Auf der Küchen Platte 😂😂
ОтветитьEu sentir realmente arrepios com cada som 😮 parabéns por mais um vídeo satisfatório
ОтветитьА почему у вас покойник вертит головой и дышит животом?
ОтветитьMy dyslexia had a stroke on first title words
ОтветитьЭто же какая должна быть сила воли, чтобы не улыбаться и не смеяться во время съёмки
Ответитьrigor blinkis😁
ОтветитьI go crazy for your videos idea! Who da fuck gonna think autopsy can be so relaxing
ОтветитьYou two have some of the best ASMR videos on YT. You never disappoint 🤗
ОтветитьWhen you have seen the outtakes/bloopers and can no longer take this video seriously 😂😂
ОтветитьOmg this is one of my all time favourite channels and I’m just now realising most of your videos haven’t been turning up on my feed for months. I’ve been getting Female and Male’s separate channels’ videos but not these ones. So many to catch up on! This was sooo good 🤩😴
ОтветитьС ужасом смотрю, как эксперт уничтожает улики.😅
ОтветитьDid you turn the fridge off? 😂
ОтветитьAn autopsy asmr! How creative!❤
ОтветитьThis guy is a trooper ,he's been everything
ОтветитьHis stomach sure goes up & down quite a bit for a dead man😅
ОтветитьЭто кощунство.
ОтветитьHave hou have children?
ОтветитьI can't unhear "the corpse says the fridge is off" and now I keep expecting him to say it any time in this video lol
ОтветитьNot even a minute in and my scalp feels like it’s being massaged from the inside 🫠
ОтветитьPlease do a blooper video!!
ОтветитьI don’t think he’s dead
ОтветитьC'est génial bravooooo ah oui OK lol
ОтветитьAnyone else feel like that bed looks super short ?😂
Ответитьif someone did that to me I would just go BARK then silent just to hear em go OH LORD or WHY YOU BARK IF DEAD ?! Lol
ОтветитьShe so good at being a forensic doctor working on her boyfriend 😂 all.the the tools she has to use and hearing the sounds on her microphone when she useing the tools
Ответитьi loved how you accidentally dropped little paper on the floor and decided not to cut this out of video but as professional scientist just repeated the sample of his ear
ОтветитьImagine just happening to walk in their house and just see her working on him like that in the kitchen
ОтветитьHe seems disproportionately short doesn't he? Or are his knees bent?
ОтветитьА я еще в тик токе говорил, что парень на самом деле мёртв
ОтветитьWie respekt- und- geschmacklos ist das denn???? 🤢.
Ответить😂😂😂😂😂 🙃🙈👍
Ответитьoh mein gott, jemand muss ihr sagen, dass er noch lebt!! 😂
er ist nur durch ASMR so weit runtergefahren, dass es nur so aussieht als wäre er tot! 😂
nicht, dass es da noch zu unfällen kommt! 😂
Must have been an awful accident cause Male lost his legs😢
ОтветитьЭто труп?
ОтветитьОн еще не пропал?
ОтветитьХас будет слышен ,Храп😂
ОтветитьBros cause of death was intense relaxation
ОтветитьDer Leiche geht's gut, sie blinzelt. <g>
Ответитьthe corpse is breathing!!!
ОтветитьGuys ❤ you're perfect 😍😍😍😍
ОтветитьПочему труп дишит ? 😂
ОтветитьI think I can see the cause of death... Male has been cut-off at the knees.
ОтветитьAs far as I know corpses dont move their eye lids
ОтветитьWould you guys ever consider having one of your subscribers win a chance to be your test subject? 😬.