I was forced to retire at 60 due to losing a 30 yr job (COVID). Definitely realized I defined myself by my job even though I thought I didn’t. After a very long depression/adjustment I have redefined my purpose and could not be happier! I will always be grateful for COVID for an early retirement.
Ответить“Travel, explore new hobbies…” I’m betting the majority of retirees don’t have that luxury.
ОтветитьI retired just over 2 years ago. I have more time for things around the house, my pup, golf and music. I still work a little from time to time installing wall coverings. I have more busy days than not. If you had Any kind of a life Before retirement, you'll have a much Better life After retirement
ОтветитьFor many people it is mostly money that disappears. For many retirees, travel is not something they can afford. Especially those who don’t have a company retirement scheme, living on elderly allowance (about 2000 Euros net) is not great.
ОтветитьThanks for your imput it was very helpful
ОтветитьIn my personal experience I am extremely happy to be retired I also involve myself in classes and meet lots of friends
ОтветитьHumans are meant to walk not sit. Sitting in front of the television and or Internet All day, Can be damaging both physically and mentally. I agree with you.A new routine is important and that routine should not include Television Or internet in my opinion
ОтветитьI worked for 40 years putting myself through university while working. Never had a break. Worked most weekends too. When I retired, I never looked back. Did not miss work at all, still don’t and never will. I have lots of hobbies and enjoy time by myself. I think I’m the rare person that didn’t need to work to feel I had a purpose.
ОтветитьBored? Depressed? No way! I have time now to give back to my community and pursue my painting hobby. And gardening!
ОтветитьI've found the easiest way to prepare for retirement is to start slacking off at work
That way when you retire, spending the day watching TV won't feel so odd.
On retirement savings
DO NOT listen to people (and they will be there) who say: "Why don't you take your savings and... buy a boat, travel to Europe, pay for your grandkids college, buy a Winnebago, etc. etc.. Your money will be gone, and you'll have to rely on that government check.
The corporate world has become so “woke” it’s becoming intolerable. I will miss the old corporate work world, but cannot wait to escape what it’s become.
ОтветитьAll good advice if your money wealthy
ОтветитьI am almost 55 and I can retire at 58. I still love my job but I plan on retiring the day after my 58th birthday. Tomorrow is never guaranteed.
ОтветитьJust six days past my three year retirement anniversary and I have to agree with you youn on all points. First thing I discovered was that there are more hours in a day than I ever realized and finding ways to fill them was a head scratcher. While being financially comfortable in the beginning on just Soc Sec and pensions, inflation is now eroding that comfort rapidly. Insurance , property taxes and just everything is on the rise a lot faster than I had anticipated, mostly as a hangover from the pandemic I imagine , so I must use a bit more of the nest egg than planned each month. While this is not dangerous to my long term financial health , it is eye opening none the less.
ОтветитьWhen I retired at 62, I started taking cakes eat my local university. They are thcenter for life Long Learning and they have these in many towns and cities, the classes were 6 to 8 weeks long and there are over 50/subjects. I did some fitness classes, knitting, genealogy, travel, art water color and acrylics. When my husband retire he joined me. The classes we only $50 for four classes easy session.
ОтветитьPeople shouldn't define themselves by their jobs/career when you leave the company continues without you as if you had never been there. In retirement you can be yourself, dont feel you have to fill the days with endless hobbies, travelling, meeting up with people, that then becomes the new work. Just go for a walk or sit and be quiet be grateful for not being enslaved to someone else.
ОтветитьI’m an introvert. I await the day when I can retire so that I can choose who I interact with, and when.
ОтветитьJust retired in September after working my job of cabinet finishing for 47 years. IT IS AWESOME! You should have a hobby and a social life outside of work
Ответитьi never had a career. i wanted one but all low paying jobs. so happy to have husband pay and im retired now
ОтветитьI am an a intervert and so is my wife, we don't miss anything about work and we don't care what the world is doing.
ОтветитьI'm fortunate I don't have to worry about all of the above. Yes, I have worked for 50 years, but do not take work to home. Work, stays at work. Never was into needing to belong to any group. I can do just as well with one or two real friends, not work acquaints. Don't need them. I've been working on hobbies for years in preparation for retirement. So my transition is going to be like going on vacation, where work stays behind, where only family members know where I am. Don't have a $1m on a 401K, or IRA, but I've been preparing for the last 10 years or so. Sure, I'll find some things I'll need to do, but the stress level will be lower, just as it is now. Zero stress.
ОтветитьI retired at 59 after a new boss that was a micro manager. I have always had hobbies, done volunteer work during the years I was employed and had lots to do after I retired. I slept in for 3 months then started volunteer work, lunching with friends, reading, exercising more and working on my house. I have friends that went to work bc they had no other interests in life but work. You gonna work till you die?? No way....I am happier being retired and it's been 10 years. Planning a trip to Europe next year.
Ответить41 years at a major shipping/delivery company, working it 3rd shift the entire time and it ended this past July. I couldn't be happier. I will be enjoying my 1st Christmas with my family this year. Thanks for this video!!!! New subscriber too! 😁
ОтветитьThree more things that vanished after I retired:
1. My car keys.
2. The TV remote.
3. A sock
you speak of these things as though they are great loses - I won't give a crapabout any of those when I cut the cord.
I will be rejoicing.
One thing you lose is contact to old workmates as they are still working shifts and you have no idea what they are working. I worked rotating shifts so thats why I said the previous.
ОтветитьWhen my retirement papers were signed I got out of there so fast the ink ran.
Ответитьare you married?
ОтветитьWhen I retired, all decisions went through me one minute, then one minute after my retirement party, I was history. I had to retire due to health issues so the first year of retirement was just trying to survive between surgeries and recover. All of the connections were severed, I got to see no one who Imhad seen for parts of 32.5 years. I work part time here and there to get out of the house and not drive my wife crazy. Financially I am ok for now but with the stupidity of California, the cost of living is exploding. This young lady has hit what happens right on the nose.
ОтветитьI guess I had a super smooth transition. Most of my life I worked part time in various jobs. This enabled me to do what I loved, cycling and traveling in my younger years. In my mid fifties I buckled down and got a full time graphic design job. Only paid $42K a year, but I had full benefits and a 401K ($92k at the end of my job). After 9 years I was laid off at 62. I remember the day they called me into the office to give me the bad news, they looked at me strangely, since I had a big smile on my face. The very next day I was out riding my bicycle and felt like I was let out of jail. I felt so free, it’s been 5 years now, and I haven’t had a day of depression, and I never think of my old job. It was a good job, but nothing I’ll ever cry over.
I now look forward to traveling and enjoying myself. I’m living the life of Riley once again. 😊
Very practical list and heartening to hear those fears spoken aloud.
Ответить6. For women, sex🥴
ОтветитьNice advise. I needed that. Thank you for sharing.
ОтветитьHappy to say goodbye to the career. The only regret is not leaving at least 5 years sooner. I wouldn't recommend anyone work past 55 (at the latest) if they can afford it.
ОтветитьRetired 1 year ago. Now looking to find a part time job to add something constructive to do and have a connection a work routine.
ОтветитьImo, the same logic people put into researching for their 401ks Roth IRA's and investments for retirement, that logic should be applied to what am I going to do when I retire? Look into how to create your social network. If you're interested in a long lost hobby course diploma degree then research it and apply yourself to conquer it. Or destinations you dreamed of visiting or vacationing to. Create an itinerary years out from retirement so then you can check off that list once you're there. Failure to prepare is preparing to fail. Good luck all
ОтветитьI initially struggled (pre-retirement) with the thought of ending a 40 yr career. It was not an issue. I have plenty of hobbies and am plenty busy. I thought retirement would be more leisurely - I still have to carve out non-scheduled time. One thing that did surprise me was the connection with work colleagues. People that I helped, mentored, supported, and worked with for many years - didn’t hear boo from in retirement. Oh well. 😊. Had I known it was this great, I would have retired sooner.
ОтветитьI’m retiring in 5 weeks and cant wait, after a military career and 22 years in law enforcement I’m ready. I’ve planned well and two pensions and ssi I’ll be fine, working these last few years in le has been horrible with all these dei hires as we no longer even have a test to qualify for a position, if you pass the background check your hired. It’s been stressful dealing with people who really don’t have the temperament for the job or feel the power of wearing a badge gives them special privileges and panic in emergency situations. I had an out brief with the commissioner and my first response was bring back testing to exclude those that aren’t really qualified. I work for a large department there are 2,500 in our department state wide. Godspeed to those officers that are in this career for the right reasons, remember the public trust. Semper Ducimus 👍
ОтветитьI'm 60 and am retiring at the end of February. I'm easing into it by using up my vacation time and only working Tuesdays and Wednesdays. I don't think that I will have much trouble adjusting to retirement. I'll be able to practice my archery and expand my German vocabulary. We have a little 60-acre farm, and there is always something to do. I also struggle with finding the time to write the books that I have stuck in my head, now I should be able to get them out.
ОтветитьLoved my Sales Career and yes I had a routine but I lOVE my new routine. Don’t miss the corporate life at all or this so called “identity.” That might mean those folks take themselves much too seriously.
ОтветитьLiving without co-workers and children has been a challenge. Seeing my mil and mother age and get feeble makes me worry about aging. I have to realize that I need to do my best and not worry about aging
ОтветитьTwo years to go, I won’t miss the 5:00AM alarm.
I plan to volunteer, help other people.
A great job is still a J O B. Retirement can be better than any job.
ОтветитьRetirement Sucks! i retired a Year ago ... no choice since my job has mandatory age retirement! I prefer to be back at work doing my job/career of 35 years. Every day, since retirement, is the same!
ОтветитьPro tip: retire with a giant pile of dough. Really helps…particularly if ya can you blow through as much as possible by spoiling yourself while helping others not as fortunate before ya head for what the bard referred to as the undiscovered country. After a quarter century I’m loving it.
ОтветитьRETIREMENT is AWESOME - what disappeared was STRESS of having the alarm clock controlling me, having to check with my boss before taking any time off, having to kiss ass to incompetent, sleazy bosses and co-workers, not having enough time to do wherever the f*ck I wanted to do and not being able to do it whenever I wanted, didn’t have to collude with a corrupt and anti-patient healthcare system
I shed one tear when I left my almost 40 year career as an RN when I refused the JAB- and I never looked back. I gave away or thru away all my nursing stuff !!!
People- please don’t fall for the “your will get depressed and lose your identity” hoax- the government “experts” come up with fake stats to scare people to keep people working (increase tax dollars collected)
It’s AWESOME- and I am living on far left than I expected cuz I left 5 years before I had planned and Biden’s shitty economy ate thru my savings.
As soon as you have no debt (no mortgage, no car or credit card debt) and enough money to live- RETIRE !!
Two masters degrees and never promoted. I wished I was older so I could just retire and forget my failed career.
Ответитьlol. Letting it go was sooo easy. Dealing with ahole customers, employees, so called hr, management and traffic. Are you kidding
What are you looking forward to having vanish in your retirement?