I think the problem with ASEAN is that it doesn't really have a superpower. Yes Indonesia have great military, but their economy is still far below the superpowers in EU. I think all the nations in ASEAN needs to enhance themselves further first before redesigning the intervention policy.
ОтветитьOh not even close …….
ОтветитьASEAN is our ASEAN and has nothing to do with other Asia😂😂
Ответить70cr 4.2 trillion us doller 45 lakh km sq 1967🎉🎉
ОтветитьTop 10 countries
- Brunei
- Cambodia
- Indonesia
- Laos
- Malaysia
- Vietnam
- Philippines
- Singapore
- Thailand
- Myanmar
I think it’s interesting just cuz Asian is the English word used in the United States english
ОтветитьI hope the asean does not become like the EU. Nothing is done in ASEAN without unanimous consent unlike the EU which constantly dictate things to members.
ОтветитьChina not joined.
ОтветитьWhat western politicians doesn't understand is people could live and prosper together without forcing same ideology or legal system to one another.
ОтветитьI don't believe ASEAN has the potential to reach or even surpass the EU's level of integration and global influence due to the following FACTS:
1. The relationship between countries in this region is very fragile like that of the EU.
2. Politically speaking, some member nations are treating other member nations as enemies. For example, Campuchia vs Vietnam.
3. Member nations are under the influence of competing superpowers i.e. China vs Russia vs USA.
4. ASEAN's economic development is too limited in integration.
5. Too much inequality and social issues and too little progress in education and healthcare.
6. Each member of ASEAN has a different culture and language.
ASEAN = asian version of EU
Asean bigger than Nato
Ответить🇷🇸 : " Can I join the gang, pls"🙏🙏🙏
ОтветитьKamala doesnt suffer Americans just anti AmericansKamala harris is the type of person that would distory victims or witnesses life just to catch a perp and get a promotion..America doesnt need a jaded cynical childless catlady who is part of the bad guys in all actuality and ruins the lives of rhose about to ruin her clients case..America needs a person of character
ОтветитьI hope ASEAN will become like the EU one day, like all the nations in ASEAN using the same currency, have no border walls, and free travel among all the nations involved.
Ответитьlet burma do what it wants
ОтветитьI hope Singapore and Malaysia both accepts Bangladesh into the Asen
ОтветитьI like ASEAN as it is right now. Banking union without fiscal union (like EU) isn't going to work. And I'm not sure ASEAN members are comfortable merging their fiscal and banking as one political entity like EU. Just look at Brussels now slowly inching towards federalism 😌
ОтветитьSouth East Asia is the STRONGEST REGION in ASIA!!
ОтветитьAsean I think is a real good thing and better than the eu because it looks more like a genuine economic block with 0 ideological degeneracy. It has very diverse countries:
Myanmar(civil war, military junta,weak economy,budhist, former british colony under India).
Thailand (strong monarchy, tourism industry, good economy,budhist, big population, strong army, never colonized).
Laos( comunist country, virgin country, budhist, small economy and population, former french territory)
Vietnam( comunist, strong economy, huge population, strong army budhist with Christian minority, former french territory).
Cambodia(one party state, monarchy, small economy, budhist country, former french influence).
Malaysia (strong economy, muslim mayority, good infraestructure former british influence)
Singapore(city state, one party, super strong economy, multi ethnic state with christians muslims and other religions and many ethnicities including chinese, former malay and british territory).
Indonesia(the biggest of all asean, strong economy, big army, multi ethnic and multireligious with muslim mayority and Christian and other minority, tourism industry specially in bali, former dutch colony).
Brunei( muslim country, strong and magnanimous royal house,strong oil based economy, small country).
Philippines( Christian country with muslim minority in mindanao, strong economy, tourist industry, democratic state, similarities with latin america because of spanish past.)
I hope ASEAN becomes the Asian Union
ОтветитьThanks you so much more🇵🇭
Guys good appreciate men❤
Amen good bless you❤❤
Bangladesh should join ASEAN ✌️
ОтветитьSir abuot in maharlika maragtas king in philippines salmon line family tree owner in philippines 10.4 royal crounw of england salmon owner.
ОтветитьExplain, how about my money
ОтветитьHow about the market
ОтветитьWhat about Timor-Leste?? 🇹🇱 I'm Filipino, but I know that Timor-Leste is a real country and is in southeast Asia
ОтветитьAU Asian Union (West Asia, South Asia, East Asia,South East Asia) is interesting. India a leader of AU tomorrow. Good.
ОтветитьASEAN is Austronesian.
ОтветитьASEAN use their colonial backups to counter china😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
ОтветитьFor me, Myanmar ethnic cleansing issue is not dependent on ASEAN interference nor non-interference. Genocide and landgrabs from minorities is a global issue that is beyond ASEAN political nor legal add-ons. The main question here is not ASEAN in relation to Myanmar, but of the true qualities of global genocidal and land grabbing tendencies, wherein illicit trade and transnational crimes underpin the combined ineffectiveness of any new economic and political add-ons or efforts in the past. This is shown in the slave labor camps being practiced across the "stable" east, and their relation with global counterparts. If we are truly pursuing the internet sharing of information as a future investment of the world, our reports and reporting contents online are also encouraged to fulfill its purpose of serving genuine peace and justice.
ОтветитьDiscussing the challenges as openly as the regional forum's strengths, is crucial in long term and genuine stability not anchored on "beggar thy environment" or "beggar thy neighbor" tendencies when facing economic ambitions.
ОтветитьASEAN: 🇹🇭🇮🇩🇱🇦🇰🇭🇸🇬🇲🇲🇵🇭🇲🇾🇧🇳🇹🇱 (New Country In ASEAN: Timor Leste
ОтветитьNo, just no. BC you have a communist country there.
The Vietnamese communist government actively propagates xenophobic extreme nationalism to their people. They even propagate that other ASEAN countries are economic and political opponents, even referring to this organization as an alliance to restrain the power of Vietnamese communists. Integrating many cultures and politics like the EU is certainly impossible for this country. If you wonder why Vietnam is still in this organization, it is because of its pragmatic foreign policy. They can take advantage of the economic potential of this organization and feel less vulnerable when under pressure from China. But one thing is clear: other countries are not very sympathetic and unwilling to help them if China decides to teach them a lesson.
Other countries are well aware of the widespread hostility inside Vietnam. They only make limited investments in this country based on a pragmatic economic relationship similar to Vietnam's foreign policy.
ASEAN kamo po xnyo meurangkaban kutem atjeh 😚
ОтветитьDonald Trump's pick for Defense Secretary has no knowledge of these countries and the work that ASEAN is doing. This does not bode well, especially if Republicans in the Senate vote to confirm him.
ОтветитьThere is also the mutual visa free policy among ASEAN members, cant forget that advantage
Ответитьlike all the union, this one is also useless!
ОтветитьBasically, ASEAN is a discord server of southeast asia contries that if you went overboard, you can get ban from the server.
ОтветитьWhat i like about asean is that i can go to other member countries especially singapore visa free. Lol
ОтветитьFor currency, it’s kinda hard when everyone wants their banknotes to look pretty and cultural
Ответить11 Now East Timor joined the gang in 2022
Ответитьif anything, i want to see ASEAN as the Balkans of asia ( as the big three China,Korea,Japan to these)
ОтветитьNO... EU is Europe's ASEAN :)