The Ultimate Guide to Start a Construction Company

The Ultimate Guide to Start a Construction Company

Evan Carmichael

13 лет назад

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@tejnarayanshrestha133 - 11.12.2012 21:51

Hello there, have you considered "Thousands for Surveys" (search on Google for it)? At their site you will discover valuable tips about the best way to make easy money on the internet by filling out easy lists of questions. It made it possible for Gary to work from the comfort of home and thus have the benefit of monetary independence super fast. Perhaps it will work for you also.

@cleotisoy22 - 18.12.2012 18:14

To have a construction business is the greatest dream of my life, now you thought me a good advice...I think I had see the right way^^! thumbs up!

@frankmao5505 - 31.12.2012 14:14

If the problem can be solved by yourself, to do it without bothering others! If you can not handle the work, try to get help without delay, alright?

@Jsmoke40183 - 16.01.2013 22:03

I have done all that got my feet wet. Just have trouble putting bids together

@thorpower100 - 10.02.2013 01:46

PM me.

@COCONCOChanel - 12.12.2013 00:30

Your kidding right. You provided 0.0 informatiin.
Step 1.get a job learn trade make connections
Step 2. Find someone whi will give you a bunch of money.
Step 3. Profit.
Reminds me of the underpants gnomes
Step1. Steal underpants.
Step 2 . ?
Step 3. Profit.

@COCONCOChanel - 12.12.2013 20:56

How to start a space program with no money.
1. Join nasa and learn everything tjer is to know about space.
2. Get an investor to give you 100 billion dollars.
3. Explore space.

@COCONCOChanel - 12.12.2013 21:10

Banks don't care aboit a good relationship. Tjey care about income, deposits, & credit.

If you have low income low savings and low credit no amount of brownnosing the bank staff will help the computer approve your loan.

Don't believe me go talk to your bank.

@holtoo - 13.05.2014 15:21

Wonderful, really appreciate your good work.

@muhammadnewmanmmuah8958 - 14.05.2014 14:21

i am 24 and when i 20, i was tiring to do my own construction business but i don't have funds and i just leave it  like that,, now i am 24 and i am thinking of  start it again but i have nothing  in my account and i was graduated from business college with business studies diploma, so how could i start it again?

@andreasdasilva - 09.07.2014 16:49

Hello Evan,

I have watch a few you tube videos of yours and I think I have a question for you which I can not find answer for a few years now.

I am 29 years old with 9 years of intense building work experience working for private home owners in refurbishment, house extensions and loft conversion.
In this 9 years I have open two LTD company's that have been solve out as I didn't have the knowledge of keeping the self employed income under control.

I have open a new LTD one year ago under my brother name I have a team of 6 qualify workers that have been working for us for the past 5/6 years then I have my two brother that are project managers of the two jobs that I normally run at this time, as I cant afford to grow at the moment.
We have a hard start as we have purchase new vans and new tools also we have recently move in to a bigger premises.

My question is there is anyone out there that can help me out with some capital money in order to start bigger projects, I have already book 3/4 jobs for this summer on top of what we have at the moment but I am afraid to take the jobs on just because I don't have enough capital money in order to run the project up to 95% finish stage where our clients, private home owners, will start paying our invoices.

Please note that I don't have any other found or savings, the jobs we run at the moment are just enough to cover the existing costs and any unexpected delays and so on with very little profit at this stage where we have to pay so many things like, office rent, our staff salaries (me and my brothers we don't take any income at the moment we don't have salaries, all the left over profit including our own wages goes back in business capital which is not good enough. 

After a quick look ahead and some calculation that I have made, Ill need 3 years in order to save enough capital so I can take in some bigger projects with no major risks.

So I am wonder again, it should be something available for this kind of situation isn't it Evan?

Can you help me on this one Evan please mate.

I will look forward to you faster reply please Evan.

Thank you
Best regards

@keith-kalfas - 25.08.2014 06:18

Great video

@coryw31 - 21.10.2014 23:36

I've been in construction for the past 25 years and I'm interested in creating my own business. I don't have people I can rely on for support so what does a guy like me do if I have to rely on myself to get the ball rolling?

@topeokuntade8938 - 14.05.2015 01:38

The video is well detailed but how can a young graduate start one without partnering with experts in the field already.

@prodrumm3r1 - 29.10.2015 21:10

Too close

@chadsimmons6347 - 16.05.2016 04:00

" HEY EVAN CARMICHAEL " everything you said 'WAS-TRUE" but i was looking for legal advise & trademark policy so im not overpaying taxes or infringing on other legal trademark rights THANKS-4-GOOD-VIDEO

@miguelsalgado9940 - 29.01.2017 19:22

As soon as he said start talking to the banks, I had to move on.

@amandaaisha2133 - 08.06.2017 13:59

Mr Evan I'm 21 years old and I want to open my own construction company I'm doing diploma of Construction Management and Quantity Surveying at Mangosuthu University of Technology,would it be possible for me to open it ?

@With_Both_Hands - 09.11.2017 08:32

I've been inspired to start my own concrete business for years. I think I have the right path it just takes time without an investor. I am talking to a CPA and lawyers just to figure out more about the business side. I've been doing this work for years and on a construction salary it's hard to pay a lawyer in a CPA to launch my business. With the right mindset hard work does pay off this post is for anybody else like me out there that has no investor but has the drive to make it work. These things take time but planning ahead will make you more successful in the future I've seen too many people launch too fast and lose everything.

@siphocele369 - 03.04.2018 12:54

i want to start my construction business what can i do

@nielslabbert2446 - 12.04.2018 16:53

I have a question. What if the company owner sees you as a possible treat? Regarding business competition. What if they view you as a market competitor?

@lastchancevideos5949 - 01.10.2018 05:15

My friend and I started a business on the ground level. Small jobs at first. Real small. Get paid daily. Then the jobs got bigger because we had enough money to hold us off a lil bit longer. Eventually we were doing whole hose remodels 2 at a time and let me tell you. Some people can be so picky. One paint line off. One grout line a bit bigger or smaller than the rest. Well you get the point. People can wear on you to the point where you don't think its worth it. We finally discovered where our line was and we stopped going past it. Now our jobs go smooth and the customer is always happy. We were broke starting out. Still "broke" but my wife doesn't work at all, my boys and us are fed daily with meals we actually consume, Bill's are paid and we have spending money but we are not well off by any means. October will be a year since inception of our company and I think we are holding strong. It's not a money thing if you really want it. Sacrifice, determination, commitment, struggle, that's where you will find your inner strength to you take to new heights. The doors of success are about to open for my friend and I. We didn't need banks to get started, we didn't need a loan for tools. We used what had to get the job done and bought new tools along the way. Believe me if you want it bad enough you will make it happen.

@zackonehassan8633 - 11.11.2018 14:19

Thank you very much

@jk_prajapati - 22.11.2018 10:39

You can starting in India.

@timelineconstruction4676 - 08.03.2019 10:37

Very informative videos. You have inspired me to make videos of my projects. I have migrated from UK and set up my own construction company. I am now working in Lahore Bharia Orchard. With the grace of ALLAH SWT I have few projects and will be uploading the entire process of building. I will also be sharing the costing. If anyone wishes to support me then please go to my channel and subscribe and don’t forget to press bell icon.

@valernestbenguillo2211 - 04.04.2019 11:21

Hey Evan, what shall i do if there's someone willing to invest in my company?

@mrpeart2427 - 04.05.2019 02:19

Well done

@paulahershey5004 - 15.06.2019 19:26

I'm planning to invest in construction company in Philippines. Then I saw some interesting construction companies such as Flexicore Construction, I think it would be better to partner with one first since I'm not yet good in such business.

@hawaali2863 - 18.07.2019 13:32

would it be a good idea to build a display house (prototype) cause I want to start a container house business at the same time have my dream container house in my home town Somalia. and from there I can pitch the business idea with a plan to an investor.
I've noticed that there is a lot of resources there and employees willing to work minimum wage, and a lack of modern buildings at the same time realestate property is booming there. 
I see old houses that bring in 2000$ monthly. and most of the land there is sold to people that are longing for a company that provides modern buildings at the same time economically friendly and quick to construct. 
the hard part is I'm a psychology student and have zero knowledge on construction management. what should I do, pleas help. I can see on the comments you said Anything is possible, it really depends on you if you believe and you take action to pursue what you are passionate about. I can tell you that the passion is there I'm just not sure if its achievable.

@morganhazard1122 - 22.07.2019 02:05

Is there anyway you can subcontract work out and not have a license and make money?

@naratampoudel2560 - 28.07.2019 02:22

this does not answer his question

@febeone - 08.01.2020 21:56

Someone knows Around how much to open a company ?

@WaterDesignirrigation - 26.03.2020 03:51

What are you 16 years old. What have you built ?

@Summer-rb2ol - 04.04.2020 00:16

So.....its not really starting a construction business without money is it! It should read, without your own money

@josegimenezroca4220 - 03.05.2020 06:18

Just start, find mentor, work for yourself.

@loaf9672 - 16.05.2020 07:22

Investors don't care about your age or experience as long as someone else in your group has the correct experience. If you don't how to do, find who does. Ask Henry Ford and Steve Jobs.

@yvonnemmokwatsi4186 - 10.08.2020 14:00

The information is helpful. My boyfriend in in the same industry so I want to see if I can stretch my wings. I am currently in a manufacturing environment.

@hemanathan5174 - 28.08.2020 21:13

I need Projects to work

@disobey9058 - 18.09.2020 17:27

Thats not the question

@charlest2858 - 26.09.2020 18:01

Getting a job alone isn't need Construction equipment which salary from the Job Can't buy

@PERCENTAGEHUNDRED - 21.12.2020 02:54

Easy and power point👌

@isantosian - 22.04.2023 22:19

