Roman auxiliaries - what was their role in the Roman army?

Roman auxiliaries - what was their role in the Roman army?

Adrian Goldsworthy. Historian and Novelist

9 месяцев назад

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@gandalfstormcrow8439 - 08.05.2024 08:20

Boy am I glad I stayed up late!

@joshkelso8127 - 08.05.2024 08:25


@happycats685 - 08.05.2024 08:42

Mihi quoque amici

@Drewe223 - 08.05.2024 15:55

Always love a new upload.

@Wien1938 - 08.05.2024 16:01

It makes perfect sense for the auxiliaries to be the continuation of the allied Italians as it preserves the central role of the legionaries in the army.

I'm also intrigued by the Cohors Equitatae, the 1-4 ratio unit. It's a bit like either a miniature legion or Polybius' extraordinarii.

@WagesOfDestruction - 08.05.2024 22:08

Surely t, the Roman leaders saw them as cheaper

@cliffordjensen8725 - 09.05.2024 01:52

Really nice presentation, I enjoyed it. I suspect that the auxiliaries could perform in the main battleline almost as well as the legionaries, at a lower cost per unit. Which I suspect is why the late Roman legionnaire had roughly the same kit.

@procinctu1 - 09.05.2024 07:13

Thank you so much. This is very informative.

@stephenreid6099 - 09.05.2024 15:38

Love your videos! Good companion to the books I like to read.

@ruckandmaul5018 - 09.05.2024 17:35

So in essence Legionaries are equipped to designate them as Roman. The Auxilia equipped to designate them as non-Roman, however in combat they are identical?

@picklerick8785 - 09.05.2024 17:44

To compare, in the 18th century the British army had a concept that mimics exactly the Roman concept of expedita, in the terms "light marching order" and "flying column" which had nothing to do with the status of the troops as regulars, grenadiers, or light infantry.

@nobedience - 09.05.2024 20:32

This is worth listening to. It's actually goldsworthy.

@deuteroniusz9222 - 11.05.2024 06:55

Can you please give the recommendations of books to read to explore the topic you present more profoundly?

@marklandwehr7604 - 11.05.2024 15:26

My family have a farm in strasbourg that Was bought from a roman senator By one of my relatives That soldiered for caesars aunt julia marius Our name means auxiliary It's in the background on the movie the sound of music I have documents that my great aunt used to spring My great cousin a priest from prison During the second world war

@carveraugustus3840 - 16.05.2024 03:00

The Batavians are my favorite. I love their maverick, I can cross the Thames in full armour, attitude.
We are gonna raise in Rebellion in 69 AD under our Prince; and kinda get away with it too.

@jannarkiewicz633 - 04.06.2024 00:54

Can you define how an legion was raised? Caesar would just go out, raise two legions, good to go -- I mean where did they their Eagles, their blacksmiths, their supply wagons, not to mention armor and weapons.

@437cosimo - 22.06.2024 04:24

An oval flat shield will slip through woods better than a large curved rectangular shield.

@troydodson9641 - 28.06.2024 12:35

Glad to be an Andrian fanboy. Spectacular work, personal intelligence and accumulated knowledge on full display. A surprise that you were able to mute the sounds of ladies breaking down your door.

Jokes aside, many thanks from me

@bryan753 - 17.12.2024 14:06

Hi, I love your work. Do you plan to release content on the late Roman army? Ie 4th century onwards

@VilleValo235 - 23.12.2024 08:47

So glad to find this channel. Read a few of your works, and I just wanted to ask if maybe you’ll do a material about the Dacian Wars, considering that during that period Trajan assembled the biggest force the Roman Empire ever used during a campain. Most of it, auxiliary troops. Thank you.

@דביררותם - 23.12.2024 15:07

What about the possibility that their importance lies in their stabbing spear as main weapon, so they could be used in different scenarios (against cavalry)?

@colinmcgrathinsydney - 29.01.2025 00:34

This bloke is a gem of a find on YT.
