Carpro reload spray sealant do it really add gloss to black paints

Carpro reload spray sealant do it really add gloss to black paints

onr detailing news

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@robbalsley4759 - 04.11.2019 01:38

IMO for the price, ease of use and length of durability nothing beats turtle wax seal n shine!

@cliveneilands1449 - 18.12.2019 14:13

I use it after shaving and it gives my chin that glossy look.

@Miguel_Fortuna - 25.04.2020 21:46

Hello guys, i see many people with problems with RELOAD aplication.

So my way to do it is:

➡️ Always use two towels or more.

➡️ spray one towel with reload, pass in the panel, let sit for a few seconds, and with other MF towel buff off the product.

What i normally do is, have 2 bottles filled until the middle with product and add the rest with destilied water.

And that's the final result, never do it at direct sun.😉

@deluxedetailing9832 - 28.04.2021 18:29

Before you buy it, you need to know how to use it 🤦‍♂️

@CollectibleOftheDay - 27.05.2021 15:34

thats a nice looking towel you have there

@Eliteautodetailin907 - 26.09.2021 23:51

Great video bro you funny as heck too lol 😂
