When Pageau recalls the names of Frenchmen, I devolve into a Norm MacDonald joke about the useful porpoise. "You could've been one of the greats..."
ОтветитьI have mixed feelings about the whole "why would anyone want the 'cool church,' people want the real thing..."
I get it. I agree to a point. I actually play keyboard for a sort of "hip church," with rock concert-style worship services.
But our church emphasizes the importance of truth, our pastor openly speaks our against the trans stuff, about abortion, etc.
As far as music goes, we have a kind of "do the best we can do with our resources and gifts" attitude. We even put on special musical/artistic events and emphasize that God works through art and music and so we really go all out in these things. Not just to be cool, not to "lure" people in, but to reflect Good and his creation.
So, although the turn towards more traditional services is interesting and understandable, God works in different ways and in different types of communities.
Harsh and 19th century - I agree with your take on FSSP. I went there several years and also a bit of time in SSPX when I returned to the church in 2017 only to finally come to that conclusion. The 19th century art especially started to feel so cloyingly sentimental it shutdown my sense of wonder. I progressively kept having the CS Lewis book -"Till We Have Faces" come to mind. Until we have faces, until we have faces I kept thinking. Always popping in mind. I'm looking forward to Annie Crawfords lectures on that book that starts this coming Friday.
ОтветитьY’all can hate, but change Pageau’s sentiment towards converting to EO, he found something beautiful and went after it. You have my attractions to confessional lutheranism
ОтветитьI live near the oldest Serbian Orthodox Church in North America. Christmas is fun.
ОтветитьSleeping Beauty is my favorite fairytale.
ОтветитьDisney's The Lion King is the best animated movie that interweaves Christian themes into the story. The Hunchback of Notre Dame is also a very good movie.
ОтветитьThey’re speaking my Christianity while they’re drinking scotch as an infusion of Satanism subtlety like the snake unbelievable. Alcohol has destroyed more lives and sent more people to prison than any drug.
ОтветитьExtremely difficult to enjoy this conversation when Matt interrupts all the time, especially when Jonathan is just in the middle of saying something interesting. Matt! Stoooooop!
ОтветитьGreetings from England, dear brothers. We all live in our own bubble, so this is from my bubble to your bubble. Nice whisky, good cigars, yes the good life: flaunting, your good life in front of many who are struggling to pay for their heating bills, may lack a bit of social disconnect: but maybe your audience are cigar puffing, Whisky drinking, conservative Christians, and you have researched your potential market well.
ОтветитьPageau was super based in this interview. Great conversation.
ОтветитьYou two are such nice guys. Such a nice hangout.
ОтветитьMy grandmother was Russian and grew up Orthodox. She was a painter and painted many landscapes with churches in, as well as making sculptures of Mary with Jesus. I have inherited several of her paintings, sculpture and an Orthodox icon. Last year I found God and now her icon, which was in a drawer, sits on top of my new bookcase of religious books. I thought I was becoming Catholic but now I have a feeling I might become Orthodox and my heritage is one reason.
ОтветитьThis has been one of the most interesting episodes I've watched on your channel.
ОтветитьWhat i don't understand it's why always people like your guest are attacking some how Catholics, we never do that i don't know why always happens but thanks You because i know for sure that i belong tontje Church That JESUS really founded wich is THE CATHOLIC CHURCH never the less i follow your channel, i have learned a Lot.
ОтветитьI almost think people want a nuclear war because there’s a collective depression, like people are just “let’s get it over with already”
ОтветитьDisney knows Snow White is a failure. It’s unfortunate, but Disney has developed this story by directors and producers who really do not understand, respect or love the project and the original source material()ie 1938 Disney version). They can’t wrap their mind around the heart of the story. Then, they are manipulated by Political Correction of the Hollywood community, which forces and distorts the content. It’s a no win situation for this project. Now they keep reworking, reshooting and manipulating the project- creating a muddy mess.
ОтветитьGreat interview! One of my favourites so far!
ОтветитьThis is so tight lol, makes the journey feel less intimidating.
Just flow, let go, and let God take over.
Also I'd love to see Tommy Green on here he's a hardcore/metalcore dude and a huge follower of Christ, he plays for a band called HolyName formerly of Sleeping Giant.
Thought I'd put that out there, look him up.
Beautiful soul with a beautiful family and community.
This must be the most interesting conversation I've witnessed in a long time. Jonathan appeared to feel really comfortable and was giving away profound insights like candy bars. Thank you both for this wonderfull and enriching experience!
ОтветитьI became Orthodox after 20 years of atheism. I was baptised last week. God bless Dr Peterson and Jonathan for guiding me out of the darkness.
ОтветитьI love Jonathan Pageau.
Been listening to him for a very long time.
I do think that Jordan Peterson was where I heard about Jonathan first.
I’m glad that Matt has him on his channel.
We are learning so much from these intellectuals out there who are in love with the Lord. It’s wonderful. But of course, worshiping the Lord is better than knowledge, so we have to remember never to.stop worshipping!
“Do what you want”, says Brandan
ОтветитьWhat I get from this: same as the sin is greater for the man who commits it again having previously begged forgiveness for formerly committing it: so faith becomes harder for the man who seeks truth through pure reasoning and intellectual pursuit. Because to the simple intuitive man God is obvious, to the child faith is easy: but to the academic intellectual who has built his house on atheistic assumptions, clever rejections; escaping that repeated error is close to as hard as escaping our non-character, our ungodliness, in purgatory (the cleansing process between life and rebirth). IE just chill, believe and you will in time receive the gift of faith which will confirm your belief is true more absolutely than any intellectual confirmation.
Ответить1. The Way of a Pilgrim and the Pilgrim Continues His Way - Anonymous
2. Polish Fairy Tales, by A. J. Glinski
3. Consolation of Philosophy - Anicius Manlius T S Boethius
Who is here because they found jbp and this podcast through jonathan
ОтветитьThe cheers was great 😂
Ответитьthis podcast randomly popped up and auto played..and i ENJOYED listening to this guy with a ponytail talking ang breaking down the meaning of snow white
many thanks
happy new year 2025 everyone
Jonathan pageau is simply at another level, he's a genius and he has a way to see, read and process reality that it makes me feel so blessed to be able to hear him and his teachings.
ОтветитьAs a Methodist who was just awakened by our schism, I am yearning for doctrinal and lived orthodoxy. The mainline Protestant denominations began their drift in the late 19th century when they started competing to comfort an affluent audience.
ОтветитьThank you for having Jonathan on - I can't help but escape the irony that this talk is sponsored by Hallow, which is financed by Peter Thiel who also provided funding for Neuralink and is good friends with Elon.
ОтветитьGreat convo. Pageau has helped me immensely in my faith, and so have you Matt. Thanks all.
ОтветитьPageau can really turn a phrase. He doesn’t give new information as much as he opens up a new window or perspective.
Pageau offers a different angle to the same world you know; Illuminating access to a previously impossible, even inconceivable perspective.
Maybe even a more wholesome worldview.
Thank you for a great program, and I’m looking forward to the next ones from the new studio! Could you please consider inviting to your program someone with a liberal approach similar to that of Pope Francis? I think this could help bridge divisions – Cor unum et anima una.
ОтветитьGood evening, loved Jonathan’s idea for representation of fairy tales. I don’t know if you know of this group, but Clamavi De Profundis did a cover of heigh ho that is delightful.
ОтветитьThat Jack and Beanstalk stuff is good stuff.
ОтветитьFinally listening to this, I wish I hadn't put it off for so long! Ya know, introducing Jonathan Pageau to a wider audience was a really dumb career choice for Jordan Peterson. I consume wayyyy more of Pageau's content than I do JP 😆😆
(No shade at Jordan lol I still like him)
My dad went to Wheaton College, studied literature, was then ordained as a Presbyterian Minister; spent his career as a much beloved physician. My mother is Catholic. I was baptized Presbyterian. Here I am on Pints with Aquinas.
ОтветитьMatt looks much better Ithan last time I watched him - I wonder if he was or is fasting a lot
ОтветитьIt's called the phelonion, Jonathan! 😊
ОтветитьDoesn't the orthodox church believe smoking is a sin?