5 Things to Cover in Weekly Team Meetings | How to Run a Staff Meeting Effectively

5 Things to Cover in Weekly Team Meetings | How to Run a Staff Meeting Effectively

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5 Things to Cover in Weekly Team Meetings | How to Run a Staff Meeting Effectively

If you want your team to be on the same page, you need to be communicating with the whole group on a weekly basis. If you want to know how to run a team meeting effectively, you need to follow these five things that should be covered in weekly team meetings. These are the exact meeting points to discuss with all of your staff.
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@chrissalisbury8143 - 14.03.2024 23:17

What a load of rubbish. Communicate DOWN? Dont you listen to your team?? Communication should be 360 you are out of date. You are talking senior management down constantly. Collaboration, trust and openness is the effective way if working.

@timessquarephotography - 17.03.2024 20:10

Your channel is the McDonalds for my company: I’m addicted to your channel of enlightened contents… ❤ Thanks 🙏🏻

@ReallySmartDad - 18.03.2024 14:27

Stopped watching after the first point. Simply wrong. Don’t listen to this crap. E.g. receptionist: it is totally irrelevant, how many calls, it is re levant that no call goes missed and that the answer is polite, professional, etc Quality!

@claramoren0 - 04.04.2024 17:53

Very interesting your approach to end the meeting with wins, most companies I worked used to do that at the beginning to start in a high note and we usually would break things down with actionable steps or a general announcement that could create excitement! To your point about individuals being responsible for their statistics I'm 100% with you. Ever since I started using Hive to track my projects, I can easily see my progress status, I also use the Analytics and reporting features to create one-sheets — which has been super helpful when meeting with C-level execs. Hive Notes for meetings makes it super practical to leave a meeting with actionable items already assigned to each person as well, which is great. I wonder what is the system you use for your meetings?

@gison8405 - 09.04.2024 22:47

Great content! I have overlooked this to a large degree (including the additional tax write-offs!!)

@givius24 - 11.04.2024 14:58

Is this guy associated or promoting Scientology? So so bad this kind of stuff is out there

@Milaz4n1shi - 11.04.2024 17:37

Great video, greetings from Brazil!

@preciousalafe - 11.04.2024 17:53

This is amazing 🎉

@williamhowe2705 - 12.04.2024 19:59

So, there is no item on the agenda for the following week?

@josephjohnston1894 - 13.04.2024 00:53

Awful approach. 1990s style. N.1 assumption is that staff aren't reaching their goals because they're lazy or something and just need to be shown a graph, rather than the company asking why (outside factors).

@Hans_Magnusson - 13.04.2024 02:21

I am not an idiot

@JohnnyGrateful - 14.04.2024 14:09

you lost me at One Birthday cake

@dreaming2025 - 17.04.2024 22:08

Same old management style. Gets boring and negative after 8 weeks if you cant give your team what they want. And its not just a regular pay check

@samuelmendonca114 - 17.04.2024 23:40

Great content - the only thing I don't quite agree with is the mentality of only bringing problems to surface if you also bring out the solution. This is an old way of thinking that hinders psychological safety on teams. I personally think that people must learn how to structure a problem in a way that it is brought up in a constructive way, without pointing fingers, regardless if that person has any suggestions for solving it or not. So I'd rather have problems and no solution than having everybody thinking they are better off staying silent. Solutions should be a matter of team discussion. Like Charles Kettering says, "A problem well-stated is a problem half-solved".

@ajaycs4978 - 01.05.2024 17:27

Thank you Greg. Can we also add areas where we are seeking management support, since not all issues can be resolved internally on your own. pls share your views on this ...

@stacym532 - 23.05.2024 07:09

I love this

@ozzyvega - 25.05.2024 11:15

Great video. To the point and very useful 👍🏻

@Leumasleumas725 - 25.05.2024 16:55

Then all quit

@missiontrails - 25.05.2024 17:53

I'm 17 years into my career leading multiple small teams. I schedule check in meetings proactively but always wished that my team members become more proactive. I think this meeting format is a great way that will nurture team members take ownership and become leaders. I appreciate the video!

@robertreyes2028 - 30.05.2024 07:39

At the end of the day if management is so corrupted that u can't communicate with them u aren't getting anywhere if management pencil whips there numbers and keeps treating their employes like shit and belittling them it's hard for employees to turn management in cause the fear of retaliation and losing their job

@mrdminkov - 31.05.2024 18:52

Get lost! Work for the targets, or for the purpose...!?!

@MRM5J - 01.06.2024 17:18

What if your not making widgets and instead road mapping.

@bookender - 13.06.2024 07:19

Everyone needs a number that demonstrates their performance. I don't care what it is or what it means. But it needs to go up. Otherwise people will only be motivated by banal things like personal integrity, compensation, and a future for their careers.

This is not far from parody.

@ponytales707 - 21.06.2024 06:41

F🎉now you have to Betty’s birthday v RT Ex s c sweeteners g by 😂be
CTC bybbytfv gf v be 😅

@MisterMonsieur - 22.06.2024 18:47

"What gets measured gets accomplished.” ~ Peter Drucker.

@emannasr3681 - 29.06.2024 13:18

Amazing session

@linata6112 - 04.07.2024 00:24

This guy is probably from sales. This format is not so useful for other teams.

@ahmadezz3734 - 04.07.2024 10:09

Appreciate ❤

@BarryStaes - 29.07.2024 21:18

I was expecting some insights, but not in the past. Team members can and shall play these metrics, and they shall not reflect actual work done. They rather project risk by members taking short term opportunities that are not aligned with the organisation goals. Your entire team can be undermined by one metrics-manager and one metrics-gamer.

If you metrics problems solved or tasks done, the outcome is that more problems are created than needed. And more tasks are incomplete but reported done.

Pick one; Time, Quality, Quantity.

@dystopian.. - 03.08.2024 21:30

You fake gurus are comedy gold.

@Ninja.rider007 - 13.08.2024 01:15

“Everyone has a number that should be tracked or tallied”…. That alone says how he feels about his subordinates

@aafanani - 30.08.2024 08:45

great video, thanks

@greatemc832 - 09.09.2024 02:17

I had to rewatch this lesson to put up better for tomorrow on the second week of my new role at work.


@HomerOArnado-x1u - 11.09.2024 12:05


@victoriousbooks - 11.09.2024 14:24

Unless you own the company in some way it should just be a job where they come in. They do their work, they leave and they don't think about it when they go home

It's toxic to expect more

@Sedhu-j5d - 19.09.2024 19:07

First of all we should approach our team as good then lead them to the right way only by head of every team,And the meeting held every day mrng is good for our kind information as like what is the stage of output(In manufacturing),and analysis about the consumer or customer mind to how our product reach it go through with Marketing team by setting a goal (eg:per person 250 projects)and tell them as when you have reach your goals you can receive the incentive or salary increase as by percentage etc,,,This is main way for growth of every business and another side you should follow the inflow and outflow (Inflow output of every business mingles with purchase team,stores etc)as per Otherwise we don't get any success of business.I just tell the basics of MD role.

@sandlertrainingmiami - 23.09.2024 23:10

Great tips on running effective team meetings! One thing we'd add is addressing any potential roadblocks team members are facing. In Sandler sales, we always emphasize uncovering challenges early on, and the same applies here—by identifying obstacles, you can help the team move forward more smoothly. Also, giving each member a chance to share their wins this not only boosts morale but reinforces what's working. Thanks for sharing such practical advice!

@TechnetExplorer - 06.10.2024 22:54

Thats why never work corporate

@MochaMediaStoryteller - 05.11.2024 15:02

Your website is a letdown simply because the quality of the videos are so much better.

@hafeez8240 - 06.11.2024 05:30

I am assuming to have a department meeting beginning of week.

@WayneAustin-f3u - 07.11.2024 06:50

So #3 is a problem. I might not have a solution to the problem does this mean I can't bring it up? I worked at a place where who ever brought up the problem was responsible for fixing the problem. So eventually nobody brought up problems anymore.

@priyamai7742 - 24.11.2024 07:41

Some of this covered in scurm ceremonies, where we bring challenges /wins (Retro) , targets for next two weeks (sprint planning) and problem and soulton (in daily scrum)

@lilim.2388 - 27.11.2024 22:00

Thank you very much for your information; it is very helpful.

@AhmedWasfy-z4r - 30.11.2024 23:26

Hi everyone
Have a good day along with great success 🙏
I would like to highly appreciate Mr Greg winteregg for the way of presenting data and the proficiently information .

@mikep6979 - 08.01.2025 04:25

This manager is simply incompetent. Drawing graphs to track something...anything...like a receptionist's calls answered? That going up or down has nothing to do with performance. Few jobs can be judged with one number. A good manager knows if the employee is performing. They don't need an irrelevant picture at a staff meeting. Just a waste of time to create the illusion you're monitoring the place.

@SarahGoss-k1n - 10.01.2025 08:56


@Jimbo-t2h - 29.01.2025 11:36

Mate don’t ask for a subscribe until you have earned it.

@LisaHertler-z7w - 14.02.2025 18:21

Very informative
