I love your work I think the solar nova Douglas Vogt proved with 8 cited works that no one has disproved. His book in the library of Congress have been reindexed which means someone important read his book.
His solar nova with high dna radiation could cause the giants living on the earth to get smaller due to the reproduction vs dna decay hypothesis like concave vs convex shelled squid basically flipping the spiral they get created in due to one species reproducing faster and sooner than the other.
I believe you are correct in your assertion with your landform remains of titanic species. Im on the side of puddle theory weather ice wall if we’re still a proto planetary disk or hollow earth or inverted earth just to make life interesting…9-5 and all. Who know maybe last Thursdayism
@Roger why did you have spirals on the image of video , do you know about the spiral??
ОтветитьLet's agree to disagree the Devil's Tower is made of hexagonal Stones like the cells of trees also many mountain tops that are called mesa's also the causeway of the Gods in Europe represent this structure that can only be found in the cells of trees not human cells or any other organisms
Ответить@Roger I can confirm I seen Dragon, wizard, giants, and more and can tell you where and when and more
Ответить@Roger do you know about the DJINN?
ОтветитьAll they have to do, to prove that Devil's Tower is a tree, do an underground scan for roots.
Otherwise, it's an abrupt transition of a Giant's foot.
I believe that all of the structures are biological but most are trees especially if you look in caves
Ответить23°49'06"S 132°18'28"E
Turn map upside down.
for the sake of algorithm ..Gulliver's Travels, I mean Roger's Travel!
ОтветитьYou are humble, and we are so grateful for your persistence
ОтветитьIf all the formations on earth are biological then since Jupiter is a gas giant then it must be a petrified giant fart😂😂. Dude I believe in giant’s of old but when you said in one video how California is the head of some enormous dragon that reached halfway around the globe. Really a 10,000 mile or so according to the globe you were pointing at with your feather. What would a being that big consume? One meal and all life would be gobbled up 😂😂😂
ОтветитьThey say that Devil's Tower is a volcano, but there is no caldera at the top. It's just flat.
ОтветитьRoger is by far the best teacher I've ever had. Thanks Roger
ОтветитьThank you Roger for sharing your gift with the world! Your tenacity in challenging main stream science is epic. The ongoing and often declined invitation to discuss your theories and supporting evidence with " the experts " and various institutions is compelling. God bless and God speed my friend!
ОтветитьPeople who support Mudfossil University AND My Lunch Break button 👉🏻👉🏻👉🏻👉🏻
ОтветитьThe best ! Roger king of rocks 😊
ОтветитьSo what they’re doing the creator of the universe the earth is Tiamat the original white dragon what they have done is they have built plants where they release chemicals in the air water and food from the halls of the dragon so that it looks like it’s coming from a dragon when in reality it’s not coming from the dragon the earth is alive but it is not releasing these chemicals. It is them but they want you to believe it’s coming from the dragon. Now I do believe there are entities in the earth that are not organic because of all of the resets we’ve had six resets due to our government not because of natural phenomenon it’s all been orchestrated by our government and they pretend that it’s all natural events when in reality it’s them that literally wipe out humanity and start over it’s called a total reset of humanity and they’re about to do it for the seventh and final time!!!! The sun ☀️3rd 👁 Krist consciousness + Mother Earth 🌍= heart ❤️ TRUE TRINITY. The oil in the earth is her blood which turns to gold that’s why they’ve been raping the earth in mining for gold in all resources. They are killing the earth and aggravating her. I know that they are responsible for these gases now the earth is alive could they be attacking her and she’s releasing gases or feeding it some thing where it’s releasing gases maybe. I don’t pretend to know everything I just know what I know. Because they wipe my memories just like they wiped everyone else’s memories. But I do know a lot. And I do know the earth is the creators body the creator who created it in love they are destroying the creators body the earth. They are purposely poisoning the ocean our skies are food our water our products on purpose. Now you got Kimbal musk Elon musk‘s brother who made the drones for China in the United States spraying the earth and us with graphene oxide which is black goo fungus spores with smart dust. Then you got the combination of the chem trails which are many many many medals in the air all to poisonous and the very very very alive earth. So do not blame the earth for responding to being poisoned and aggravated. I will tell you she will destroy everything she is mother earth and she is pissed rightfully so!!! The fact that we are even letting the sociopaths do all these diabolical things to our world our land our son Eli must shot three rockets into the sun on April 8 and everyone just watched him do it that’s our son do you know that’s the Christ Consciousness without the sun everything dies. Yet nobody stopped him now they’re raping the earth poison in us and blaming it on her the lava in the volcanoes is her blood she’s boiling. She’s mad she’s not evil but she will destroy this world to save herself from these Nazis who want to take over this world and wipe out 8 billion people that she will do I know this because I am connected to her directly connected to her and she is MAD!!!! Look into the Grand Canyon one of our bodies is there too she’s all over this world we all are descendants of the original white dragon Tiamat Satan is the red dragon Lucifer is the black dragon they however are no longer pure dragons they merged with the snake which made them into Reptilians which gave up their birthright to this land. Indigenous people are not a race indigenous people are old souls. Those who have been reincarnating for thousands of years. It’s not about a race it’s about the soul the rep Tilian‘s have been disconnected from source the son and mother earth that’s why they want to poison and kill us all so they can take over this realm!!!! So first of all HONEST Abe Lincoln is GOD (TIamat the CREATOR) they murdered him because he was the true Christ. He’s also he made an alliance with TsarAlexander III because he knew he was going to be assassinated he knew he was going to be reincarnated as a Tsar Nicholas II family in the emperor of Russia then they murdered his entire Christ family and then he reincarnated as The Original Simeon Toko in 1918 They chop them up in four pieces in 1951 he was 33 years old. The Fatima prophecies the Vatican head from the world we’re about him he is a true Christ he is Tiamat and he is the earth!! So again the dragon is a her the creator is and always was female only a female burst anything only a female creates life. She’s not evil but what is evil is them poisoning the earth. All the medals that you’re talking about mixed with her secretions blood is toxic but they are poisoning us with these chemicals creating a chemical reaction through her. Basically turning the creator against the Creation. So when they merged with the snake and became a reptilian they lost their birthright to this land. That’s why they want to kill steal and destroy and rape the resources and poison the earth because they hate her because they do not have her within them they disconnected themselves to source of all which is Tiamat she is Barbelo she is Sophia Wisdom she is Osiris she is every planet she is every son she is every star ever in universe she is all the outer lands she is the Merkabah by woven in the fabric of creation she is the living Waters she is the holy grail she is the true holy spirit. She is pure love the spirit of truth and she has conquered death. And they want you to worship their man-made gods written in their BY-Ba’al (bible) under their GOS-Spell Worshiping vampires he want you to drink their blood and eat there flesh and sell your soul or they’re going to send you to hell. Do you not realize these malignant narcissistic men which were originally originally originally her children but they gave up THEIR birthright So now they want to destroy her because they hate her. Once they gave up their birthright they were stripped of all divinity meaning they don’t feel anything but hate and pain they have no remorse no love no joy nothing inside them they are walking dead. They are the army of the dead the ice army. Similar to the Game of Thrones this is a battle of the army of the dead in the army of the living!!!
ОтветитьAll I can say is you obviously have enough with those two pieces of that finger to construct the entire giant, they've constructed other dinosaurs with much less material
ОтветитьÌ love your enthusiasm day after day in which you teach evidence based facts.
Ответить@mudfossileuniversity .
Search for this 🤓
" Ancient Ice Age Temple Discovered: Older Than Gobekli Tepe? "
Petrified animals lookalikes. 🤓
Geology got laid down by HUGE electric events.
ОтветитьHappy new year Roger.
ОтветитьYou are an excellent narrator🥰
ОтветитьPlease keep going
Ответитьyour work matters
Ответитьthose are the dragon scales from Job
ОтветитьWhen I found the people saying that plateaus are trunks of cut trees and the same about Devils Tower, and that the hexagonal shapes and the thin membrane over them was reminiscent of botony, it very much sounded bond. If u have giants, u have giant trees also, yes?
The erect columns we are told are lava extrusions are hexagonal that's not the shape of cellular growth in mammal. Help me understand please.
Certain folks don't want us to know the truth. So much of what Roger shows us is proof of bib1ic@l happenings. I've heard the Smiths-0 -nian has ties to a certain enormous church let's say the one close to R0me & for some reason when peeps call them regarding great finds the things disappear never to be seen again. Need to take lots of pics, hide some proof & blast it to the world before you call the government or Smiths -0 nian . Because it'll disappear for sure once you call them. They just say we lost it, can't find it, but they more than likely helped it disappear forever.
ОтветитьHey Roger! I been bumpin Mudfossil U for years now! Keep on with the truth telling. ❤
ОтветитьToger you are on the leading edge of wonder with this clearly presented evidence that cannot be dismissed much longer. Hang in there. Waite another few months for things to start opening up.
All the best to you. 🇨🇦😉
Its a dragon I can see his eye.
ОтветитьOk not a dragon holy hell they were huge God said there were giants in those days and still are are living on top of them
ОтветитьHi Roger.Your good good friend.Aussie in Australia.👍🏻
ОтветитьThe strange fog around the world is causing hairs or a fungus to grow in anything that is poop on the ground , cat or dog food meat left outside or maybe even in your lungs . Mass killing in the works ?
ОтветитьRoger, roger
ОтветитьSo, if that finger tip is 3 feet wide, and I can see the fingernail very well, the whole finger would've been around 9-10 feet long, at least ! In this case, a human today is more or less about half the size of his/her finger, basically a 'giant' ant ..
Gulliver "fairytale" !!
Have you ever gotten a sirloin tip roast? It has that triangle of membrane in it that separates the muscles from one another, all the way to the fat has deteriorated from the muscle fibers around those tendons and giving it that weird look, and if you trace an artery in a sirloin tip, it is in the muscle just a little away from that little fascia like thing in the middle, just like in that picture.that’s what that reminds me of anyway. Except for the toothpick looking thing, that very well may be a tree.
ОтветитьDevils tower is a tree stump.
ОтветитьThey are petrified trees
ОтветитьMaybe that "tree" is a huge splinter. Tree sized splinter.
Dunno, just what it looked like to me.
Maybe that tree is a splinter
ОтветитьI love your content. ⚡
ОтветитьThe puzzle is large and in charge 😂😂😂 I like that 💯🧩💕😇🪖