Kaci Nicole

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@FaithfullyBound_Living - 22.01.2022 19:37

I decided to Scripture write the book of RUTH but first I wanted to understand it better.

This video REALLY helped me understand so much more than I did before.
I love how you give meaning of names and so much rich information.
Now I am going to read some commentaries and start writing ✍️

@Ritaj32112 - 14.02.2022 03:57

Awesome Study, Much Revelation ✨

@rhoopai136 - 18.02.2022 03:06

Very good 🙂

@jessicalarreau3647 - 18.02.2022 15:32

What commentary do you use?

@Blessed2BeABlessing. - 20.02.2022 01:42

I’m studying the book of Ruth today, and I thank God that he gives you the knowledge to packed so many information to share with us. I love watching your study videos. I always learned from them. Thank you for your dedication and commitment to the body of Christ. Heaven bless you.

@dezzydezi - 01.03.2022 09:32

This was great thank you

@ashleytunny - 04.03.2022 14:17


@aprilhostetler2569 - 15.03.2022 18:38

Thank You for bringing us back to the scriptures .❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

@tessayoung6499 - 05.04.2022 17:55

What stood out to me is the ending and how God showed up when the didn't expect it with the harvest. I love how you say it's "perfect timing." I interpreted that Naomi believe in the idea of god but not god, however Ruth was loyal to her with faithfulness in knowing that god would provide. Ruth was her great friend like a sister and sisters do life together. Let me know if you thought differently.

@tessayoung6499 - 05.04.2022 17:55

Also, Kaci this is incredible!!! LOVE your content

@noratrue4806 - 05.05.2022 17:56


@wandajordon856 - 18.05.2022 16:10

Thanks for beautiful study it is 2022 and it is a time of decisions mundane ordinary what to do....God is still on the Throne working behind the scenes.Amen

@LaurenCohen67 - 05.06.2022 01:40

Here's my 2 cents addition :
In addition to showing kindness and redemption, as well as to explain away king David's Moabit roots, the other reason for this story is showing how, women who work together, can thrive 😀

@myworship9426 - 28.06.2022 03:48

Praise the Lord!

@cathes.4165 - 13.07.2022 11:47

Naomi might have went away full and came back with nothing, but I think what more is to come is going to make a loud noise! Beautiful study Kaci, sending love all the way from India! :)

@penelopealiceofficial - 27.07.2022 02:05

This helped me so much!! I have never studied Ruth but I really wanted to. I didn't take many notes but this video helped me understand so much 💓

@monkeyylover4130 - 05.08.2022 23:21

I wanted to not be here today and this video helped me a lot , thank you.

@hisplannotmine.2278 - 20.08.2022 02:50

Awesome!!! Thank u so much !!

@luqicharmz - 17.10.2022 15:33

I’m starting my return to Bible study here because my great grandma compared herself to my grandma as Ruth and Naomi.

@ritaberil7455 - 21.11.2022 09:10

You are a wonderful child of God and you spoke to my heart in a time of need and doubt. God bless you and your sweet family. Keep shining your light for Jesus ad do not get weary in laboring for His glory.

@kaileybarker1259 - 22.11.2022 19:00

I learned ruth was dependent on God all the way and not partially. When I watched this video it felt like I had a friend doing it with me which is so helpful cause I feel like no one wants to dive deep anymore. Thanks for this helpful video.

@mikebonna8890 - 23.11.2022 12:47

Thank you 💕 so much for your teaching

@dantemontoya8159 - 26.11.2022 08:32

“The stage is being set for God to move” I love that it gives perspective

@Eleerai - 26.01.2023 07:12

Thank you for taking time to do this Bible study. It is very helpful in deeper understanding the text. GOD BLESS YOU

@ceciliaortega1407 - 12.03.2023 02:59

I learned that judges was a time when there was no king the people were ruled by judges. The moabites sacrificed thier children to a satanic diety. Ruth means friend, companion.

@crystalamardi8661 - 06.04.2023 18:05

Beautiful ❤

@kadencerowley - 10.04.2023 05:54

Great Video 🎉

@Coffeeismylifeblood - 15.04.2023 06:13

I like the book, Ruth’s hard work and selflessness always makes me emotional.
I’ve read it I think twice or three times now. ❤

@_deut6.9 - 27.04.2023 02:26

Side note : Boaz is also from the lineage of Judah and Tamar. The Lord is in the details and when we read scriptures enough we see that HE turns everything bad for good and there is forgiveness and mercy to those who practice MERCY as Judah displayed when he tried to take the place of Benjamin

@asjajanaee - 04.05.2023 03:16

what stood out to me is when she said she left full and came back empty idk why that speaks to me so much

@CindyVarni - 11.05.2023 15:54

I can identify with Ruth. I am married no kids and love my mother I'm law.

@bananaab3 - 29.05.2023 16:14

Thank you for making these videos, I always search your channel to see if you’ve made a video for the book of the Bible I’m reading

@donovanm7397 - 03.06.2023 21:53

I love to do word studies when doing bible study because it helps me understand the passage a bit better. I noticed in vs 19 where it says the townspeople were "stirred" by their arrival. I read the Christian Standard Bible, and my version says "excited about" their arrival. Well, that didn't sound right to me because the Israelites and Moab did not have a good relationship. That was why Naomi didn't want Ruth and Orpah to come back to Bethlehem with her. They most likely would have been ridiculed. So I looked up the verse in the Blue Letter Bible, and the Hebrew word they used there is "hum", a verb meaning "to distract, ring again, make a great noise, murmur, roar, discomfit", etc. I looked up the exact meaning of discomfit, and it means to make someone feel uneasy or embarrassed. That definitely makes more sense than "excited", considering the history between Israel and Moab. Some food for thought!

@aleshalewis8587 - 28.06.2023 21:19

Wow amazing

@colleenmisner454 - 04.07.2023 14:39

Can you do on the Book of Job and Revelations

@tiffanygrever8092 - 13.08.2023 21:59

I lost my husband 8 years ago and left me with 2 sons to raise luckily both are doing well but in my personal life im kinduf lost everyone keeps referring me to the book of Ruth i guess the lesson of trust and blind faith should be my focus.

@michelepepperrell4701 - 08.09.2023 18:24

I've just started this study today 3 years after you recorded it. Another great book and teaching. Thank you Kaci.

@christinajames3523 - 05.10.2023 19:06

This is October 5th 2023. Live is Topsy turbey lately for us. Odd things. We live far frm much in Wyoming and my husband works away frm home. He is gone sometimes as much as nearly a month at a time. I've just found tour channel and appreciate your heart for the Lord!!! I needed this thank you ❤

@cordeliadwaba7426 - 08.10.2023 20:56

Insightful facts about conducting a thoughtful Bible study.

@LizMail-m6e - 17.11.2023 14:49

Thank you for sharing . Please STOP moving your hands so much it is a distraction ❤

@박-r3d - 18.11.2023 15:25

I really love your hair!! the color & curls are goals 💫

@GinnieMaeResidenceCare-cx7sv - 12.03.2024 13:55


@AromaMomBibleStudy - 23.05.2024 03:58

Thank you so much for bringing out the full meaning of the book of Ruth. It really is exciting! I am working on a Ruth Bible study also. Your advice about context is key. Keep up the great work doing Bible studies! It is nice to see a younger generation woman so passionate about the Bible!

@oprahkomba4778 - 13.06.2024 02:09

2024 June 🎉🎉🎉started my Bible study

@maureenkaberi3913 - 17.08.2024 20:35

Bible study in August 2024

@meliemoon6372 - 13.12.2024 23:49


@alirahama6312 - 03.02.2025 12:03

Thank you so much for this bible study, I thank God I bumped into it

@kacinicole - 14.08.2020 21:02

IT'S HERE! Our new BIBLE STUDY series! Who's excited to go through the book of Ruth?! 🙋🏼‍♀️ Share some thoughts in the comments below of what stood out to you most from chapter 1. ✨
