Remembering The Assassin's Creed Games

Remembering The Assassin's Creed Games

Retro Rebound

1 год назад

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@TenThousandBlocks - 18.10.2023 09:13

The snowstorm story about ac3 brought me back. Rented the game from redbox and played it during the same snowstorm and beat it in one weekend.

@OpenSafe17.11 - 19.10.2023 01:29

I’m really looking forward to your review of mirage

@tiagocorreia2127 - 19.10.2023 19:05

Revelations is my favorite

@punchmonc - 20.10.2023 05:21

It’s not rose-tinted glasses, they were/are that good

@spacechannelfiver - 21.10.2023 05:36

AC1 was always the path they didn't follow, the sequels leaned into the traversal, stealth lite and combat. The OG was much more focused on puzzle solving and planning. Hitman draws a lot from it.

@ibotmania4284 - 25.10.2023 00:14

I miss assassins creed

@thomashernandez6536 - 25.10.2023 04:12

Your AC2 xmas story reminded me of my Skyrim story and how i didnt want it and someone got it for me after MONTHS of up talking batman arkham city. I was PISSED. (I never liked skyrim to top it off)

@Jeff-lh9wy - 26.10.2023 14:54

AC 2 i bought it for 3 euro and desired to buy the whole collection after this

@ldope3904 - 26.10.2023 22:14

I absolutely HATED Black Flag. That game symbolized the end of the Assassin's Creed originality I fell in love with. The game itself is actually decent, but it never felt like Assassin Creed game. I LOVED 3 so much, especially for the timeline and all the awesome current day stuff. Was looking forward how they'd proceed without Desmond but they massively fumbled the bag.

Black Flag literally made me quit playing the series. I gave it a try again when Syndicate came out and confirmed my decision to leave the series was a good one. Was also a pretty good game, better than Black Flag for sure, but never felt like an Assassins Creed game. Waste of a time era. That said, will be giving Mirage a chance as my first ps5 AC

@tjjordan4207 - 28.10.2023 05:35

Story and characters matter to me, especially the world that is created to house them in their respective franchises, and Assassin's Creed is just one of those franchises that I hold dear to my heart.

The Ezio trilogy and Black Flag represent when I truly cared for the story, even the very first AC game. While AC3 and Unity have grown on me and I now consider them fun games, I still don't like the story or characters. Syndicate... was a thing. Origins is decent. While Odyssey and Valhalla are just terrible altogether. And I can't judge Mirage because I'm waiting to play it once it comes out for a lower price and when all the bugs are fixed (assuming it's an incomplete game, per the norm).

But the main core of the franchise has been lost for a long time now. Even though Unity and Syndicate have enough remnants of that AC identity, something just didn't sit right with how the story and characters felt. The modern-day storyline was just there, playing almost next to no purpose aside from giving us a point of view of modern events. While Origins is decent, that's where AC stopped feeling like AC, and it's only gotten worse from there.

I guess my main problem with the story is that nothing has happened to progress the story. What is the main goal and purpose now? Each new installment just feels like a piece of content made to keep the costumers coming back for more, while stalling for more time and installments to be made in order to continue milking the franchise. Even the characters are just not interesting. Since ever Black Flag, I just can't connect or just like anyone I play as. The Twins from Syndicate came close but even then they're pretty forgettable.

Maybe Mirage can return the franchise to its roots like they're claiming it can. Or maybe it's just going to be the same thing we've been getting since 2017.

@genematthew38 - 31.10.2023 20:51

Black flag = boating simulator

@xlDysenterylx - 02.11.2023 00:06

There were moments in Rogue when the writing genuinely made me question if the Templars had really been the villains all along. It turned the whole franchise on its head for me in the best possible way. I have always considered it to be one of the most underrated games ever. I'm happy to hear you acknowledge what they did with this story.

And Syndicate may still be my favorite Assassin's Creed game. Full Stop. I am biased, because I am obsessed with that setting, but the game was flawless in my opinion. Also, Evie Frye? Dude. Evie Frye.

With all that being said, I think it's important for the fan base to make an admission. We shit on these two games. Hard. And they didn't deserve it. What came next was Origins, Odyssey, and Valhalla, which we then shit on hard. But those games were the result of our own complaints and requests. So fine. These are not Assassin's Creed enough. Now we have Mirage. The "return to old school Assassin's Creed" that we harassed Ubisoft for years over. And guess what? It's getting shit on. We need to admit that maybe we are the problem, folks. How is Ubisoft supposed to please such a fickle fan base?

@civenful - 02.11.2023 10:12

Matty the work you do on this channel is absolutely nuts! Well done!

@swaggyp1846 - 02.11.2023 21:03

Syndicate was garbage lmao

@alpthed - 08.11.2023 23:57

Altair and Ezio era was spectacular. Anything after that era didnt connect with me at all

@helicocktor - 09.11.2023 08:13

Mirage is soooo disappointing. This isn't the first time they said "we're bringing it back to its roots" and completely fucking didn't. They're so far up their ass they've probably completely forgotten what Assassin's Creed was supposed to be. The vision that Patrice Desilets had, the direction and execution it took that changed gaming.

Now it's just a soulless profit generator for Guillemot and Co. How Mirage, even Odyssey and Valhalla, didn't catch anywhere near the amount of flak Unity caught is beyond me. As a longtime AC fan, it's difficult to accept that Assassin's Creed is dead. It died a long time ago.

@ThePhantomKingX - 09.11.2023 18:03

Great video. I'm glad syndicate is getting the recognition it deserves. However I will not accept the Jacob slander lol

@edwaaard46 - 10.11.2023 12:49

Im right replaying AC Revelations.. I my favorite in the Ezio Trilogy! The story with ezio and Altair is so beautiful told!

@keelanperumal1980 - 20.11.2023 18:17

I always thought Syndicate was a bit underrated. It's graphics were a not as amazing as Unity and the parkour was toned down as well but it was a pretty fun. The steampunk victorian setting was a welcome one for me especially in an assassin's creed game. I also definetly like the sibiling rivalry between evie and Jacob.

For Odyssey and Valhalla, I generally think they would be brillant games if they weren't called assassin's creed. They are both awesome rome and viking RPG games but not assassin's creed games to there core.

@kaidblack6384 - 24.11.2023 20:41

Currently have an itch to replay one of the AC games, this video definitely helped me decide which one to play

@Pooky1991 - 02.12.2023 21:39

Origins is my favorite in the series overall, while the Colonial games are my favorite narrationwise (3, Rogue, Black Flag, and Liberation). Storywise, the Ezio trilogy are my favorite. Gameplaywise Syndicate and Origins are my favorites.

@Pooky1991 - 02.12.2023 22:23

AC3 is definately the most overhated in the series to me. I was surprised at how much fun i had playing it, even more than 2. The Homestead missions, the fightclub, the hunting mechanics (wish the qtes were better though), the tree parkour, there was so much i loved in 3 and was disappointed some of the other games didn't build up on. Connor also has one of the greatest ending speeches in the entire series and it makes him one of my favorite main characters in the series. The modern day segments is also one of the best in the series.

Liberation as well with it costume mechanic was a welcome treat and it actually upsets me its the only game (if those 2 Revelation missions count) that utilizes hiding in plain site with constumes instead of an easy to spot assassin robe. It also had so much fun pakouring through the swamp and messing around with the costumes in the city.

AC4 is incredibly addicting, but have to agree with alot of the criticism aimed at it. There are WAY too many trailing missions in this game, especially boat trailing missions. I don't think i liked a single one of them. Wasn't a fan of the swimming mechanics either. Other than that Edward is one of the best main characters in the series for how morally grey he is. He's a greedy pirate and one of the few assassins who cares little about the creed or what it stands for, but learns things are more complex than he can imagine. He pretty much p earns to care outside his own hubris.

Rogue is fricking great.has some of my favorite tools in the series and pretty much continoues alot of what i like about AC3 and Black flag. The dart gun and bombs are a shit ton of fun to use. I love how storywise it directly connects to Ac3, Black Flag, and Unity. While i do love how its the first game we get to play as templars, i do hate how it got rid of some of the nuances within the conflict brought up by games like AC3. Im also one of the oddballs who love the modern day segments in Black Flag and Rogue.

Unity....yeah. Let me just say Paris is gorgeous. One of the most gorgeous settings in the series. The animations for the parkour and other movements can also be incredibly fluid and cool to look at. With that said....its my least favorite in the series. I must not have a very polished copy as others because i still get annoying glitches that screw with some of the game mechanics, falling through items, and softlocking while parkouring, and have the issue where guards spot me through walls or out of nowhere (often when we aren't even on the same floor or vicinity). I hate how they got rid of the ability to move bodys and i despise combat in this game.

Syndicate is another overhated game. One of the most fun in the series to explore, stealth through, and fight. Not a fan of the rpg mechanics, but it wasn't that obnoxiousky done like later games. It also has some of my favorite side missions in the series.

Origins. My overall favorite game in the series. Yes, i am not a fan of rpg elements, but it didn't really get in the way in Origins. I played 100% stealthy throughout the game and loved simply exploring Egypt, so by the time i was ready to move to a new area, i was already incredibly high level. Bayek is a fantastic protagonist and i loved everything from the story to the side quest.

Vahella isn't really one I'm interested in, but i am somewhat interest in Odyssey.

@slzzz237 - 20.12.2023 09:03

In Black Flag, Abstergo isn't visiting memories for the sake of movies, they are searching people who have a history with the pretense that it's for a movie, but the templars still have their goals

@zacharybecker8228 - 31.12.2023 10:41

I loved the multiplayer in both ac and bioshock really miss those days

@joakim1462 - 10.01.2024 00:42

Our of all these i think Unity, Rogue and Syndicate looks most boring.

@JustFeral - 24.01.2024 05:29

Man, Origins is so underated. Oddessey is where the new games went the wrong way, but I lvoed Origin both plot wise and gameplay.

@TJOEL20 - 28.01.2024 05:22

My takeaway from this video: This guy really likes bad games

@FrozenAXL - 04.02.2024 01:54

I loved the Frye twins, especially together, their chemistry was funny and charming.

@Roro020_ - 18.02.2024 21:11

Remember this play 2015-2016 play time ps3 assassin's creed game ac1 ac2 ac brotherhood and revelations ac3 black flag roge lost 2017 never play game on ps3 wait Origins release date play ac 2 and ac brotherhood & ac revelations AC3 had 100 trophies

@edwardkenway4360 - 01.03.2024 22:59

Ac Syndicate really deserves appreciation. One of the best stealth

@lengeyart - 09.03.2024 18:51

My love for Black Flag and Origns is beyond anything <3

@nonebeliever5321 - 11.03.2024 21:53

Mirage is kind of a pile of shit.... In my opinion aledgedly

@TheAnonLee - 13.03.2024 06:39

I absolutely love Odyssey, it’s so beautiful and such a blast to just rampage across ancient Greece. Now if they’d give me the same formula but during the roman empires i’d be set.

@aboucard93 - 18.03.2024 03:25

This was my favorite game as a kid. I couldn't wait for the next AC to progress through the story. I thought I would be playing this series forever and sharing the AC journey with my future kids. However that didn't happen because Ubisoft got greedy.

@chrissleeping65 - 04.04.2024 07:40

My AC Ranking
1. Assassin's Creed II
2. Assassin's Creed IV Black Flag
3. Assassin's Creed Brotherhood
4. Assassin's Creed Origins
5. Assassin's Creed III
6. Assassin's Creed Revelations
7. Assassin's Creed Syndicate
8. Assassin's Creed Unity
9. Assassin's Creed
10. Assassin's Creed Rogue

@evansinclair1999 - 22.04.2024 09:43

Man I had just got into assassins creed when I saw the trailers for AC3 it was the first time for me seeing those robes and the brooding cold ass killing machine of an assassin and me being Native American it was super fucking cool to see and I was obsessed with American colonial history everything just fell into place for me with this game I had no preconceived notions or expectations I had never played a AC game before that and almost everything about it was a hook line sinker for me and even after all these years I think it still has the hardest title drop of them all it’s not the best game overall but it is one of my personal favorites

@wodensthrone5215 - 22.04.2024 15:19

The Ezio Collection does have FPS Boost on the Series X.

@tanork47 - 28.05.2024 21:14

Roaming and completing things in AC:Origins as I watch this.
Only games i missed was Origins and Rogue. Still need to play rogue but I really do hope when I play mirage and later this year maybe shadows that its still good.
History is my favorite genre when I was in high school and to play with history and see who was on the Assassins and Templars side was incredible.

@Charlesmckinney-i2x - 05.06.2024 04:15

i love assassin creed games and had you collect those feathers 🪶 on assassin’s creed 2 back then i never did it was to hard for me !?

@ClearlyHunter - 13.06.2024 20:07

I played the fuuuuck out of Bloodlines growing up!

@MrRhysReviews - 14.10.2024 06:01

A little fun fact here, AC Revelations on PS3 actually included Assassin's Creed 1 on the Disc FOR FREE, like some later Collections and such on PS3 you have a second option with the AC Revelations Disc under "Game" on the XMB which will Install AC1 fully (so about 8GB) and then you can play that game when you have the AC Revelations Disc inserted into the PS3

@lucezarcolombo22 - 25.11.2024 06:27

AssaYassin's Creeyd

@Iceburgslim_ - 20.01.2025 12:09

Honestly, just now got to assassin’s Creed three and boy oh boy do I hate this game…

@TommasoFirmini - 14.02.2025 06:56

My and my buddy Alex played the absolute HELL out of the brotherhood multiplayer. We were a deadly duo that dominated every game 😂 we had so much fun with it

@r8r_ray384 - 20.02.2025 09:17

Black Flag 🏴‍☠️🐐

@pandav1231 - 26.02.2025 02:13

The assassin's creed story ended with revelations for me.But AC3,Black Flag and even rogue kept my interest up even after the main story conclusion.However after black flag what remained of the core present timeline assassin and templar story as well as assassin's creed identity went on downhill roll.Assassin's creed unity to an extent and origin's onward sealed this franchise for me.Lets be real here guys,whose the MC in the game anymore or is there even one left after they killed desmond off.They should have made desmond into a proper assassin via the animus and made him the leader of the assassin order in the modern age where he transforms the ragtag and scattered assassins into a force that could fight in the shadows with the templars.Also it BullShyte that Edward Kenway has all the skills of an assassin when he wasn't even trained as an assassin in the first place.

@TommasoFirmini - 26.02.2025 05:24

The moment Juno started speaking through Ezio to Desmond..... i loved the games by that point, but man what a way to hook a generation of players

@retrorebound8887 - 05.10.2023 21:43

This is the biggest video we've ever produced on the channel! I hope you enjoy and, if you do, consider sharing it a little. It would mean a lot! ❤
