Thought… what if the cat was rescued from James and Lily?!
Ответить“Hey Brother” for your license plate could be… HYBRTHR
ОтветитьThe thing I'm most shocked about with this quiz is that Ben hasn't seen High School Musical. 😱 It's one of Disney's greatest original movies! The first one at least; there are arguments that can be made for the other two.
ОтветитьWas not expecting a Brennan Lee Mulligan appearance in this video 😂😂
ОтветитьYES BEN WATCH HIGH SCHOOL MUSICAL !!!! i would love videos based on those movies and its spiniff series especially. idk what kind of videos but would love wm nonetheless
Ответитьplease someone tell me where the phrase "charms the pearls right off me" comes from. I think I have kind of a memory stored somewhere in my brain - but my search engine of choice doesn't give me anything...
ОтветитьDobby makes 5 attempts to get him to leave, letters, pudding insident, platform, bludger, hospital wing
ОтветитьHY – BRTHR
My submission for the hey brother license plate
Please please please be more strict with points!
ОтветитьThe Hey Brother license plate idea!! HYBRTHR
ОтветитьWhat is the movie scene referenced in question 12 with the woman laughing. I know I know it, I feel it’s an Ernest movie but it’s a deep cut in my memory.
ОтветитьI think the editor has gone a bit overboard with the movie/tv show clips. Every once in a while is okay but it's too much
ОтветитьBen is getting blown out this year :/
ОтветитьChamber of Secrets and Basement of Secrets
ОтветитьFun fact: I grew up knowing Chris Columbus’ nephew and the girl sitting by hermione and Susan bones is in fact Chris Columbus’ daughter!
ОтветитьThis new editing is so annoying...
ОтветитьBen, the amount of times you have stalled answering questions in these videos has allowed J to rewrite his answers. 😂
ОтветитьI think J was hearing Jim Dale’s narration of McGonagall saying “Lemon Drop” in the book and got that flip flopped with the movie because Jim Dale’s McGonagall sounds so close to Dame Maggie (rest her soul)
ОтветитьShe's referring to the Cat construction company. Mr. Weasley enchanted one of their vehicles to pick up the laundry.
ОтветитьI remember when my little sister and I first watched The Chamber of Secrets we cracked up over Ron and Harry flying the car and Ron saying “Follow the butterflies?” 😂😂😂
ОтветитьWhy did the script say “60 FEET” they are British
ОтветитьI have never watched Full House but I’ve seen all of Fuller House 😂
ОтветитьDang it! Question 14 I put down June 14th! One day off!
ОтветитьI got 12/15!
ОтветитьQuestion 7 was worded bit wierdly. how can he leave Hogwarts if he isent there?
ОтветитьHYBRTHR would be seven characters, if that helps, Ben.
ОтветитьOkay I definitely need a "Ben sees high School musical for the first time" reaction video
ОтветитьApparently i know chamber of secrets (the movie) waayyy better than any of the others
Ответитьthe editor really needs more credit, always makes me smile
ОтветитьHere's some relevant uk trivia. If a vehicle has a black number plate with silver letters, such as the flying car, it means it was manufactured before 1975.
ОтветитьMad props to the editor for searching and including the movie scenes after each answer
ОтветитьGuys watch high school musical.I watched it for the first time at 23 and it was awesome
Also HYBRTHR would work as a license plate
I got everything right! Except the ones I forgot entirely, which I will admit there were a couple. BUT I got the potato chip and license plate questions!
ОтветитьWhat about closing the platform to 9 3/4?
ОтветитьSeeing that clip from CoS, god he might not look like a 16 year old but Christian Coulson works so much better for Tom Riddle than Hero Fiennes, like Hero did good (god his parents must have hated him "Hero Beauregard Faulkner Fiennes Tiffin") but just no.
ОтветитьJ’s lockhart smile and chuckle had me 💀☠️
ОтветитьIt says 13 June, but he says let me take you back 50 years. So it’s 50 years from when he was reading it.
ОтветитьBen - How about heybrtr for the plate
ОтветитьIt's NOT A LIVE CAT! 😂😂😂😂 Look above the fireplace before they use the Floo Powder. There is a wooden cat which has a tail clothes can be hung from to dry in front of the fire. On the cat can also mean coat rack in UK.