Flatland Cavalry - February Snow (Official Music Video)

Flatland Cavalry - February Snow (Official Music Video)

Flatland Cavalry

9 лет назад

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@bricesechrist6438 - 02.02.2016 21:45

How perfect was it that y'all had a Lubbock snow for the video!

@TheRealSalMusic - 02.02.2016 23:49

Another great song Cleto I dig it

@MiguelRamos-gf7bq - 08.04.2016 23:05

Great Video! Good luck on all future endeavors Cleto to you and the band. Keep making West Texas proud.

@JTex903 - 23.05.2016 18:31

Such a great band! Can't wait to watch them in concert.

@1daniel66 - 02.06.2016 05:03

My wife left me in February. It wasn't snowing.

@renatinhoss - 12.06.2016 17:13

love at first heard

@reddirttexmusic6547 - 17.07.2016 02:51

I would love to know who disliked this..

@cindycox218 - 02.09.2016 12:01

I'm a fan now!

@cindycox218 - 30.09.2016 07:08

Great fiddle!!

@anthonyharris1170 - 30.11.2016 04:34

Love it!

@superlooper2175 - 13.07.2017 05:08

Awesome! Y'all are great!

@texaslawncare9624 - 19.07.2017 11:21

I really dig the drummer idk how he play but it is awesome. Ps saw y'all at the ritz last weekend it was one hell of a show bud

@regismartins8952 - 13.09.2017 07:06

Americans are lucky for having such a nice band like Flatland Cavalry. There is nothing like this in Brazil. Hope someday i have a chance to listening to y'all live !!!

@brittanyjenkins7731 - 15.11.2017 08:56

Love love love FC!!! 💜💜

@scornell66 - 28.12.2017 22:30

A great song....that fiddle player is so pure and smooth!!! Nicely done

@earth2rose - 12.04.2018 01:52

I would love if you guys could maybe write sheet music for the violin part, please!

@MiguelRosalesMusic - 18.09.2018 07:36

Johnathan looks like a completely different person

@jasonhooson7327 - 19.01.2019 09:35

Who the hell wouldn't like this..?

@melissajackson7056 - 08.01.2021 00:48

Damn I love that violin

@pischpilot - 16.02.2021 14:31

Greetings from Israel! Lovely and authentic country music!

@ronniegillaspy - 20.02.2021 11:47

Funny how this pops up after the Texas 2021 February ice/snow storm 😂

@cobywurz5682 - 06.03.2022 02:51

Me and my girl loved this song.. hits different now she's my ex💔

@ChickenMelon - 05.04.2022 23:25

The guitar player is vibing hard

@Hibiol-of-my-decay - 25.04.2022 11:27

i cant stop listen to you, i've just found your songs this night. you're so hardworking and i could describe your songs as warm for the heart. i wish you the best

@zacharynoga8132 - 15.08.2022 18:55

My favorite song by you guys. You guys were my wife's & my first concert together, will never forget it.

@michaelmcclure3918 - 22.08.2022 19:08

The best part of the band, they are such nice people. Went to concert in Irving this weekend and they were so nice, signing autographs after the show and chatting it up.

@zacharyblackburn4271 - 22.10.2022 02:50

This song has got me thru a lot.. I love this

@МаратХисамов-ф2щ - 03.11.2022 11:27


@powerliftingstarwarsfan - 26.02.2023 07:13

Your eyes glowed like candles in the night
As you wiped the freezin' tears from your eyes
I said you still love me, you said I don't know
Left me standing in the February snow

We were the couple others strive to be
Now you're just you and I'm just me
I meant every single word I said
Just not the ones that got us in the end

'Cause I really wish that you'd come back
I just can't do this on my own
'Cause every time I close my eyes
I'm underneath that street light in the cold
As you fade into that February snow

And every night I sleep I dream of you
But I guess sometimes some dreams don't come true
I gave up on counting sheep, I just stare at the door 'til I fall asleep
And I pray that one day you might come through

'Cause I really wish that you'd come back
I just can't do this on my own
'Cause every time I close my eyes
I'm underneath that street light in the cold
As you fade into that February snow

'Cause I really wish that you'd come back
I just can't do this on my own
'Cause every time I close my eyes
I'm underneath that street light in the cold
As you fade into
Well, as you fade into
That February snow
And damn that February snow

@tvLAND3458 - 09.04.2023 06:43

“I said “Do you still love me?” You said “I don’t know” “ is the most heartbreaking part

@tempednice - 23.04.2023 08:08

2023 new to this and I love it!!!!!!!!!

@keenanleonard5797 - 12.11.2023 19:13

My best friend took me to a flatline concert I had no idea who they where but when they sang this song in the middle of February while It was absolutely nuking snow I knew they were fuckin badass

@bwm5656 - 09.02.2024 09:41

Still Y’all number 1 black fan in history

@Tiger17channel - 24.06.2024 18:00

I met a girl at a concert who said this was her favorite song. She sang and I couldn’t help but just smile feeling lucky to just be in her presence. We talked and she was so nice and sweet and she was probably the prettiest girl I’ll ever lay eyes on as she sang during that concert. I never got her name, but every time I hear this song I can’t help but think of that girl from Wichita. Best know if they ever play in Wichita Kansas I’ll be there just to have the chance to tell that girl how I felt that night.

@Jack_Johnson - 27.06.2024 08:06

My best friend told me to listen to this song in 8th grade and the first month of freshman year he got killed in a car accident. I can’t do anything without him😭

@curtisanderson8013 - 21.07.2024 20:32

Ms Lady you are a ol Fiddle Skinner i see🦾🦾🦾🦾🌹🍻🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸

@BigDonk420 - 01.01.2025 10:04

Im 8 years late but this is my favorite song.
