My top Perch, Pike and Zander lures from Westin

My top Perch, Pike and Zander lures from Westin

Thom Hunt

4 года назад

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@lionelgray - 31.10.2020 21:56

Another brilliant vid Thom. I've been thinking about experimenting with black lures especially in coloured water. Any thoughts on that would be appreciated

@RemboMicky - 31.10.2020 23:15

Great video mate, ill most definatly gonna try some of those tips in my local reservoir as its pretty hard place to fish but has huge perch in there

@thelureangler4346 - 01.11.2020 12:55

Thanks Tom. I’ll do my best to put some of those tips into practice. 👍🏻

@borangai_aik - 01.11.2020 19:34

Hallo friend🤝🎣

@perchzilla9111 - 01.11.2020 23:42

Cool video!

@Zafishowany - 03.11.2020 19:06

Great vlog. Thanks mate.

@mrb9320 - 03.11.2020 21:34

Hi Tom, would be great to see some live footage of you fishing these lures 👍

@vikingleviathan5083 - 03.11.2020 23:49

Great video Thom !
Can you please make a video about crankbait retrieval ?
I have a ton off Buzzbites 5 cm, and crank them on a clear water canal in Belgium. I cant get a bite, and i know theres a lot off perch here.
Im prob. doing something wrong with my retrieval techniques. On the other hand i can catch lots off perch with shad teez 9 cm headlight, but i really want to learn crankbaits..
Thanks for all the tips and videos !

@wojbar5659 - 28.11.2020 12:09

Hi there, love your videos! great bunch of information and advice! What would be your no1 lure for zander in uk grand union canal?

@janosczovek8524 - 30.12.2020 13:38

Excellent video really enjoyed it , you need to make a video on using bigger lures for perch to catch big perch would really like your options on this topic ,l love your colour selection on the lures thanks 👍

@davidmiller2388 - 02.01.2021 00:04

Can I ask where you get your 12" Sparkle Green Shad Teez? Tried my usual place (Lure Box) and they don't have them?

@paake3134 - 16.11.2021 23:53

Awesome tips, might even get all of those.

@Nickswolves - 04.01.2022 18:49

Hi, what size hook would you recommend for fishing the bloodteez on drop shot on the canal please?

@leafysfishing - 26.03.2022 03:21

What size jig head do you use for a 7 or 8cm shad? .. thanks for the vids btw

@adamskip3433 - 27.03.2022 01:22

Great vid as always tom have put some of you tips I'm to practice and have had some good fish from my local waters great how in depth your videos are 👍

@Ttownanglers - 17.07.2022 02:29

Mate your advice is next to none I've followed it and with westin lures I'll never pick anything else thom hunt legend 👏

@stevesnailfish - 07.01.2023 03:28

Nice Juan....enjoyed that

@russellgarrett8505 - 13.01.2023 21:20

Carolina un pegged ,would that work on deep slow sections of the Thames ? Found a few 12ft holes before the floods came .
