Jazāk Allāhu Khayran, so much valuable information!!!
ОтветитьJazak Allaahu Khayran
Allaahumma Aameen to all the Duas!
Jazaakumullaahu keyran. Our Shiekh.
Ответитьجزاك الله خيرا شيخنا.. أنا بصراحة تابعتك لكي استفيد منك اللغة الأنجليزية لأنك الشخص الوحيد الذي وجدته يتكلم بلغة انجليزية راقية جدا يفهمها الخاصة من المثقفين ويفهمها العامة, لأنك من خلال سياق الحديث تجعل المتابع يفهم المصطلحات الاكاديمة الصعبة . وحقيقة أجد نفسي أتقدم سريعا كلما تابعتك واستمع أليك . شكرا لك
ОтветитьJazak allahu khairan Shiekh Yaser for this beneficial information ❤
Wa rahmatullahi
Wa barakahatuhu
Barak Allahu Feek, Aameen
Alhumdulillah for this khatirah and for sharing knowledge with us regarding barakah. Thank you very much for the details of how our Prophet (ﷺ)’s daily routine included worship such as Salat al-ishrak and Salat Al-Duha, managing quality time with family, career, and community.
Aameen to the duas
May Allah (swt) guide us all to success in this Life and the Hereafter that pleases Him, Aameen.
Jazakum Allahu khairun
As salaam u alaikum
Wa rahmatullahi
Wa barakahatuhu
Maximizing Time 2025 bullets and notes. (please lesson to fill lecture for full effect and benefit of Shaykh Yasirs words)
1. Routine/Schedule: Establish a daily routine to provide structure and maximize your time.
2. Tackle Hardest Tasks Early: Conquer your most challenging tasks in the morning when your energy and focus are at their peak.
3. Muhasiba (Self-Reflection) and Dhikr: Dedicate time for introspection, self-assessment, and remembrance of Allah (Dhikr) to maintain spiritual balance and clarity.
4. Balance: Strive for equilibrium between your various responsibilities, ensuring no single area dominates your life.
5. Surround Yourself with Positive Influences: Seek out and spend time with motivated, successful individuals who inspire you to excel.
6. Avoid Procrastination: Complete tasks promptly and avoid delaying them, as procrastination hinders progress and creates unnecessary stress.
7. Cultivate Positivity and Resilience: Maintain a positive mindset and persevere through challenges. View setbacks as learning opportunities rather than sources of discouragement.
8. Minimize Distractions: Limit distractions like social media, excessive phone use, and television, which consume valuable time and hinder productivity.
9. Make Dua to Allah: Seek Allah's help in overcoming laziness and indecision. Pray for the vision, energy, and determination to pursue your goals.
10. Remember Death and the Akhirat: Maintain awareness of your mortality and the afterlife to stay focused on your ultimate purpose and prioritize meaningful actions.
Final Point: True Success Lies in Effort and Allah's Judgment
Ultimately, success is not solely defined by worldly achievements or external validation. True success lies in sincere effort and seeking Allah's pleasure. The Quran emphasizes that a person will be judged based on their efforts, not just the outcomes. Therefore, strive diligently and sincerely for the sake of Allah, and know that even if you face setbacks in the eyes of others, your genuine efforts will be rewarded by Allah.
Liberation from the Fear of Failure:
This understanding liberates you from the fear of failure. As long as you put forth your best effort, you have succeeded in the eyes of Allah. This knowledge empowers you to take risks, pursue your passions, and strive for positive change without being paralyzed by the fear of not achieving worldly perfection.
Key Takeaways:
* Effort is Key: Your focus should be on consistent, sincere effort, not just results.
* Allah is the Ultimate Judge: True success is determined by Allah's assessment of your efforts.
* No Room for Failure with Sincere Effort: When you strive sincerely, there is no failure, only lessons and opportunities for growth.
This refined version clarifies your points and emphasizes the core message of striving for Allah's pleasure through sincere effort.
Mashaallah shukran sheikh
ОтветитьLife is too short to chase anything other than Jannah ❤. May Allah Rabbul Izza bless us.
ОтветитьVery nice inshaAllah we will follow what we have learned in this lecture.
Thank you
That is from the most beneficial khotab I have heard in my life
Jazak Allah Khair shaykhana
Jazak Allah khair may Allah bless our ummah ameen
ОтветитьAmazing just amazing 👏 SubhanAllah
ОтветитьJazakAllah Khair
Ответитьmay Allah swt be pleased with you imam
Ответитьwhat this nonsense of reciting the Quran during the lecture going on? Why mixing the words of Allah with the lecture??? happens right around 21st min of the vid.
ОтветитьMasya Allah tabarkallah. May Allah give you a healty long life syekh.
ОтветитьMashaAllah MashaAllah, such an inspirational khutbah
ОтветитьJazakallah bikhair
ОтветитьBarakah: quantity is the same quality is more!
ОтветитьSubhanAllah...50 years of barakah @YQ MashaAllah alhamdulillah
ОтветитьMay Allah grant our Shaykh a long and blessed life ameen
Ответитьصلى الله عليه وآله وسلم
ОтветитьAlhamdoulillah 🤍 спасибо ❤️
ОтветитьWorst kind of ad I've seen. During the Khatirah just placing the sound of ayah as background music with bad photo, while sheikh is speaking. Please get rid of that person who did it !
ОтветитьAt 22 minutes, there was a sudden pop up of the outro.
I hope it was a mistake done unintentionally.
My allah bless you and jazakallah kheyran, the last thing you shared that's ultimate success is measured by allah ( SW ) literally motivated this thing and subxanallah it looks like this massage is from allah to me. O allah let us pleased and satisfied with what you have decreed and bless us what in the decree that's come to🤲 Jazakallah khayran akhi
ОтветитьMasha Allah may Allah reward the sheik
ОтветитьMacha Allah! Good to remind us the truth about time and that life is short. May Allah guide us to his path.
ОтветитьExtremely useful
ОтветитьMay Allah Reward you Shiekh Thank you Very Much,
ОтветитьBest time management lecture 🎉
ОтветитьSo many of us are scared of silence and being left to our own thoughts. It is so important to look at how you led your day, how you handled whatever trial you had to go through for growth.
ОтветитьSubhanAllah, great advice from Sheikh. May Allah swt reward you and the EPIC team, ameen.
ОтветитьJazakAllahu khairan shaykh for all your effort...
Beautiful reminder..
Jazakumullahu Khair
ОтветитьMay ALLAAH bless the shaykh and reward him and give him a long life that we and others can benefit from him, aamiin
ОтветитьMay Allah conceal our shortcomings and calm our fears❤
ОтветитьSubhanallah❤ it like open unu for me I am medicine and I benefit from this channel this channel is so academic may Allah blessed all of un
Ответить*Cut of destruction
*Keep balance ( not sacrificing family for the sake of work or reverse)
*Sorund yourself with successful people
*Make sure have Vesion
*Think to death for being productive ( the ultimate success is in the scale of Allah swt)
*Early starting the day(make sure do the the most important work after morning routine)
*Seclusion (privet time)
ОтветитьMasha Allah, this is a very educative lecture.
Jazakumllah khairan.
Is there any muslim person that can donate me some books