Watch Dawn Hills critique of The Final Quest!!!
ОтветитьI'm being told to 'not get involved' with these matters. It's none of my business. Which is what God told me concerning Daystar and all the names involved there. i'm not taking sides with Joni or Jonathon and Suzy..... I'm not taking sides with Justin or Rick. It's not something that most of us need to hear and discuss. The decision to publicly air these things are more gossipy than some might consider to be gossip.
The puffed-up mind says 'At least I'm not like he is/she is/they are. If that's what anyone concludes, it's been received like gossip. I see that conclusion with some in the comment section here.
Unfortunately we have seen over and over where Mathew 18 is twisted and misused by predators and those who cover up for them. Mathew 18 is for personal matters between two believers, it's not supposed to be used when SA or CSA is at hand.. that is 1 Corinthians 5:11-13 and 1 Timothy 5: 19-21
ОтветитьThank you! for your thoughtful, scriptural, wise discussion of these things. The body needs to begin hearing more good scriptural teaching on all the counsel of God.
ОтветитьInstead of reading Rick Joyner, read the Bible and leave that kingdom now, Domionion, and seven Mountains heresy. Truth and goodness are linked. No wonder these wolves fall into debauchery. Read Titus. Jude. It us all there.
ОтветитьThank you for sharing so soundly & all are making a difference to help us all grow in discernment
ОтветитьBless you all, yes a single affair should disqualify someone from ministry. Sorry, not every man that commits adultery is a "David" any more than anyone who may murder someone is a "David". You also have people declaring to be prophets but do not have discernment that this was happening. That to me as someone in the body of Christ is a huge red flag to what is really happening there??? RJ has covered so many sexual sins of men in leadership since the early 90's, comparing them to David. Please read the Word of God, not someone's books.
ОтветитьI hear Justin saying he took on some of Chris’s work while he reflected and gained some healing, but not anything about him working with Chris for accountability and for a restoration process that was suppose to take place. That’s what he said prior but not now?? It seems the story has changed. Am I remembering wrong?
ОтветитьSorry to hear about all of the suffering you have endured. Glad you're breaking free from this entanglement. God is so kind & merciful to give us dreams to forewarn, guide & protect us during times of transition. You were wise to follow Him in obedience. You present yourself as a very principled, balanced, thoughtful person, who is skilled at teaching the Word. You speak the truth with kindness & use great care in how you communicate. So sad that an innocent man has been demonized, threatened & falsely accused, while the guilty get a pat on the back & a place at the table. (Proverbs 10:9) Rick Joyner is literally doing the devil's work.
I get the sense that their main priorities at Morningstar are "keeping the ship afloat", seeking "star power" & the overall emphasis being "the show must go on". They need to "change course". I believe these priorities keep them in deception, blind them to the truth & blind them to God's higher purposes/plans/agenda. You're doing a great work. Your perspective is vitally important. (Psalm 35, Psalm 37:6, Isaiah 59:19)
Rick Joyner defended clown Todd Bentley. That says it all.
ОтветитьThe Holy Spirit does not sit in churches! He sits in our hearts and false religion is a sin too! Morning star is an example of no light being in a church and the people! You must be born again and hear the Holy Spirit it’s not a religion! This is not self serving it’s an anointing upon people that bring their gifts to edify God not people! If you are truly born again you would never do willful sin again! It’s a purification process! Seek the Lord and Gods house is within your hearts not in bricks and mortar!
Ответить“I will remove both the prophets and the spirit of impurity from the land…you have told lies in the Lord’s name.’ … “On that day every prophet will be ashamed of their prophetic vision.” The game is over.
ОтветитьIt is heartbreaking when men of integrity, like Justin Perry, who were meant to lead MorningStar, are cast aside. Rick has lacked discernment in following the leadership of the Holy Spirit with the mess that happened at MorningStar. As Romans 11:29 states, “For God’s gifts and His call are irrevocable.”
ОтветитьRick Joyner accuses this man who is one of his main leaders and apparently living above reproach in some horrible accusations and then what does he do he lifts up and praises and glorifies Todd Bentley, who is unknown sexual offender time and again, that says all anybody needs to know about Rick Joyner . Run from him or you might end up the fall guy.
ОтветитьMakes me sad. Gosh. For all involved.
Just a closer walk with Thee
Must be the daily theme of our walk
I lead the media department at Morningstar for a couple years. Joined in 2020 and left a few months after Chris Reed took over. I worked with ALL the leadership there since all the media there went through my department. After about of year, I remember constantly thinking "Why is Justin not leading this entire ministry?". You really learn about the people you work with after spending allot of time with them and just generally start excepting the major negative character flaws they bring with them, knowing that the good they do most likely out weighs it. But with Justin, he had an absolute pastoral/serving heart and he wouldn't ever treat you as if you're lower than him or not at his level. God Bless him, his family, and his ministry.
ОтветитьRick Joyner is a member of Knights of Malta which is an offshoot of Freemasons. What we are seeing in the news is no surprise.
ОтветитьYou did not do anything wrong Justin Perry, you're just not part of the good old boys club. They are liars you are not. Do not consider that man a spiritual father anymore. Lightness & darkness do not mix.Come out from among them & be separate saith the Lord Holy Bible
ОтветитьOh what a tangled web we weave.
ОтветитьI cannot listen to Rick Joyner at all anymore.
ОтветитьI know chris reed is not coming back. he said it he has desire coming back. he put on his video
ОтветитьThank you. The three of you have handled this difficult conversation with integrity, grace and excellence.
I have the highest regard and respect for Justin Perry. I remained at Morningstar when he accepted the role of pastor of MS Fellowship Church and was disappointed when he moved on to pursue his passion in teaching.
I had left MS before this crisis was made public. Frankly, I distanced myself from MS and future discussions about the matter because I did not know who to believe.
I am confident your discussion in this post is an important one for the body of Christ. It is important that the truth is out. And, your example is an invaluable resource for the body of Christ learn from.
I am heart sick by so many other sources that post similar discussions. Sadly, to me, they are nothing more than sleazy ‘Christian’ gossip columns, lacking credibility, integrity, biblical foundation, love and honor.
I believe Justin. I’m so sorry for what he has had to go through and what he is still going through. God bless you all as you continue to love, serve, honor the body of Christ and bring glory to God.
Could Rick Joyner be the problem ? Has Ricks leadership been of good character of biblical standards ? Keep exposing , Lord !
ОтветитьLucifer, also known by his true name Helel, or by his titles as Satan, the Devil, the Morning Star, Son of Dawn and Child of God, is the Fallen Archangel
ОтветитьWhy any Spirit filled believer would take part in the cesspool of Morning Star is beyond me.
There is a video circulating of a tribal ritual with a Christian veneer being played out with bongos, chanting, and dancing.
There is no Scriptural precedence for adopting the ways of the pagans, instead God demands that we separate from them.
Also, spiritual fathers goes against Christ's clear command to not call anyone father other than God the Father. We need to start listening to the Savior.
The problem here is the doctrine of Penecostal and charismatic is a doctrine of demons
ОтветитьI am heartbroken for Justin & his family. I am so dissapionted with Rick & Co.
ОтветитьThe problem here is the doctrine of Penecostal and charismatic is a doctrine of demons
ОтветитьTo the Bible clearly says the pastor has to be a husband to one woman he’s disqualified forever you dumbass
ОтветитьJustin you have an incredible pastors heart ❤️ and brought integrity to the ministry. No doubt you will land in a place that will bless you as much as you bless them!
ОтветитьChris Reed wasn't sorry.😈😈😈😈😈😈😈😈 He was sorry he got caught in sin.. all the idiots over at Morningstar with Rick Joyner are FALSE WOLVES IN SHEEP'S CLOTHING( NAR is FALSE TEACHING, FULL OF LIES.) EVIL PEOPLE 😈
ОтветитьI’m so happy for channels like this because it helps the cause of the “DECONSTRUCTION MOVEMENT” KEEP UP THE GOOD WORK GIRLS 🥃
ОтветитьThis is what true followers of Jesus go through you can only trust the Lord. The mother and father hold that people have over us is dysfunctional and very controlling they don't want let go or really give anyone authority. You are an adult Christian if this is how you make your living sue Rick you have the reciepts.Don't doubt yourself!
ОтветитьIt is all a disgrace... He said, she said!!! I'm thankful the Lord sees the intent of the heart. Judgment begins in His house. This looks and sounds like the world and its "justice." Lord, have mercy!
ОтветитьI wouldn’t trust you moving forward
ОтветитьOh this guy is sincere and adheres to scriptures, unfortunately the mega churches have lost that.
ОтветитьYou know, I wonder how God feels about this continuing to be played out? Is this not under the blood? A couple of years ago, the Lord asked me this question. “What will I do with a people who take My word and make a name got themselves?” I’ve not answered Him yet! I don’t know what to answer. What I do know is I’m tired of so called discernment ministries continually airing these things under the pretense of exposing and giving a platform to people who may have forgiven, but show no evidence of being healed. So our credibility is more important than what God thinks? I would challenge all of us and ask, does this just tickle our ears? Perhaps, and just maybe, the Father has moved on us with His burden and we cried and interceded and fasted for His heart to be made known. I’ve watched about half of this and will not continue. The bias is obvious and I don’t sense hardly any maturity, which saddens me. There is a lot of room between the door posts and the altar. Help us Father to have your heart in this matter😢. So to the “ minor prophets,” judge your motives as to your doing the “Lord’s work.”
ОтветитьYou know what this means?? It means Rick and whomever decided to use Justin as their scapegoat. Their out! Wow! Actions speak louder than words, to know what the people at Morning Star had meant to Justin, they were felt to be like family. I’m sorry Justin, I just can’t even begin to fathom the level of pain, betrayal, the callous way you were thrown under the bus and used. Several things come to my mind. One is, we reap from the seeds we’ve sown. These were Rick’s seeds and his to decide to sow them in any way he wished, and we see clearly what the likelihood of that crop. The second is that there is a word that comes to my mind when Rick, though he didn’t name Justin in his public message the day after Justin’s video release, he called Justin a Judas. Later date mentioned to Justin a remark about becoming a stumbling block. Imo, you call that “projection”. You’ve seen the picture of the wolf in sheep’s clothing? God bless you, Justin. What a journey. 😢
ОтветитьLook what they have done to Jesus's name. Tragic
ОтветитьIM so sorry Justin
ОтветитьIt appears to me that there are too many mountains made out of molehills. I wonder how much of a stink was made when Paul decided to make public that he withstood Peter to his face regarding a situation (Galatians 2:11). Let's resolve that there are no perfect people in the
Church, nor has there ever been. When we blow it, and inevitably every one of us will, we need to humble ourselves, sincerely repent and get back to being about the business of occupying (1 Corinthians 13) until He comes. Part of which will be esteeming others as better than ourselves (Philippians 2:3).
The people who LIVE BY THE TRUTH will always be betrayed by those who serve "manipulation," unfortunately.
ОтветитьJustin rick makes things so complex they cannot come to resolution, this is a tactic and he will always side with those who have been compromised. Also you have been "villianized" and "scapegoated" which is also GASLIGHTING and also a tactic of satan. I've was "villianized" and scapegoated for 33 years. It's a spiritual battle.
Ответить70 Christian’s are beheaded in Africa, true witnesses of Christ…. Are you?
ОтветитьMk ultra mind controlled victoms with multiple personalities who like sex, infiltrated our churches. 5 millions created by operation paperclip in china lake, California. Started in 1947. E book- ILLUMINATI FORMULA BY FRITZ SPRINGMEYER AND CISCO WHEELER documents this. ❤
ОтветитьIf the congregants are not informed that their pastor has had a sexual affair, that is a cover up. The congregants need to be able to make an informed decision whether to give the pastor a second chance. If the church decides to give the pastor a second chance, some of the people may decide to quit the church.
ОтветитьIn my country Poland in past Communist days they use to say that Communism is actually good only some people misrepresented it. Did you get a hint?
ОтветитьJeff and JonMark- thanks guys for being gracious and patient hosts! I Look forward to continuing to build a friendship.
I have already received several questions about a statement I made, that I still consider Rick Joyner to be a spiritual father. I mean this in the same way that someone would always consider their biological father to be their father, no matter what happened in their relationship or individual lives. I acknowledge the impact that he has had on my life all these years. I do want to be clear that I am no longer looking to Rick as a spiritual father. I am disappointed in the way things have gone, especially the past several years.
-Justin Perry