TrueNAS Scale VPN - Get Connected with WireGuard

TrueNAS Scale VPN - Get Connected with WireGuard


1 год назад

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@dhck9858 - 31.01.2024 02:20

Really good video, could have explained better the port forwarding part but apart from that excellent explanations :)

@teddyc95 - 31.01.2024 21:33

good job!! after a lot of try this is the best solution! thanks for sharing your knowledge

@snuffek1511 - 02.02.2024 22:22

I can't connect to TrueNAS from external IP (from mobile phone for example). Any solutions?

@SelcinSinan - 08.02.2024 17:47

App Version 10, Chart Version 2.0.12 is not deploying (it's been stuck for about an hour Deploying status marked with yellow) Yes I did put the default WG ports and followed the tutorial as I should. The only difference is that I didn't used a DNS and used my IP (yep triple checked it if that's the real IP and didn't made any typos) and I allocated more resources 8gb of ram and 4000m cpu since I have plenty of to spare. Any ideas what I'm doing wrong ?

@kacperszodrowski9448 - 09.02.2024 20:17

I have two problems. The first problem is when i try to ping ddns it shows me "Destination host unreachable.". My second problem is, that I don't know to what ip i should forward port 51820 that was mention on the video. I'm new to this kind of staff, but i want to set up wireguard, because tailscale have low transfer speed. Any suggestions ?

@bl4cklung997 - 12.02.2024 20:13

great tutorial, but I dont really understand the part about port forwarding - i know i need to forward from 51820 but i dont know where to forward it to. Any tips?

@steve_main - 13.02.2024 21:56

When i try to remove the IP address from my network card nothing happens, the save button Greys out and it just sits there!. So I tried to change the IP address and it complains that apps are consuming the IP address and I cannot remove it. I am assuming this is also why I cannot remove it? I am running TrueNAS Scale 23

@jairoflorian9809 - 02.03.2024 18:37

I'm trying to use my mullvad vpn with wireguard in truenas could you explain that way of access?

@joseajimenez5669 - 10.03.2024 06:36

I've try all the steps on this video and i still cant get this to work, any idea how to fix it?

@akelsZM - 19.03.2024 21:59

totally nuked my network settings on my server. IDK how, I followed every step and got every success screen as you. RIP

@michaelcooper5490 - 27.03.2024 19:51

Why would you put the external IP/hostname in the Wiregaurd config? I don't understand that, I am not wanting anyone coming in to the server on the private network. Please excuse my stupidty I am not a network guy. But that doesn't make sense to me. Thank you. Good Job on the Video my friend.

@michaelcooper5490 - 28.03.2024 12:33

Last question I promise lol, Does this protect my TrueNAS Scale server in other words if I had the media server stuff (don't worry nothing illegal) deployed would it encrypt all of that traffic?

@kaushmaisuria - 30.03.2024 01:48

thanks. great video.

@mcg_haki - 06.04.2024 22:51

I'm a little confused. Could someone help me with one question?
In the "Hostname or IP" Line he says if I want to use my own ip instead of a DDNS I have to go to the internet and google "What's my IP" BUT if I do that with my normal PC and not with the TrueNas Scale system it obviously shows the Ip of my windows PC. Do I have to write my windows PC's Ip in that line or the IP from the TrueNas?

@kevin-ww7ed - 16.04.2024 02:16

Hi i install the wireguard, when i connected to VPN, It shows that data can receive and sent out, but i cannot access my truenas server, what is the solution

@mahook - 26.04.2024 02:55

what is the maximum speed ? I can see you get 2-3mb? Does it depend on your upload speed by isp?

@razhangwei - 06.05.2024 06:21

Thanks for the tutorial. In case anyone meets very slow speed (almost zero) after finishing the first part of tutorial, it could be due to MTU being too large and causing ISP throttling: by simply reducing MTU on both end (perhaps client only should also work, but I did both) from the default 1420 to 1300, I could get 60% of the speed of without VPN. It took me a full afternoon to figure this out...

@gamingwithjackbaker420 - 10.05.2024 08:19

is there anyway without port forward? my t-mobile home internet doesn't support port forwarding

@zaynetabet5485 - 30.05.2024 09:30

this actually worked great for me the first 2 days (the day i did and the next) but suddenly my IP address for the nas changed as i had DCHP on and nothing worked, i changed it to a static ip (the original one i used that worked) and still nothing works. Would you maybe know what to do? im very new to all of this! thanks!

@jeffsstuff - 21.06.2024 02:43

I can connect the VPN but nothing actually works. I tried the “fix” at the end but what’s weird is, when I try to delete the IP of the interface before creating the bridge, it tells me that applications are using it and it won’t let me delete it. It is a bond (two ethernet ports bound together) if that matters.

@RobtPerk-xv2yh - 03.07.2024 00:16

the video seems to start in the middle of a larger one. where is part 1?

@BobIzam - 07.07.2024 10:26

For anyone that is behind a cgnat or otherwise is unable to port forward, look into tailscale. Unfortunately i spent way too long trying wireguard until I found out that i was behind a cgnat

@rraudales - 16.07.2024 04:15

Great video, very informative. I was able to follow every step and get it to work. My only issue is that the connection is very slow, and some times when I try to access resources on my home lab it times out. The main usage that Im trying to get out of this, is to be able to access my VSCA server from anywhere and be able to SSH to my VMs using MobaXtern. Both are timing out.

@donaldwright2426 - 07.08.2024 04:56

Hi Teckworks ! Thanks for you video. I just wnat to all other viewers that this setup will not work with TrueNAS SCALE 24.04.2 . I 've insteand installed TrueNAS SCALE 23.10.2 and works just fine. No need to creat a bridge or had these 2 variables.😉

@takeover4726 - 10.08.2024 09:42

any video on connecting two trusnas though wireguard to sync files

@cdb1957 - 10.08.2024 19:39

Great setup. So the Wireguard runs on TrueNas without a external wireguard setup on my network?

@mynewtsack - 11.08.2024 14:07

If your router supports it use port triggering instead, that fixed my issue didnt need to change anything else in truenas even in latest version, I thinks its under nat gaming in att router

@bpcsa061169 - 06.09.2024 07:45

I lost my internet connection when I activate the VPN connection. What happened?

@TheKostage - 08.09.2024 01:47

What if I want to keep my home network private instead and connect my NAS server to my remote VPS as a WG client? VPS is WG server. After that I could setup ingress on the VPS

@asrich327 - 28.10.2024 23:08

I have it working on Scale of. I can access my mapped network drives, but that is it. I cannot see any other devices or use my printer. I can access the printer's UI by entering its IP address into a browser, yet I cannot send a print job. Any ideas on how I can fix that? I have the printer's IP included in AllowedIPs.

@terrytech8812 - 06.11.2024 09:32

Instead bridging I just added my remote device ip into Wire guards allowed ips section and it worked for me on my phone. Not sure if the ip changes but well see.

@manik2304 - 10.11.2024 20:29

so i need to do port forwarding in my router port 5182 ita necessary with internal ip thats my doubt only

@dmnguye69 - 27.11.2024 19:25

Thanks this is a great help for me.

@superdetartrant - 02.03.2025 12:39

Thx, it helps me a lot. ;)
Have good time.
Olivier frome France.
