How to remove 1989 Camaro gauges and bulbs

How to remove 1989 Camaro gauges and bulbs


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@artgirl96 - 14.01.2017 17:54


@jster1963 - 14.01.2017 22:35

Great info!  I need to fix my odometer.  It stopped a few years ago and I know some guys would like that, but not me.  I'm the original owner of my 1987 TA and I don't care how many miles are on it because I don't ever plan on selling it.  Anyway, I may have to do what you didn't want to do.....take the speedometer out.  I'm still a little scared.  Thanks for the video.......

@corey993 - 14.01.2017 23:02

love your videos man.. just found out about your channel a couple days ago and have watched mostly all your camaro videos as I'm getting a 89 camaro this week.. only problem I'll have that you won't is a blown motor with a knock lol but still love watching you if I need to do any of this

@SuperSportSS - 15.01.2017 02:22

Excellent idea with the plastic tubing. I have a few burned out back lights on my 85 and was avoiding pulling the whole unit because I was afraid of the speedo cable. Thanks!

@caderson1 - 16.01.2017 02:03

i replaced my whole gauge cluster recently. it's very easy to do. and it would be a lot better to go with LEDs. they are 194/T10. it's a lot easier to pull the whole cluster out and remove the light sockets from the back. the only reason not to do it is laziness.

@jose3575 - 12.05.2017 20:48

do you have to take the steering wheel off??

@jeremyb5740 - 09.08.2017 06:56

Hey man I fixed them!!! We were all smoking weed and shit and watched your video while high and drunk...but we followed your protocalls lol Dude WTF is up with them all burning out on the left side, mine were like that too!!! Ugh, that damn speedo tach was a bitch!

@ssxreddragonx - 02.10.2017 23:30

Am I the only one that going to say this but you sound like Ryan Reynolds bro

@veganunicorn424 - 17.12.2017 06:29

i love your video's

@womeneater89 - 12.05.2018 01:15

I Subd G

@LatinTragedy - 02.09.2018 20:08

What tool did you use to remove the screws holding back the clear plastic piece?

@brianr2505 - 10.10.2018 11:26

fanatastic idea with the tube worked a charrm, put blue lights in to be flash

@dennisramirez8848 - 12.02.2019 07:32

HELP. what light is on the bottom left of cluster???? mine is staying on but dont know what warning light is that.

@mcclane8812 - 01.03.2019 19:27

Maximum Effort!

@jonmittler6060 - 12.03.2019 00:05

Did you ever fix your fuel gage

@locotrucker46 - 08.05.2019 08:48

Thanks so much for posting this video. It really helped me a lot. And that was a awesome idea to use a little hose to remove the lights.

@randysmojo - 23.06.2019 03:06

You do know there are two nuts down in the slots where the bulbs are that he is replacing with the tube. Take out those two nuts and the entire gauge cluster comes right out of the dash, a clip holds the speedo drive in place and you can replace the bulbs from the back without having any problem reaching them at all.

@MrBlue-ib7oi - 01.01.2020 01:48

great videos, BUT your intro music makes me shit my pants every time your videos come on. lower that shit!

@ragmt09 - 07.01.2020 04:59

Jesus your intro is super annoying

@adrianlopez8796 - 06.03.2020 19:26

My 89 rs has the same problem

@quintoncabrera6460 - 24.09.2020 02:33

I don't own this car yet but I want to make sure the odometer hasn't been rolled back, so I was just wondering what you used in order to get the screws off? (Philips, Robinson, Allen keys etc.)

@jacobtowne4074 - 12.01.2021 09:21

I know I’m a couple years late. But if I have gauges exposed and ready to take out like you do towards the end can I swap different gauges in? For example on my 85’ I have a fuel level gauge where your rpm gauge is, can I swap a rpm gauge into that spot if it is a stock rpm gauge?

@risk_immersed - 25.03.2021 14:53

intro is sooo freakin loud....

@nakedshorts6784 - 08.06.2021 00:28

Most awesome help in this very moment. Was not aware they were that type of bulb and was gonna try to twist them out with some kind long custom pliers .Or I dunno what. THANKS!!

@modelbehavior3252 - 22.07.2021 19:09

You really need to disconnect the battery before removing your tachometer, it’s very easy to pop the resistor in them with any spikes in voltage and they will read incorrectly.

@GuitarAudiologist - 16.10.2021 01:27

Thanks man, it's nice not to go in blind with brittle plastic. Glad GM made this one simple for us.

@scottearl7687 - 25.08.2022 08:05

If you don’t have plastic tubing another way of doing it is a zip tie wrench, make a small circle with it then put it around the bulb and put your finger on it to hold it there and tighten, then the bulb will pop off, had to figure this one out myself today

@vickikgibson9470 - 12.09.2022 00:52

So do u know the size of be tube now to take out the bulb? And can u do the same for the signal light bulbs, as that ov course is the one I have to change! Lol thanks!

@Airmarty23 - 18.06.2023 14:20

Video help a lot thanks 🙏

@Mariocassie1956 - 12.09.2023 17:09

Do you need to take the steering wheel off
