5 THINGS I DON'T BUY | minimalism & money saving

5 THINGS I DON'T BUY | minimalism & money saving

Gabrielle Talks Money

3 года назад

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@ryanvuong3948 - 17.09.2021 23:32

hey Gabrielle, thank you for sharing lots of useful and practical videos about financial life

@sauravlahiry6951 - 18.09.2021 13:50

Hi sis, welcome back. keep it up. no wonder u are our next Warren Buffet. sis, one excellent info. I have completed both of my vaccination doses. It has all happened due to ur beloved parents and ur blessings

@Ecuador006 - 30.11.2021 08:40

Hunt me please 💚 💜

@YH-mo1vo - 03.12.2021 03:05

Very wise!

@RWAquariumPages - 08.12.2021 06:03

love the tips, totally agree with the make up one, i wear less now than before and noone even notices
keep up the great work!

@henrytang3930 - 19.12.2021 17:24

Hi Gabrielle: Always like watch your channels. My whole life had similar spending habit like yours. Now I am close to my retire age, I ask myself what is I save money for. I wish I had more balance life in past with less saving in hands.

@tibuy - 15.01.2022 04:32

Clever girl, I felt in love.

@whiterabbit4606 - 26.02.2022 23:58

The money you can save by not eating out often is absolutely incredible. In the Before Times I ate out an embarrassing number of times per week. Now that I stay home so much, I have saved A TON of money. At this point in the pandemic, every time I think of spending money on restaurant food, I reconsider and think "Hmmm, I could spend this cash toward paying down a debt." or "Man, I could buy a couple stocks with this."

@en6075 - 02.08.2022 03:35

Good advice but also keep in mind more to life than just saving money. I've seen so many cases of people saving only to get a terminal disease and never enjoy the money instead it being left to ungrateful family or worst case the state if you're heir less. Balance is key. In Toronto and Vancouver people are too dialed in with making only money. Balance is key.

@sonofsarek - 30.06.2023 01:10

Try being a man and dealing with this foolishness on a daily basis from your significant other.

@matperez1168 - 06.11.2024 04:20

Money play loto 1 if your luck will make millions
