Historical Liu Bei's Dirty Trick for Success - Three Kingdoms History

Historical Liu Bei's Dirty Trick for Success - Three Kingdoms History

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@hentaioverwhelming - 10.02.2023 13:25

I personally call it the rubber-banding strategy. There are a couple of racing games in the arcades where the absolute distance between you and a rival is set in stone in such a weird way it funnily becomes obvious if you actually let go of the gas pedal. The arcade racing game Wangan Midnight is one such example of using this rubber-banding trick to give the illusion that a tourist trying out the game for the first time could have a snowball's chance in hell of keeping up with a local guy who has a personal game card with his profile and fully decked out racing car. By the way, I was that tourist and this was at Hong Kong's Hollywood Plaza in Diamond Hill.

@hentaioverwhelming - 10.02.2023 13:33

Also, my dad hated Liu Bei because he thought Liu Bei was a massive conman. I honestly don't have any impression of Liu Bei since I was more fascinated by Guan Yu, Zhao Yun, and Zhuge Liang. As a result, every time I play a Dynasty Warriors game, I usually played the games using those characters in that order whenever possible.

@Megumi_Bandicoot - 10.02.2023 20:38

This video alone has done way more justice to the real life Liu Bei than all the Three Kingdoms media combined.

@joshuaychung - 09.03.2023 09:05

I'm reading various Romance of Three Kingdoms books that are interpreted differently from the original text from the Ming dynasty. In one of those translations, Liu Bei comes off more as a village gangster, albeit one with a golden heart who protects the villagers from the corrupt officials, who is tough and can hold his own on the battle field with Guan Yu and Zhang Fei.

@ianmurray8925 - 27.03.2023 15:01

There needs to be a debate about colonized vs darwinism.

@sinsinsss5216 - 29.03.2023 12:15


@himatstosh6236 - 22.04.2023 18:38

I love the episode when Lu Bu, who was infamous for murdering his own lord twice and who should not be an ally, was executed, saying, "Liu Bei is the most untrustworthy person there."

@savagesavant4964 - 28.05.2023 16:24

Bill Nye is a liar & con-artist.

@IceeWaVe - 01.06.2023 00:03

U make so much sense man It answers alot of questions I had !

@VLSMITH1000 - 16.07.2023 07:05

One of the tactics Liu Bei used to gain appeal to people was to use his relationship to the Han emperors and remind them of the "good old days" of the Han dynasty that people loved so much! He used nostalgia to get people to follow him(sometimes deceitfully).And also let's not forget his blunder at the battle of Yi Ling where he sacrificed his men needlessly against Wu and loss badly! It cause him to die of worry a year later! Guess he was really not that great!

@natalkumar6132 - 30.08.2023 13:18

Therefore the story tellers wanted a Communist Liu Bie.

@Tepaneca - 16.09.2023 21:34

I always thought Liu bei was more badass than cao cao and sun Jian because he started from nothing and was able to rival their vast kingdoms. The others simply already inherited a powerful kingdom.

@mikehunt9884 - 17.09.2023 07:02

liu bei lead from the frontline supposedly, so he would literally charge and kill enemies.

@jaspertheultimatequartz2102 - 07.10.2023 21:41

On Twitter, the tactic is called "Clout Chasing".
Calling Liu Bei a clout chaser is kind of funny though, lol

@Garettteh - 30.10.2023 04:55

Liu Bei? Loser.

@kaalifari - 31.10.2023 15:32

liu bei was a bitch. he ran away alot.

@spalenzagabriel - 04.11.2023 21:07

Loved the thumbnail. Mr Yu Hewei was perfect as Liu Bei, some scenes of him using his swords or arguing actually nodded to the historical Liu Bei, worthy of Gaozu of Han's blood.

@keisaboru1155 - 14.12.2023 16:50

bro was a psychopath .

@XiangYu94 - 14.02.2024 11:52

The world would rather betray Sigma Bei, than have Sigma Bei betray them 😤

@NiskaMagnusson - 23.02.2024 01:51

what amazes me is the wide interpretations of Liu Bei that vary so wildly that some people even compare him to Dong Zhou, and whilst I've always been a Liu Bei simp I can fully appreciate why people come to this conclusion, I guess it's because the history we have is more of a novel rather than a true historical record, if only we could see the true history of events!

@ericwong4213 - 29.03.2024 03:30

the idea of Liubei as sandal maker is the same strategy Liubang did to earn support from lower people. While warlords recruit soldiers using their noble clan title, Liubei recruit civilians to be his subject as he aimed to be Emperor one day. Imagine this, the entire kingdom in perril and everyone was poor dirt with no food and everything expensive. By logic if people running businesses majority died from starvation, a fate of sandal maker will be even worse. However, rather than died from starvation like others:
- Liubei capable of hosting grand feast to feed hundreds of recruits from his village and surrounding towns. Not just one feast, but for weeks of providing free food for hundreds (if not thousands) of hungry villagers.
- He also ordered hundreds of basic survival tools such as weapons, and of course his own weapon, armor and horse have to be the best.
- He also need to bring stock pile of foods that lasted for at least months for his first campaign against yellow turban
- During his first campaign, everything has to be smooth to secure his first recorded victory. Liubei hired few hundreds of experience mercernaries to add to his army, totalling at least thousands for this first battle.

With all those above, do you really think he's just a sandal maker? He needed at least to be small town governor and pilling his wealth for years before capable to pull the above stunt, including years of bribing imperial officials so they will report good news and he can keep his job as small town governor.

@forickgrimaldus8301 - 21.04.2024 06:50

TBF to Lui Bei a Ton of People did Fake or Believed in Noble Linages that are hard to verify,

Western European Medieval and Early Modern History has people like Christopher Columbus faking Certificates to be a Son of a Noble Family. (Russia has a Period called the Reign of the False Dmitryes where a Total of 3 People Came to Rule Russia claiming to be the Lost Son of Ivan the Terrible, the Byzantine Empire had the Tyranical Andronicus face a guy claming to be his dead Cousin rebel against him that he was so sure he drowned that he reportedly quipted "well he must have been a good swimmer" to mock the pretender)

@SMCSwag - 03.05.2024 21:30

Liu Bei aka Chinese History's most successful clout chaser, jokes aside, nice video

@Jeremytevaarwerk - 13.05.2024 22:19

Is Diaochan real or fictional ?

@stump4522 - 17.05.2024 16:55

Liu Bei was just a lucky opportunist. Cao Cao and Sun Quan was too busy dealing with other warlords.

@asian123205 - 20.05.2024 15:31

This is Zhou yu spot on. Saying liu bei is just a hypocrite...

@OmegaTaishu - 21.05.2024 02:24

"The Liu Bei Gambit" sounds like a chess opening where you lose half your pieces at the beginning but still end up with a good position

@jonathanrosenfield5329 - 03.06.2024 06:38

Why you hating on Liu Bei bro?

@GiganticMythicalSpaceFishWhale - 24.06.2024 01:12

Nah, he is just an òppòrtùnìst àsshòle with a sìlvèr tongùe.

@MidnightBlackandVictoria - 03.07.2024 21:22

Yeah, he led his armies from the front. Even charged at Lu Bu along with his brothers. They weren't called "Liu Bei and the warrior brothers". They were called "The THREE warrior brothers"!

@MidnightBlackandVictoria - 03.09.2024 17:54

I love the art for the characters you use! Alot of people don't know this, but Liu Bei's nickname was "Long ears" because many often commented on how unusually long his ears were. Your artist nailed this!

And I think video games and movies downplay Liu Bei to make Guan Yu and Zhang Fei more supernaturally strong....In truth, he fought, and dueled as often as his brothers. In fact, they were called the "Three warrior brothers" because all three were excellent fighters. They downplay other characters, like Liu Feng the same way. Even though Feng was sent to meet challenges and won quite often in the novel. One of my favorite parts in fact, is when Cao Cao jumps up and down and rants "Stop sending that pretend-son of yours out here! If my son Zhang was here he would carve that boy into mince meat!" After Feng beat three of Cao's generals.

@Joe-po9xn - 15.10.2024 09:55

Tfw Guan Yu, Zhang Fei, and Kongming are just Liu Bei’s split personalities: 😮

@zheng1437 - 09.11.2024 06:59

Liu Bei is triad boss where Zhang Fei and Guan Yu used to be his underlings taking care of his area. He is a sly fox that that cheats and lies but can fight very well. He had fought his whole life in many battles and wars personally. He had lost many and yet still survived when many others stronger than him perished after losing. He is a master of deception and lies. He is the No. 1 master of guerilla warfare. Anyone that fought him in guerilla warfare lost including Cao Cao with 10 times his armies, e.g: Hanzhong Campaign. Even so, many loved Liu Bei because he had never committed any massacre against any cities like Cao Cao and Sun Quan. He just cheated and lied to get his force and people richer and stronger and get more cities and towns.

@muqiaozhou3909 - 23.12.2024 17:50

I thought the legitimacy of LB's birth was already confirmed in the Records of the Three Kingdoms, the official historical record by Chen Shou?

Also, again according to actual historical record from the same source, when Liu Biao died and CC came to take over Jingzhou, LB didn't simply take the civilians of Jingzhou with him as a convenient act to gain their support. He chose to travel with them at a speed of 10 li per day, while being pursued by CC's cavalry that travelled 300 li a day. He almost died and almost lost his son. If that's a political act rather than a sincere expression of empathy, then I'd take this act over CC's sincere killing of civilians any day.

Liu Biao took in LB when LB had no place to go. When Liu Biao died LB's advisors asked him to take over Jingzhou from Liu Biao's son, yet LB refused, saying that he couldn't bear to do it. When Liu Zhang invited LB into Yizhou it was a completely different situation. LZ was asking LB to help him to defend against Zhang Lu.

Did LB go against CC simply because he can have a politically correct moral high ground? When CC massacred Xuzhou, Zhuge Liang was an orphan and had to move with his uncle to Jingzhou to avoid the war. Did he choose to give up his peaceful life and dedicate his life to LB's work at a time when LB was at his lowest simply out of sympathy? Everyone will have different answers, but I think they both had a great love for humanity, and that's the main drive behind their continued partnership.

@Byenie0912 - 24.12.2024 05:59

my theory is that liu bei is simply a peasant but he was "adopted" or considered as part of the imperial family by the emperor. makes sense that the emperor needed a LIU on his side. the other LIU died and looked like he wasn't an ally. But LIU BEI, who is popular, can be used as a rallying standard for the LIU family

@holeeshi9959 - 31.12.2024 23:09

Liu Bei is often seen as the "Anti-Cao Cao": even if he actually shares many of Cao Cao's traits like being ambitious and calculating,

Other misconceptions in Romance of the Three kingdom:
Historical Zhang Fei is actually a wealthy merchant and well educated, he is unlikely to be a "butcher", but even if he is a Han dynasty butcher would be fairly wealthy since meat is a luxury food
Historical Zhuge Liang is not poor either, he is born from a well to do noble family, his father worked as a Han official, and he got cousins working in both Wu and Wei.
Historical Wei actually had the least harsh laws(meaning they have the least amount of execution and "tatooing face and cutting hands off" punishments) and lowest taxes, despite how ruthless Cao Cao and his successors are, Shu is actually governed very militaristically with very harsh set of laws and heavy taxation to feed their military machines.

@coffeefirst9856 - 12.01.2025 23:13

call it "Victory In Defeat" when going against a better opponent its not to win its to extract what you can out of the exchange Liu Bei fleas but get the people sorta like a attainable silver metal

@NgarKua - 13.01.2025 06:10

So... Liu Bei was essentially Ancient times Uncle Rogers... Roasting a famous baddie to get famous... :D

@spacefaringyoshi - 25.01.2025 01:10

Step 1 - Wander around with my bros and followers
Step 2 - Help some local lord out
Step 3 - Charm tf outta the locals
Step 4 - Strategic marriages
Step 5 - Complete takeover
Step 6 - Recruit the actual talented folk, phase out the losers
Step 7 - Fight Cao Cao

If Step 7 results in defeat, rinse and repeat.

@forexgo4752 - 28.01.2025 08:15

zhuge liang carried his whole kingdom, shu collapsed after zhuge liang passed away

@125discipline2 - 29.01.2025 16:18

Twitter is truly the virtual three kingdoms

@willx6394 - 06.02.2025 05:03

It all came down to a southern wind at chi bi. The best story of overcoming the odds I've ever seen/read.

@Sthrall - 10.02.2025 05:09

soooo.... its just like vegan teacher targeting big name

@SuperCosmicSpaceMagnet - 11.02.2025 05:37

Remember that this dude was best friends with Gongsun Zan, one of the cruellest and most vicious warlords of the era. They had more in common than Romance would have you believe.

@Ozempic-666 - 11.02.2025 07:33

Liu Bei was a dirty dawg

@abc2390986 - 12.02.2025 19:22

Liu Bei is like our usual Fire Emblem protagonist. He has the charisma to get the best people fighting for his cause, and even with all these good talented warriors he would still take the front line and risking himself in countless of battles that his squads are outnumbered.

@hazaramujahideen2177 - 26.02.2025 06:30

When i was watching 3 kingdom , I have never like him . If he had fooled so many people and so viewers too , but not me . He was too ambitious really and he just used all who is closed to him .

@gloomgaming8670 - 02.03.2025 14:54

Lie bei sucks, hypocrite and lackluster, he was just a lucky guy that helped by zhuge Liang.
The only capable ruler was cao cao, he was ahead of their times, fast thinker.
Zhang fei was even better than liu bei even thou he is bad tempered.
