First love this channel btw keep doing what ur doing
ОтветитьI‘m an infp and have always been good with money. 🧐
ОтветитьThanks I am an INFP. I was an architect but now I follow my true passion to be a portrait painter. I am a minimalist and I do not fancy material goods. Thanks for your advice.
ОтветитьNice, thanks for the video. I'm an INFP-T and currently working on a Amazon and POD business, and eventually want to do what you did and sell all my stuff, move to another country and leverage my income. I can totally relate to your point about learning finances, as i have not always been frugal with my money. Even now, it does take work to control it, however, with a budget and living a fairly minimalist life as it is, it's getting easier. I do understand that what I have chosen may not be the "ideal" INFP choice of career, but my dreams demand that I turn to business generate income.
ОтветитьYou know when you said the shoe part... I have shoes right now on that hurt my feet... I'm trying minimalism for 2019 I recommend Matt devella something.. something.. or the minamilist...
ОтветитьDoes INFP fit into work with psychology-related work? And philosophy related work?
ОтветитьIm a corporate drone infp but i want to get my clipart shop get started now.
ОтветитьThat's really helpful actually
ОтветитьThese are very good tips, but I think my introversion is a bit too strong for me to upsticks and move to Laos X'D
ОтветитьGreat video Dan, like your style & background. Actually, I would like to know your opinion on INFP as a businessman or an entrepreneur, do you know successful INFPs in this area?
ОтветитьAbsurd advice. Don't wear shoes that hurt your feet. Do not move to a developing nation to live off cheap labor. This is horrible advice for an INFP. How could you live with yourself knowing you are exploiting disadvantaged people?
ОтветитьI don’t think an INFP would care for the next new trend.
ОтветитьINFP-T here, always liekd fantasy worlds and describing them. I have one downside though, dyslectia. Also to critical for myself to really do something new on painting etc everyhting what i do is just trash in my eyes. Got help from a psychologist and that really helped me :)
Ответить* takes trip around the world to learn how to not be broke *
* is broke from trip around the world *
INFPs in the medical field, how does it feel/line up with your values and expectations? I got 3 of my friends currently in first year med (pre-med eq in US) to take the test, 2 were INFP like me and one was ENFP. I guess many INFPs will gravitate towards a field were they can help people and make a meaningful difference every day. Idk if this is true or I just gravitate towards other xNFP types.
ОтветитьAm I the only INFP who can't draw to save my life?? All I see in these videos as career suggesting is graphic designer XD
ОтветитьINFP In The Stock Market 🕵🏽
Ответитьthese tips are generic and applies to everyone. i suggest you go deeper into the cognitive functions and nuances of how INFP process thoughts ideas and interact with the world etc
Ответить35 year old INFP male here. Good with money, just don’t have much. Perceived as unambitious and unmotivated. It sucks.
ОтветитьQuarantine showed me that the main reason for me to spend money was people lol. They would say things like you should buy it, or it is just ten bucks. Hahahah i would have to buy more shoes and clothes than i needed
ОтветитьOof..minimalism is my least favorite aesthetic (next to modernism). I love old antiques and weathered organized clutter lol I dont think I could function in a minimalistic space. It would make it harder to think and process creatively, especially as a visual artist.
Also I wish traveling abroad was as easy as you make it sound. Sadly, all the money I currently have to my name is barely enough for a passport and plane ticket.And Ive never been on my own before (as a 26 year old).
Step 1 - be a minimalist
I have less things than a homeless person. I genuinely hate shopping, and i don't have much money anyways because i spend all of it on food takeaways, cabs and spontaneous vacations
The best advice I've been given was from a drag queen by the name of Cayenne Pepper. She told me to know my worth. Since then I'm always shocked as an INFP about what the general public expects to pay for nearly everything. Since then, I realize I have to rely less on my perception of what I'm worth and rely on what people are willing to pay for a skill. Knowledge about finances is MAD IMPORTANT!!! Thanks for sharing your stories, I loved hearing you were able to travel and do what you love, such a dream!!!
ОтветитьI’m an INFP and work in finance
ОтветитьUnfortunately-from what I understand- you have to have a work visa to stay in a foreign country or a really good reason maybe I'm wrong but I I Ssure would love to live in Europe
ОтветитьEven the most skilled INFPs are not good at putting themselves first or demanding anything as it usually requires a confrontation. We generally accept what we get because demanding would feel rude. I’ve been taken advantage of by so many employers because they knew I was “too nice” to object.
ОтветитьIf you're a neuro-typical INFP, you may be inclined to be minimalistic but the scenery changes dramatically when you have ADHD or bipolar; that is when impulsivity breaks your bank.
ОтветитьI am INFP but How come I am not good at writing or reading books? I am pretty much good at only sports and guitar. Does that mean I am not INFP?
ОтветитьI started learning about financial literacy after my midlife crisis. I like helping people so i'm now a consultant. Though it's kinda meh sometimes, I can control my time and also I can choose what time to work (eventhough I'm paid per day and i'm just procastinating -- I finish everything within 3-4 hours.)
ОтветитьAs an INFP, I think Investing is important for us. When you're financially independent, you can do anything that you're passionate about without having to worry about money. Look at the things differently and start see the bigger picture, guys! Good luck 🤞
ОтветитьI'm a writer in my free time. How do you find clients and become a professional writer?
ОтветитьUX Designer pays well and AR/VR designing will become more prevalent and a lot more lucrative in a couple of years
ОтветитьI’m a multidisciplinary senior designer. I get paid well but, I have evolved with my career and have been able to learn lots of different skills print design, digital, motion graphics, and UX/UI.