The Chapman apologists in the comments are downright pathetic. I’m a new viewer, from the us and don’t know much about this uk commercial scene until now but these guys ooze skeevy, I noticed that ever since I started watching Andertons vids. And this is coming from a guy who is legit interested in some of the brands they deal with
ОтветитьThank you for bringing this to light. I never cared for Rob, and this solidifies that ten fold.
Surprise surprise people in the music retail business are shitheads. I know firsthand from working in it and that’s one of the reasons I left, most are complete self indulgent assholes.
ОтветитьWho is this Chapman cunt? Where can i harrass him.
ОтветитьIdk how I missed this video. Subscribed right here. Right now. Thanks kid.
ОтветитьI fucking love this channel. Rock fucking on.
ОтветитьHe's the reason I stopped watching Anderton's channel way back when.
Ответитьrob doesnt light my fire . i like listening to ry cooder, john frusiante , richard thompson fellas like that
ОтветитьRob is a scumbag thief.
ОтветитьResearch defamation, please. I'm glad your videos have moved on from things like this. And before the "free press" talk starts, firstly it's not an absolute right and secondly the majority of this channel isn't press or acknowledged as such. In this, you implied lying, fraud and misleading when fundraising. I'm glad im seeing this 4 years late. It is hugely defamatory. Glad the KDH channel has changed.
ОтветитьAss less chappers
ОтветитьWhy would anyone want to buy a guitar created by not only a geek but a total asshole to boot. Grrrrrrrreeeetings Rob you slob
ОтветитьSounds like someone is the same shape as a dog's hind leg.
ОтветитьAre you sure his last name doesn't start with a T.....
ОтветитьDude... the Ed Roman video and this one... I really needed these man. I always wondered about this shit!!!
ОтветитьI have one question. Where do I get the socks?
ОтветитьI don't care... wanted to watch it, but your dellusion of eloquence drove me away, kudos, Axl
ОтветитьI love your channel!
ОтветитьIn all fairnes, I don't think @RobChappers really has a huge ego. I feel that it's all just an act, and that underneath that he is a relatively insecure person looking for external validation. I'll grant you that he often acts like an absolute tosser in YT videos, but if that was his genuine personality I don't think he could have remained close friends with people like Lee Anderton. Regarding his lack of personal involvement in the snake-oil pedal thing, having an idea and being able to get other people to do *all* the work is called *delegation*, and people who can delegate effectively are generally an asset.
Regarding Chapman Guitars shipping direct to resellers, your observation that this gives the factory an excuse to care less about QC is concerning. Though to be fair, 10+ years ago Squier were producing some absolute lemons, so having a wholesaler doesn't necessarily translate into a better quality product. I feel that having the right factory with the right workers (and paying them the right amount money) is probably more important that whether you have a wholesale distribution point or not.
Yes, there are (still) a lot of B-list guitars on Chapman's Reverb store. Until I watched this video I thought that was actually a *good thing**, as it means you have the choice between *cheaper and *better*. If only Fender and Squier would list their stock as A and B list, that would be awesome.
Rob is a lying cunt. He tries to make out like he is someone with importance. Then he goes off on a tantrum, making threats because people are being man to him. I've seen a total of 5 video's with Rob in them, he reminds me of my mother's old douche bag. He scams people, asking for donations. Hell, isn't he the owner of the world's "BEST" guitar company? That they design all of the guitars? They are starts, tele's, explorers and esp eclipse. So where is those "Chapman design's". Robs just a cunt. And he knows it. I'm sure he'll see this, which IDGAF. But he'll be that keyboard badass that he is known for. If he wasn't in fact a cunt, none of his friends would have left the company and had their names removed from anything Chapman.
ОтветитьI get the vibe that all the people involved in that Andertons group are just so two-faced. I get that they're salesmen but I get the feeling they are truly trying to scam you
ОтветитьHe'd have done himself a HUGE FAVOR by donating 1000 or just the standard 100 to ALS THEN Piggybacking it into the "Chapper's Challenge " - rather cheaply for him based on his giving away 2400 pounds worth of Guitars, but hey he's a Musician he's not known as a Genius in any way!
ОтветитьIdk man… a lot of this content just makes you look like a hater…
Exposing scams and possible fraud is one thing and very important… but like everyone does clickbait titles, you cherrypicked a low view video to make it look like his at Andertons got less, and making fun of how he talks and dresses is just low class…
If you have more evidence of more overtly negative stuff I’d be interested in seeing it.
The Guitar Center thing was super weird… seemed to go against what they stood for but seemed very successful… I was super happy I could go try them and I did, they had the original Rabea signature and I loved it, I wanted to buy it but it sold pretty fast.
Now? I don’t think they have a single Chapman… so weird
I think that people find it easy to hate Rob Chapman he is a bit "mmmmm" you know .ps When Rob had his voice trained did the lady have a chair in one hand & a whip in the other.
ОтветитьWhenever i need a laugh... this video will always be a go to for the laughs!
ОтветитьA friend had Als . It was terrible watching him loose his mobility and then his voice . Just like Jason Becker. It was fucking horrible to watch.
ОтветитьThose guitars should help the orphans find a home!
ОтветитьThe comprehensive list of gear was probably compiled as a requirement of carnet documents for customs when crossing international borders.
ОтветитьGeovany Orchard
ОтветитьFahey Valleys
ОтветитьOwen Extension
ОтветитьMarley Locks
ОтветитьCmon Gretchen 😂
ОтветитьO'Kon Ferry
ОтветитьGreat work
ОтветитьSo, actually HAVING Insurance on the items stolen, but still having the audacity to beg for money from his loyal disciples, WHILST raking in WADS of cash from both the insurance claims AND the revenue raked in from his Channel - That's a pretty pathetic move on Chapman's behalf. Most of his fans wouldn't be able to just lash out and buy a $5K guitar "just because I wanted one!" He claims misrepresentation - but come on, justify THAT! Facts are facts, Jack...
ОтветитьIve never liked him. The business side of music has always stunk. He seems to epitomise it.
Ответитьi never liked Anderton's and their videos, they annoy me! i love that you expose these clowns!
ОтветитьReally good video. Funny as hell. Keep up the great work!
ОтветитьI just bought a Chapman guitar and it sounds better than most on the famous wall at guitar center.Truly magical! Rob knows how to make an instrument! The only other real magic was an gibson es-335 and a fender telecaster.
Ответитьsnake oil :) ***amn I cracked. God bless you for making me laugh whole heartedly. There cant be too much laughter. Sharp is the edge of your sarcasm. I tip my cap to you sir" I totally agree with the bottom line of this video and respect for burning this shit con artism. I sincerely believe that "fake it before you make it" is one of the worst mottos anyone can have. That is one concept that births the Rob-shitchatters of this world.
ОтветитьLmfao 😂 slothman
Ответитьlove your Snake Oil promo video - they should give you a load of cash for this 🤣🤣🤣
Ответитьi still hate him just as much as then lol
ОтветитьI watched your video & it made me sad, you’ve misrepresented and spun so much about me & my businesses.
Yes there are areas of my business I wish I could have done differently and no I am not perfect, but I wish you’d just asked for an interview rather than sticking the knife in days before Christmas.
Merry Christmas to you