Why SEVERANCE Season 2 Episode 4 Is PERFECT

Why SEVERANCE Season 2 Episode 4 Is PERFECT


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@miguelatabug - 10.02.2025 12:29

each member of MDR represents one of the four tempers!

@blanchebuhia758 - 10.02.2025 14:03

This show. Amazing. No words. Just wow.

@krislabell - 10.02.2025 16:27

Irving definitely did a lot of smiling and laughing with the lady that was in Bert's department❤

@dubbleplusgood - 10.02.2025 16:28

These ai channels are trash content. You said nothing not already said by real people and it's not far from lumons training videos. Bring back real people.

@MyDrugHell - 10.02.2025 17:17

So Mark's innie put his outtie into Hellie's outtie's innie.

@danimo17 - 10.02.2025 17:39

I totally felt that immersive confusion at where we were too! In interviews the cast has also commented on that. Also just wanted to point out that blue is heavily associated with innies and red with outies, which I think could have been meant to highlight that Irv & Burt's love was perhaps limited to their severed lives, while Mark was reintegrared and Helena was her outtie. I couldn't figure out why Irving didn't have an uncanny valley twin with a solo part*, but I think it foreshadows his departure at the end of the episode. Great commentary, that's just my two cents! ^_^

@ttgdirk7371 - 10.02.2025 17:44

I fell asleep three times during this episode lol

@melissafraser2190 - 10.02.2025 18:40

am I the only one who thought this ORTBO was a simulation? If it wasn't, how did Irving go from the middle of the lake to up a ginormous clifftop so quickly? I wish they had made that more realistic since it was a real environment.

@glassisking - 10.02.2025 18:49

I don't understand why the Lumon brass allow the innies to run around all day and discover all of the company secrets when the innies are clearly not bought-in at all anymore and are constantly in open rebellion. If this Cold Harbor project is so important, why have this bizarre company retreat diversion that only further sowed discord amongst the innies? It's almost like Lumon is actively working against their own interests.

@Bubreherro - 10.02.2025 18:59

I have rewatched season 1 over the past week (should have done so earlier), and truly found a love for Irving. The whole papers his outie had in that box tracking severed employees - was that a previous lover of his who was doing that or himself?, the call at the phone booth, his awareness of how Helly wasn’t Helly, his investigative mind slowly peaking despite being severed, and his shift from being a corporate believer to disillusionment. Beautiful. I can’t wait to see what his outie will do

@kar1111b - 10.02.2025 19:49

What I think sucks about Irv being "eliminated" is the fact that he was getting close. Almost too close for their liking. Which unbeknownst to them, aides Mark in finding his wife. It's also interesting that Irving's outie obsessively paints the hallway with the elevator and red arrow... I wonder why/how Irv's outie would know to paint something like that, if he himself has never actually seen it only his innie. Unless he has, and Irving could be a part of something bigger or its possible reintegration isn't needed. Some way or somehow, Irv's outie is still able to retain memories or images of what his innie has seen. I can't wait for the next episode!

@dakattackgoesham - 10.02.2025 20:26

I kinda hated this episode

@BostonBettor_ - 10.02.2025 21:08

I would swap the IMBD ratings of the S1 finale with this.

I think Woe’s Hollow manages to be more groundbreaking somehow

@skillz0729 - 10.02.2025 21:11

Irv used to annoy me because I found him unstable. I was wrong. He is probably the most in tune with what’s going on. Wicked performance.

@elaineerne7699 - 11.02.2025 00:20

Has anyone else seen the commercial Mr. Milchick is doing for ZIP Recruiting?? It’s kinda creepy but I love ❤️ it!!! These recaps are almost as good as watching the actual show!!!!

@darewell7776 - 11.02.2025 01:36

Who remembers him playing Monk’s brother?

@KingHercules21 - 11.02.2025 01:49

Is this an AI voice? I cannot tell

@A2JDScott - 11.02.2025 02:39

At the start of Episode 4, they all wake up already in the outdoor environment. Does that mean their Outies somehow agreed to go on a field trip, and do so separately? That seems far-fetched to me. I hope it gets explained, satisfactorily. Is it possible that the ORTBO was all a simulation?

@RdnFikri - 11.02.2025 06:17

God, I love the "long silent intense stare" shot between two characters that happened several times (I think) in this show. With, Mark and Helly, Milchick and Natalie, and then Milchick and Irving being the memorable ones.

@jamesbuckley8917 - 11.02.2025 08:11

Dieter Eagan --> IS AN ANAGRAM FOR --> AI Generated

@ChainsGoldMask - 11.02.2025 08:29

The woe speaking to keir through her eyes is something that happens all through this episode. Everyone is constantly talk8ng with their eyes, and there are lots of references to looking.

@Bugzyboy-y4g - 11.02.2025 08:49

Of course it’s a simulation…no one is blowing steam & it looks to be freezing.

@davidkaplan5517 - 11.02.2025 10:18

It was so boring for almost the entire episode except for the last 2 minutes.

@larrybenkenobi1407 - 11.02.2025 11:14

What do the rest of the team say when Milkshake turns Irving off? Do they see him become an outie?

@BederikStorm - 11.02.2025 11:37

Nobody was mentioning it but it was the first time for two of them to experience sleep in years.
Irving slept at work before but not for a full dream

@greenytaddict - 11.02.2025 16:12

I just wish he got a better closure with Burt. They still didn't even show what happened once he reached Burt's door and switched back to his outie.

@sparekeiv - 11.02.2025 16:53

They find an omajinaakoo, and then the computer file in Irving's dream is Montauk. Such great clues!

@Gemstar_70 - 11.02.2025 20:04

I can't help but feel that Mark Scout looks like Kier Eagan. If you look closely at both Mark & Kier's facial features (obviously excluding Kier's beard), you could see some of their noticeable similarities. So if my observation is correct, then there's a strong chance Mark is an Eagan or a part of the Eagan bloodline.

@thesamwilder - 11.02.2025 23:27

John Turturro deserves an Emmy for this episode

@MeLikeBees - 12.02.2025 02:11

it might be a great episode in a vacuum but it was the first episode of Severance that left me feeling shortchanged and let down.

the outdoor excursion just felt like something LUMON wouldn't do. Did they get dropped off as their outies and then remotely switched later? How did their innies get out into the middle of nowhere? their innies would also be BAFFLED by all the new things they're seeing and doing (snow, the sky, SLEEPING, etc). It was also a terribly time episode right after Mark's reintegration. Like we're just supposed to pretend he'll have 1 second of reintegrating visions now and that's it? why didn't they want to investigate their "clones" more??? they were just like "oh ok let's go over there since it's pointing there I guess"
was it all a simulation in their head? if so - that's a super lame let down as well.
idk, I love the show and have been waiting 3 years for S2 - this was just the first episode where I had way too many questions that I felt like were dumb as opposed to "intrigue"-type questions. All that said, the last 10 minutes was fantastic. but again, still had too many "ok that's weird" "that doesn't make sense" "this is dumb" questions that need answered.

@jameslyons6655 - 12.02.2025 03:10

The purpose of the ORTBO was to undo what had been done. Mark’s lineage was not wasted or spilled.

@joshuaboraz7984 - 12.02.2025 03:47

I am watching episode 4 and Helena gives OUTTIE Mark confirmation that Gemma is alive. And so Outtie Mark gives Helena a baby? I do not believe that this sex scene is between Innie Mark and Helly

@silliestsharks111 - 12.02.2025 05:06

This episode was amazing. I still think that final episode of season 1 is my favorite just because of the sheer amount of discoveries. But yeah, this episode was amazing. I wish more people had Apple tv so they could watch it!!

@Richard-u6o1b - 12.02.2025 13:11

"Perfect"? Did anyone else notice this MAJOR plot hole...
In the tent, after sex, Helena says to Mark, "I didn't like who I was". I have a big problem with that because it was Helly who "woke up" at the event and realized she was an Eagan.

Helena would not have that awareness unless she was integrated and we know she's not because because of the incident with Irv.

@calistafalcontail - 12.02.2025 20:08

Mark wasnt intimate with Helly...he was with Helena and did not know.

@InitialAA - 12.02.2025 20:49

Irving did a total 180 in the span of just one episode. Something in that dream spoke to him at a deeper level, besides what Helena was doing this episode. We need to know what his outie's thing is with "Woe".

@oliviareilly7519 - 12.02.2025 23:14

I also thought Mr. Milchick's line "may Kier guide you through the eternal dark" was a great parallel to when Helena says to him "may Kier guide you" when he has to decide whether or not to bring the MDR employees back after the overtime contingency. Really showcases his frustration.

@JR00T - 13.02.2025 02:26

My theory is that Lumon (specifically MND) are experimenting with transferring human consciousness into either clones, robotic humanoids or just other humans so that they can become immortal in effect.

I think that Marks wife either died or didn’t die and is in a coma, and the reason why mark works in MND and is such a prominent character is that when we see him working, he is analysing, altering or transferring the code from his wife into a clone. He would know her better than anyone so would be perfect for identifying key emotions or personality traits in the data he works on. I think that Irv is doing the same with his Father (hence the scene with his photos, Military memorabilia etc) and that Helly is doing the same for her grandfather or other Eagan family member. As for Dylan, I think he may be doing the same for a lost loved one or maybe Miss Cobells Mother. This could be the reason why Miss Cornell’s Mother keeps being shown in scenes is because the same is being done for her. This would explain her keen interest in completing cold harbour and working on the MND floor and claiming that “Lumon have no choice” but to re-employ her. . Cold harbour could be the code name for the transfer of her mother’s consciousness but maybe Miss Cobell didn’t have the knowledge to work on her Mothers file in MND because she was young and didn’t know her mother well enough to work on it herself.

I also think the goats are for testing and the dead seal was a representation of either Irv or his Father (Navy Seal). I also think they are working in some kind of simulation or the chip implants alter their reality to hide what they’re really doing because an awareness of the “real job” could change their motivation and mess up the work they do subconciously.

Just a theory but I am obsessed with trying to work it out!

@lexis4490 - 13.02.2025 03:55

The episode feels like a finale.

@a.l.1044 - 13.02.2025 09:42

You're as insipid and bland as Severance Season 2 episode 4. That's why you think it's perfect.

@crushingit5128 - 13.02.2025 20:15

I didnt care for this particular episode. It might have been my least favorite.
I like the acting and the writing and the plot BUT even 40 minutes into the episode I found the whole outside winter forest excursion to be so jarring and out of place that I expected everyone to wake up from a simulation or dream. Which would have been lame.

It basically dialed up the sci fi scale from plausible to WTF is this episode about. Which I think is totally out of place for the Severance show (as its mirrors our real corporate worlds).

@JeffRiyasat - 14.02.2025 00:39

I would watch John Turturro read the owners manual for a 1976 Mercury Monarch. He is a legend. I hope we have not seen the last of Irving

@lucca4957 - 14.02.2025 18:42

isn't Freud, who said "eyes are the windows to the soul"?!

@francescaa8331 - 15.02.2025 00:06

Amazing episode.

Turturro is a marvelous actor.

He proves it in this show, and this episode.

Irving Outtie is strong, and wants to expose Lumon.

Irving Innie got the message, yes.

He was willing to sacrifice himself for the greater good, and for the love of his MDR.

Everyone was great of course.

But this episode really showcased Tramel and John.

@TurgaiShikhlinski - 16.02.2025 14:49

I totally agree and think this episode is a great piece of cinematography and storytelling, all the little details and the mysteries, John Turturo's stunning performance, well, everyone's performances were impressive. The visual style and camera, using contrasting shots and colors were done really well. It is also great thar it didn't do a lot of handholding, we explored the episode together with the characters and with Irving, while it didn't chew down how Irv came to the conclusion about Helly, left it to the viewer to figure out the details. Overall, I am really enjoying this show, kudos to the producers and the crew!

@JonathanGrandt - 21.02.2025 16:12

A caring father type figure lets his darker, protective side out and takes out the bad guy— er— gal.

@LeviPennington-vv2kq - 28.02.2025 06:09

Not many people commenting on this because most fans who had been online already knew the Helly twist before watching this episode. But this reveal was done so perfectly it was one of the most shocking and mind blowing reveals in tv history imo, if you didn’t see it coming like I didn’t. It was really well executed.

@teacherjewell6409 - 03.03.2025 12:27

So many femenist bots. Just let irving have his moment. Hes not a main character, but nooo dont forget about britt who has so much screen time most episodes. Just chill.

@BrainPilot - 09.02.2025 19:37

Do you think this deserves to be the second highest rated episode of Severance?
