"Is God your preference?"
ОтветитьI needed and delighted in this message.
Thank you Father for delivering your love thru John.
Creo que el deseo es como la dirección de las acciones de nuestra alma. Solo convertida puede cambiar de sentido.
ОтветитьThis newness of life, Jesus Christ is aaawwwwsssome!!!!!! 😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁💯💯💯💯💯💯💯 wooooowhoooo!!!!
ОтветитьPastor John, you really make us leave everything behind and start desiring God... All other things seems scrap.... 👍
ОтветитьHey! To whoever is reading this, you are so loved and you matter!And right now I just want to tell you about Jesus😊you don’t have to listen to me, you don’t have to agree with me, but I promise you that Jesus loves you so much and He died for you out of that love!❤️
Jesus died for every single person on the cross,He died for me, you, him, her, them and everyone all so we could be made right with God! “For God so loved the world he gave his one and only beggoten Son, that whoever so believed in him should not perish but have everlasting life” (John 3:16)
now don’t worry if you’re a little bit confused by what that means— when I say that “Jesus died so we could be made right with God”,what I mean is that Jesus payed the debt for our sins in full, He died so that every single one of us could be forgiven by God for our sins. we have all sinned against God(what that means is that we’ve all made mistakes & fallen short of Gods biblical law), BUT God loves YOU so much that He sent a saviour, He sent His one and only Son so that YOU could be forgiven for all your sins, have that burden taken off you and start again through Jesus!Jesus saves us from our sins and the consequences from those sins, but He also saves us with His love, His peace that surpasses all understanding, His Joy and His grace!
Jesus loves you so much and God loves YOU so much that if you accept Him(Jesus) as your Lord and saviour, confess your sins to Him and believe God raised him from the dead HE WILL save you and you can spend forever with Him! “If you declare with your mouth,”Jesus is Lord,” and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead you will be saved” (Romans 10:8)
now you may be thinking “ I want to believe in Jesus, I think do believe in Him but there’s a part of me that doesn’t” DONT PANIC, JESUS WILL ALWAYS LOVE YOU! He knows your heart, He knows what’s going on for you, He knows you want to believe more and more in Him, just talk to Him about it, whatever is on your mind don’t worry Gods got it!there is never any issue that is too big for God, I promise you He understands it all!
“ if we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness” (1 John 1:9)
“Create in me a pure heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me” (Psalm 51:10)
There is nothing you could ever do for Him to stop loving you, Jesus loves you! And let me tell you, this isn’t one of those kind of relationships where you spend half the time sitting around thinking “Hmmm do they really love me?” Because Jesus already wants a relationship with you! He loves you, He literally died so you could be forgiven!
when He died for us on the cross He thought about us individually, He knows you personally, He knows your heart, He knows your situation,He knows all the things you’ve done and regret, He knows how much you wish someone could understand the things you don’t say and how you wish they knew what was really going on for you. Jesus knows it all, He doesn’t see you as your mistakes, nor does He see you as your regrets, He sees you for your heart, for who you are and He sees you as someone he cares and loves for deeply!He loves you! I don’t know if you need to hear this, but just in case you do I also need to assure you that God is NOT waiting for you mess up! He’s not waiting to leave you (in-fact he promises to never leave or forsake you), BUT what He IS WAITING for is for you to accept Him into your life so you never have to feel alone again! He is a genuine, forgiving,all loving, He is a rock for everyone and a saviour for everyone!
Jesus loves you more than you could ever know and He’s waiting to lift that weight off your shoulders, He’s waiting to take away all your pain and hurt, He’s waiting to welcome you with open arms, He’s waiting to forgive you, He’s waiting to save you!HE LOVES YOU!thank you for reading this, have a great day and there is no better moment than right now to accept JESUS into your life! Repent and turn away from your sins, GOD LOVES YOU! He is “the way and the truth and the life” No one comes to the Father except through Him, (John 14:6) He wants you to be with Him one day in heaven!put your trust in Him! God wants to save you! God bless ❤️❤️
its good to read the "Present with Religion," a book available for free on the internet on the website called Global Truth Project.The book is about the truth of life and it shows the full picture of life for the first time so that you may stop being deceived by the world and be able to follow the steps of Jesus and other prophets to Heaven.Knowing the whole truth of life is the key factor in our salvation.We must know the real truth, all of it and live in it and change ourselves according to it in order to be saved.There is no other way to our salvation.With the knowlege of the truth there comes true repentance which means changing our minds and also true obediance to God' s law and finally our sanctification which is a lifelong process.And God in His mercy will give us His wonderful grace which is the time and ability to make the proper chsnge.Only in this way will we be able to attain our eternal salvation.Our task is to find this narrow gate that leads to God and do it quickly and stay on it till the end no matter what.Then and only then we will be saved.There is nothing more important or serious to do in this fallen world as our eternal fate depends on it.
ОтветитьAmen 🙏🏾
ОтветитьAmen! Praise God! That last story is absolutely wonderful! How, our love for God isn't a duty. It's something we absolutely adore, and have it as our greatest absolutely greatest joy and pleasure in! Amen Lord 💖
ОтветитьBut what there is to enjoy in the Lord?
ОтветитьNothing like confronting the prosperity gospel with the book of Job 😅👏🏼 John Piper is definitely one of my favorite pastors
ОтветитьMaybe he has a monopoly on God!
ОтветитьVolume is too low!
ОтветитьI have a picture of God that saved you
ОтветитьI'll say this, John Piper's videos allow you to answer. John MacArthur is such a coward he hides behind silencing everyone else.
ОтветитьMy son told me to listen to Pastor John Piper and What a blessing God has shown me through him Im 60 years old and I’ve never been so glorified in the word as I am as when Pastor speaks Praise be to God,for Pastor Piper And my son for not keeping him a secret May God bless you all
ОтветитьClean out your temple so the holy spirit can dwell there again.
ОтветитьGod bless you Pastor Piper. Great sermon.
ОтветитьAbsolutely brilliant, your sensitivity to the most beautiful nuance is estraordinary! AmenXinfinity
ОтветитьLook at all the souls in yiur audience ! Praise god ; there is hope! At times I feel all hope for “Nineveh” is lost; then I see this?! Praise God! Baruch HaShem Adonai!
ОтветитьI like it better when you only saw Piper. Who cares how many people are there. Consant movement to show the audience is distracting. Not even 30 seconds and I'm done.
ОтветитьIn His presence is fullness of Joy..
Once used an inappropriate line to express being in His presence; like having an orgasm in every cell of your being..
One moment in Your court is better than a thousand in another.
Pastor Piper is always passionate and a joy to listen to and be fed by.
Thank you for sharing🙌🙏✝️❤️
You know the tenderness of God through the tenderness of John Piper. Thank you as always for my bread through you, John, in Jesus’ name.
ОтветитьI have like 50 books of John MacArthur, I have books of J. I Paker, I have books from C. S Lewis but the presentation of the Word by John Piper is surpassing my experience with these other great preachers.
He really is a gift to the church. greetings from Guatemala
I must confess how it's so much easier for me to enjoy a pizza or a football game or some orange juice than it is to enjoy God. Because I am still in the flesh, I find it so much easier to enjoy things that I can touch, I can feel, I can see, I can smell. How can someone so carnal as I enjoy such a Holy Holy Holy God in spirit & in truth? Thank you Lord Jesus for coming down to this world to save your wayward people. Thank you for purchasing such a great privilege for carnal sinners to know the gracious heavenly Father through you. Thank you for sending us the Holy Spirit to remind us of your great love whenever we enjoy a pizza, or a game, or some orange juice and thus delight in You. Thank you for the good work you have begun & thank you for being faithful to complete it. Be glorified Lord Jesus 🙏
ОтветитьGod is so good for showing this to me!
ОтветитьHey everybody, what you’re listening to is a lost man this man is going to spend an eternity in hell and you ask me why because this man does not believe that Jesus paid it all poor soul loss forever John Piper is going to the pit
ОтветитьWe pray that the Holy Spirit helps us become the people who find delight in God. Amen.
ОтветитьWow. WHAT A MESSAGE.
ОтветитьThis is the root, that’s fruit…awesome.
ОтветитьGod, what a husband! Lord bless Piper and his loved ones! What I would have given to have a husband like him... At 67, Christ Jesus is my friend, husband, and my everything. ✝️
ОтветитьJohn’s your comments and sermons on job especially help me with my illnesses. Please continue and don’t stop preaching on job!
The recent ones has been great! Please continue to talk about suffering!
It is so soothing to me since I’ve suffered so long.. and can’t even live sometimes
The BOLDNESS and at the same time HUMILITY of my dearest Pastor John Piper just blows my mind, just seeing him in this so-called christian church, talking how he's talking about what he's talking.... Hallelujah & Amén for his life in Christ!!!! Thank you Pastor John!!!!
ОтветитьJust heard this for the first time. God brought it bc it was much needed refreshment. Thank you!
ОтветитьGlory be to christ
Ответить"If God is your treasure, He will be your pleasure." 😍
ОтветитьAmen 🙏 ❤
ОтветитьInto and through the gifts 🙌🏿🙌🏿..
ОтветитьAmen 🙏🏼
*Suffering and Sovereignty*: Job's story highlights God's sovereignty over all things, including suffering. It shows that God is still in control, even when we don't understand why bad things happen (Job 1:21, 42:2 Job's unwavering faith in the face of unimaginable suffering serves as a powerful example of perseverance and trust in God (Job 13:15, 19:25-27).
Amen 🙏🏼
*Humility and Repentance*: Job's journey teaches us the importance of humility and repentance. Despite his innocence, Job acknowledges his limitations and repents of his pride (Job 38-42, especially 42:1-6).
Amen 🙏🏼
*God's Justice and Reward*: The Book of Job assures us that God is just and will ultimately reward the righteous. Job's restoration and blessing serve as a testament to God's faithfulness and justice (Job 42:7-17).