The Best Way To Vinyl Wrap An Impossible Trunk Super Detailed Subaru STI

The Best Way To Vinyl Wrap An Impossible Trunk Super Detailed Subaru STI

CK Wraps

6 лет назад

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@benedibrava - 01.11.2021 21:05

i would reject any client which wants his car to be wrapped grey
he is not going to ruin my day.
imagine pay a lot money to wrap your car in dull depressing color
thats like pay someone to punch you on head for months like you have to look at that car wrapped in grey for months

@benedibrava - 01.11.2021 21:06

ask that person who wants his car to be wrapped grey if he has depression
if so, his taste is the causer

@vigilantejude3500 - 02.11.2021 20:36

It’s like a magic trick…”watch my hands”…suddenly the wrap is glass and there’s a rabbit jumping out of the trunk

@cosminmiclaus1792 - 30.11.2021 23:51

Oracal 970 RA?

@JustKev_21 - 07.12.2021 06:24

What is this color 😍 I like it and would love to purchase it for my first time wrapping myself

@sipthewater - 26.12.2021 06:31

Fantastic instructions. I visited a place near Tokyo, Japan a couple of years ago and they wrapped on a large scale. They had heated rooms that workers went in to wrap quickly then came out. Probably cost a fortune to heat and hope no one gets heat exhausted. Nice work Christian.

@MrKenstar2 - 18.01.2022 01:25


@CrimsonBullet999 - 21.02.2022 07:36

Fingerprint impressions also mean your pushing that shit way too hard for those out there watching. Love the videos man, I would have been too worried to not do an inlay for the license plate area tbh

@girlslovemrbeast - 05.03.2022 12:19

Please help! Do I have to Stretch the film across like that or can I just lay it with no tension?

@budiseno1202 - 18.03.2022 01:57

awesome job

@jakapu27 - 24.03.2022 06:53

I think you may have just saved my life

@zackcrane224 - 10.04.2022 09:45

This is my second video of yours watching . .
And being a WRX owner this is great . .
Your detail in free videos is amazing! ! ! It would be amazing if you could do a free WRX wrap video but if not I understand!! But great video man AMAZING WORK!!!!!

@ReyGamb0a301 - 10.04.2022 17:08

If you have a school, I’d sign up in a heart beat. I’ve been watching your vids for so long that I plan on wrapping my old school integra soon as my starter. I am a creature of habit and always pay attention to detail, I can say the same about your work. It’s very encouraging. Keep up the awesome work. 💪🏽

@dsee9505 - 24.04.2022 21:13

What temperature do you have the heat gun at? I attempted this same trunk last night and after 2 hours, we gave up.

@johnhufnagel - 01.05.2022 05:47

new sub. started watching your vids after searching on "best wrap for beginners." wish you weren't 6 hours away, I'd probably just have you do it. :D

@hurryingglint23 - 02.05.2022 21:18

Not trying to criticize you at all, but you should have gave more room for the bottom of the truck.. the top near the glass you know how much wrap you need.. the bottom is a big old question mark.. I look at wrapping cars like wrapping Christmas presents and I’m very good at wrapping Christmas presents… I know your are very knowledgeable but we all make mistakes or do things without realizing

@OhKeiGarage - 24.05.2022 06:04

your catch phrase is definitely "it's fine" lol

@taffypride1983 - 06.06.2022 09:39

Trying to wrap my 2014 smart fortwo at the moment. Now that's got odd curves etc for wrapping 🥺

@Damian-ki6mi - 06.06.2022 12:47

You’re the man

@timbohtv - 08.06.2022 00:51

wish you had a roof video for sti

@fkkmag8692 - 06.07.2022 09:40

Oh man its a shit show if I’d o something like this, I have to learn so mutch 😂😂😂 I love you’re videos bro 😎

@user-sp8vy2np6l - 04.08.2022 05:31

Dam you did that!

@toodope5ohh - 10.09.2022 05:29

Your probably the best and most patient wrapper I’ve ever seen 👏🏽👏🏽

@Nissan370_z - 15.09.2022 13:48

Can't you take the trunk off and put it in some sort of a vacuum like people do with small parts. Use heat lamps and a big ass vacuum thing lol idk

@ashtonpettit1627 - 26.10.2022 05:16

This dude is super lost and you can tell😂 has no clue what's going on he's just winging it for real

@mayrondelacruzperez5893 - 04.12.2022 09:49

You are really at it 🔥🔥🔥

@dave99887 - 14.01.2023 22:36

Thank you so much for taking the time. Great job man.

@jamespoynor9511 - 07.02.2023 05:02

props to Avery. I just switched am loving it.

@lightningauto98 - 17.03.2023 04:18

I’m eyeing the beauty in the background. That’s a gorgeous color

@silverback2773 - 17.03.2023 09:56

Yo know I wonder who thought “let’s wrap this car in tape which is gonna hard af and who knows if it’ll work” and actually made it work. Like the origins of wrap would be awesome to learn about.

@orestispappas1613 - 14.05.2023 20:15

Only CK wraps can do this magic

@AlejandroContreras-x4k - 25.05.2023 12:39

Thank you man

@migueldelacruz2581 - 10.06.2023 17:37

Thank u very much bro! I inspired a lot of your craftmanship!

@houachebrahim9867 - 29.06.2023 12:46

Super work thanks

@ickyiceful - 25.07.2023 10:49

You charge for your wrapping service bro I had a better technic and application my first try at this idk I was a high end custom car painter for 12 years before I tried using wrap

@Alycanj - 08.02.2024 03:22

Never wrapped but going to and I understood everything you were saying and the reasons why you did what you did, Ty

@348frank348 - 01.03.2024 09:19

Customer walks in: I really don't like the glossy gray on that trunk I want to change the color

@CashtoriaProductions - 05.03.2024 05:49

What’s the temperature of the heat gun you’re using on the vinyl?

@anthonyshoemaker8165 - 07.03.2024 07:11

what does it mean to “cut using the back of the blade”? so far, in all of your videos that i’ve seen, i havent seen a very good angle of you doing that. love what you do!

@adamlugo9587 - 23.04.2024 00:05

Your good in explaining ty

@acirinelli - 16.05.2024 19:01

You make this look too easy

@OaklynMediaLLC - 28.05.2024 16:50

My problem is not having a garage to wrap my car in. A controlled environment makes the whole process so much better and less stressful

@crackheadtracker5435 - 30.05.2024 09:12

This dude is going to give me a panic attack. He will not stop talking. Just let us watch you get it done.

@kevinmead1820 - 02.08.2024 17:43

How are these videos so popular????? This is painful to watch. 😂😂😂😂

@sixtyonenine - 11.09.2024 07:43

thank you !!!!

@aveironaim845 - 26.09.2024 00:56

Too much yapping

@witchcraftauto - 30.10.2024 14:23

6 years old and still relevant! Going to attempt my trunk next weekend

@aaronmoura1234 - 05.12.2024 05:39

Second time wrapping a car with my buddy in are new business and we did the trunk pretty quickly !

@Wordup-s4c - 16.02.2025 08:06

This feels like a flex no way an inlay wouldn't have been easier
