Bill has never seen any light .He's trying to save face.
He's never seen past his own nose.
It would be a miracle.
That golfing photo, wasn't Trump playing golf when Colombia refused to take the returned illegal immigrants? Didn't Trump resolve that, forcing Colombia to accept them and even sent their own Presidential plane to pick them up? Now THAT'S multitasking.
ОтветитьNo matter what he says, I still don't trust Bill.
He's been to waffle-y in the past.
How about next video you try reporting some real information
ОтветитьBill Mahers just another Hollywood hypocrite.
ОтветитьAlso it is under NTSB investigation. A visit from the president would greatly disrupt the investigation and recovery efforts
ОтветитьI’m a be honest this kind of felt like Clickbait, Bill Maher basically said one thing and then you made a whole video about it. I mean, this isn’t some sort of massive turn of events where the bill is suddenly, Republican, he just acknowledged the stupidity of one reporter
(Apologies if there are any spelling mistakes, I am using voice to text.)
"Bill Maher's not... Doing it for me anymore," said my friend this week. He gets most of his news from This Week Tonight now.
Maher's a heretic now lol
He's been that way for a long time. He doesn't like Trump but he regularly calls people out on their bullshit.
ОтветитьBill hasn't caught on lol this was a single joke from him. Sure, he was right. Sure, he saw the truth for a second, but this is a blip. Tomorrow, he'll be back on the other side talking about how mean the orange man is. He's been doing this flip-flopping for years now.
ОтветитьBill is not your normal stupid left winger. He can see the light.
ОтветитьRemember Bill Maher kept saying that Biden was mentally sound until that debate
ОтветитьAs if golf was a sport. Lol. Golf is business meetings on the grass. Ask any CEO.
ОтветитьHe's still a preening clown LOL!!!!!
ОтветитьBill is very slow minded if he just now realizes how dumb the media is.
ОтветитьCould be but Walk Away has people who once believed and towed the leftist line. One day wakes up. It's never too late to wake up and smell how rotten the trash heep the left truly is. I'd much rather see them come to their senses and if it's a grift. That will get exposed as well. Not even professional con artists can keep up their schemes forever.
ОтветитьSo I'm no fan of Bill Maher, and even less of the MDM. But there's a difference between calling out a stupid question and saying that the Maher is suddenly calling the media leftist. This video is the same kind of BS that I would expect from CNN ... take a 5 second clip and imply that it shows a person's beliefs, intentions and character. I guess you learned something from them.
ОтветитьElon is not gay
ОтветитьThe more Donald Trump does the more the left will see the truth. And the smart ones will know what side of history they want to be on.
ОтветитьBiden was such a fool and the communist democrats are the true double tounges of the galaxy
ОтветитьBill didn't see the light, he just saw the money.
ОтветитьSo.... an 8+ minute video, with 10 seconds of Bill Maher seeing the light, and the rest is you blathering on about shit we already know....
ОтветитьDon't give Bill Maher credit for anything, he's a fake who will say anything based on the circumstances. A communist at heart.
ОтветитьLet's not forget who really showed up to help the people in Palestine Ohio
ОтветитьHas anyone in this comments section, or the channel host ever seen Bill Maher’s show? No one has been more critical of the left the past ten years than Maher, and I would wager no one has more publicly and vehemently attacked the “woke culture” than Maher. Just saying. I feel like Ice commented this exact comment before on this channel?
Maher is an old-school democrat bordering on independent. He is much closer to being a libertarian than a modern democrat. The dummy’s in this comments section, or the channel host, have probably never seen Real Talk, so they mistake his attacks on Trump as being evidence for his participation in the leftist media brainwash agenda. That assumption is laughable to anyone who has ever watched his show in the past 15 years. He hates Trump personally; he has real deep seated beef with Trump going back long before Trump was even remotely political. And they have both sued each other multiple times. Hating someone personally, and wanting them to fail, has nothing to do with political beliefs.
We have not had true and honest journalists for decades. I am sure that Walter Cronkite is rolling over in his grave over the journalist of today. Mr. Maher is being honest about just how stupid our media is today.
ОтветитьEight years and Maher sees the light. I'm not interested in watching somebody that stupid. All you had to do is listen. I doubt he got over TDS.
ОтветитьThis channel is stellar. Well played 🏆
ОтветитьBill Maier is so refreshing. Keeps an open mind. Even though I don't agree with him 100 percent of the time; I truly respect his opinions!
ОтветитьFor years, I've thought that too many journalists are terrible, and stupid people. They cover a disaster - fire, flood, hurricane, whatever, and they find some poor person trying to deal with the destruction of their home and ask "How are you feeling"? Seriously??? How do you think they're feeling? "Oh yeah, I'm so glad my home is gone, full of irreplaceable photos and momentos." Number one - show some kindness and respect to those dealing with the loss and 2 - instead of pestering them with stupid questions, HELP THEM! Get your hands dirty and help them dig through the rubble, or help them get to a shelter where they can get a meal and someplace to rest.
ОтветитьPeople see bill Maher having a change of heart. I see a man desperate to keep his fanbase. Of course he’ll run with what’s trending
ОтветитьThe Law Suit Costs Will Out Way any Saving the People Will Receive. I Say Go for IT..
ОтветитьThe fact that this video keeps buffering tells me something is afoot.
ОтветитьIt took four years of incompetent-at-best Biden, for some people to finally get it. The contrast from the first month in office is like a long-overdue breath of fresh air for EVERYBODY.
ОтветитьBill want to be a hero who changed the Dem party. Unfortunately the choir took off their earpieces and went rogue. Some people will never see truth. Some will want evil. And some have not a clue.
ОтветитьHey, Trump held a campaign rally in the Bronx of all places. And they loved him. Who would've thought?
ОтветитьDon’t ever lose the fact Maher is a flaming lefty. He’s like a RINO playing both sides. He still hates the right, but playing both sides.
Ответитьsee the light nothing. Bill just saw where the wind was blowing.
ОтветитьI he just realized it he is not all that smart or knowledgeable.
ОтветитьThe MSM is just so disgusting. It's the responsibility of the free press to hold gov't accountable and report the truth to the people. These so called journalists abandoned their role years ago. They lie and cover up for Dems, then lie and try to catch conservatives in gotcha questions that you know that don't actually care about. If they did they'd hold their own people to the same standard. But if they say they don't like conservatives doing something while they let their own people do those same things all the time, it's not the "thing" that's being done that they are supposedly concerned about. It's all false posturing.
ОтветитьThe Whitehouse should just pull the press pass for the reporters that don't STFU when told to. When they are trying to hijack the room and ruin it for everyone else there to ask questions. They need to stop being afraid to do this and just pull their pass and bar them from the building. That is an utter embarrassment the way they were acting in the clips of CNN trying to talk over him and other reporters.
ОтветитьThey say you could tell Biden was never in the WH working because the Marine stands at the door when the POTUS is working in there, the marine was never there with Biden..NOW, the marine is always there.
ОтветитьBill isnt really doing anything here. All that happened is he looked at what was popular and changed his opinions to whats popular
Ответитьi feel like bill wan never on ether side, he seems to hate what the democrats have become.
ОтветитьPull Acosta's press card!!!
Ответитьi mean his strategy of saying the right thing now isn't without merit, it's better than sticking to his guns and going down with literally every ship in the dem party
ОтветитьBiden never went to Ohio after he ended the train union 😂
ОтветитьBill Maher is he self-serving horse faced PUNK
ОтветитьAh yes... The same predictable, slow shift, by Bill Maher.. I told everyone to watch, that it was happening before the election, he was making his usual, calculated shift.
Bill Maher has done this many times over the years, a fair weather patriot, going whatever the direction the wind blows, to keep his ratings and perceived relevance, intact.
Did the same with his stand up comedian act... He's as slimy as any other but he keeps the option of change and not making a last stand on some hill of BS.
Now that the Dems and the Left have completely lost ALL credibility in the eyes of John Q Public, Billy boy is shifting, again... Now he's going to be saying "I told ya so" and act magnanimous.
Anyone over 35 years old that doesn't have Bill Maher's number, is a blind imbecile.. 🙄
don't get your hopes up, maher will be back on the bs train tomorrow.