let someone else use them. Unless the wash them! But I still always wanted to find out just in case I ever go to a place like that (very unlikely 😂😂) but please let me know cause I don't want to be stealing if its not complementary! 😅😊

@cherrymoore5166 - 14.03.2024 13:50

How much was it 😂😂 you never said 😂😂

@teresarose731 - 15.03.2024 05:32

In Kentucky USA, tuna tartar is bait. Just saying. King Size bed. I want to know the story of how many people you can get in a shower. LOL Gabby looking good in her bathing suit.

@gabriellechung356 - 16.03.2024 22:38

Great informative videos, never knew there was a hotel like this in Gibraltar. I just subbed!

@dunwaukinfarm1047 - 17.03.2024 14:58

square pen makes sense on a ship -- round one would roll off the desk if the boat rocked

@kylierobsoncollins6036 - 23.03.2024 03:22

Those hand spray toilet hoses are not as hygienic as you might think. the water vapour that comes off from it can be easily inhaled which is very unhealthy and the reason they are band by our Plumbing services on our City Council. just a bit of trivia I guess :) love the video.

@georgeskillen5422 - 26.03.2024 12:40

Great video we stayed suite to left of yours my son was in your room and had problem with air con which they could not fix so he was upgraded to suite at other end of boat which was really huge

@medannywilson - 27.03.2024 08:21

So disappointed.. you forgot to tell us how many people could fit in that gold shower ;)

@tr9344 - 27.03.2024 19:26

Tim, you didnt say how much this costed?

@thalesofmiletus2966 - 28.03.2024 18:05

Very expensive. Much cheaper going on a cruise.

@daviddymock4686 - 06.04.2024 23:04

Wow what a stunning ship/Hotel it certainly puts a lot of 5 star hotels in the shade!! Quite suprised about the cost of the Rock Suite you stayed in ( still a lot money i know) but in comparison to many other hotels you have shown us i thought it was really good value!! Great also to see Gaby & Casper share the experience with you ❤

@dannil9878 - 07.04.2024 22:50

How many nights per year do you spend outside home?

@edytakusmirek6423 - 08.04.2024 01:46

Yes it is gold on the wall😂😂😂

@lorchid23 - 15.04.2024 00:03

There’s something about the way Tim invites us to go with, when he says “C’mon…” that I really love. ❣️

@Victor-q9 - 15.04.2024 02:29

Looks livelier than sis London

@Victor-q9 - 15.04.2024 03:09

So my question is? Is this better than sis sunborn london?

@knightsrule99 - 25.04.2024 22:27

Love your videos Tim. So well made. Feels like we're there with you.

@scottlewisparsons9551 - 27.04.2024 05:42

Your video was a complete fail…you didn’t say how many people fit into the shower! 😂 lol. Seriously, thank you for a wonderful video. I would love to stay there. All the best from Sydney Australia 🇦🇺

@throwdownthenhoedown9074 - 28.04.2024 17:15

trim your leg hair if you have to but having completely shaved or waxed legs on a 40+ yr old man is well creepy.

@dorothyhill2243 - 29.04.2024 11:02

Didn't say how much it was😮

@coloradotrish7297 - 12.05.2024 06:38

Another amazing post! The bar with the blue superman lights and other lights is beautiful and it's great to see how you appreciated all those small very sparkly gold tiles in the bathroom - really nice! You should do some posts on cruise ships and river-type excursions! And the mountain view in the morning looked neat with the clouds on the mountain. I'm guessing the spinner think at the buffet is to keep bugs away? So funny, click the box in front of Gabi's face -- you guys look very happy! Best, from Colorado

@rosemaryclement8461 - 14.05.2024 15:50

You did not mention the cost!

@youangelique1 - 18.05.2024 14:58

Love your dress Gaby!

@AndrewGibraltar - 18.05.2024 19:41

I regularly visit Gibraltar and am looking to stay here along with the Rock Hotel. Great informative video.

@summersells4380 - 26.05.2024 01:04

You make such great videos, well done Tim. Just FYI it's alligator skin not snake skin. Could be wrong ? Peace out!

@StephenLockhart-s3k - 19.06.2024 16:05

Hi Tim. Just checked in to room 601 and watched your video on the plane and my wife went wow too surreal 😂

@debrabolton9372 - 24.07.2024 05:31

Tim, I enjoy your channel immensely! This floating hotel was stunning. Always great to see Gabby and Casper. My parents stayed on the Queen Mary in Long Beach. 🇺🇸❤️🇬🇧

@kennelson3848 - 06.08.2024 14:37

Takes the cake..😊❤

@andymartinez767 - 13.08.2024 09:27

Sorry, HUGE shower doesn't cut it. How many people, you missed your trademark 😢😂😂😂

@robertlincoln7312 - 26.08.2024 23:59

Can I afford to stay here, no mention of price.

@NicoleLowe-nv8ho - 09.09.2024 22:32

Can you tell me is there any reason you don't give prices let me know Nicola

@lablackzed - 04.10.2024 13:36

😂Can see the ship from my home.

@sqrd3536 - 04.10.2024 14:15

Dishwasher I thought that was a drawer fridge/freezer

@teachermom123 - 30.10.2024 23:52


@3018john - 08.12.2024 19:45

I almost missed the caviar.

@MarilynSharples - 03.01.2025 16:52

Tim just watched your stay on the Yacht Hotel in Gibraltar but you didn’t say how much it cost? 😎

@PhilipBerlenghi - 19.01.2025 10:03

Wonderful presentation one question who is the young lady with your wife is it your daughter she should introduce herself so people in her age group become a family affair. Just FYI

@lifeintune7851 - 21.01.2025 06:03

You didn’t tell us how much to stay

@paulshirley6383 - 26.01.2025 00:52

I Stay In A 5 Star Floating Hotel - OMG The Sunborn Gibraltar as we check out the most amazing Room Suite, Pool, Restaurants, Bars and s … The Sunborn Gibraltar as we check out the most amazing Room Suite, Pool, Restaurants, Bars and s Walk With Me Tim love louis shirley

@marzenaaneta7469 - 01.02.2025 23:26

my first contact with UK was Gibraltar :)

@mikeblake1000 - 06.02.2025 02:54

You walked in and said 'oh wow!' , who set up the camera to catch that reaction?

@martinnorthcott6648 - 19.02.2025 13:39

Does anyone know how much this stay cost? Tim didn't mention it this time...

@amandagraves5468 - 01.03.2025 21:33

What is a luxury flush on a toilet? You’re so funny some times.
