Chatting with an Ex Meth Head

Chatting with an Ex Meth Head


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@lessthantom2 - 06.06.2024 02:11

Cg kids videos are great. They show both sides of drugs unlike something like dare that just pushes you not to do them in a lame parental way. His videos of hard drug use are really effective too, they will scare you away from messing around with it.

@MayDarkBringYouLight - 11.06.2024 14:14

A year. I was 4 years in. After 12 years clean off opiates. Gf at time of 7 years had history of meth and our relationship wasn't at the best and she mentioned how the sexual activity on meth was. And that was it.. 4 years and took ALOT to get off meth. Opiates like hydromorphine and oxy made my bones shake and puke all that fun stuff to get it out of my system. Went on methadone to recover. Met gf. Few years in typical bad time frame arguing. Wasn't able communicate well together. Ended up using meth. And mental aspect of meth is CRAZY. I most definitely don't wish this life style on anyone. Anyone needing help. Take it one day at a time and don't count your sober days!

@timothyboone4794 - 13.06.2024 02:10

We love you cgkid. Hope you're well. Hit me up if you want to talk or need a place

@Poopdedoop2 - 14.06.2024 11:59

What happened to cg kid?

@imadudeokay - 17.06.2024 15:30

what happened to him?

@jiniijc - 21.06.2024 18:06

Do you know what happened to cg kid? Why is his channel gone :( I hope he is okay…

@ThankyouJword - 23.06.2024 00:22

Drugs hit u differently if you know jesus, you just wont value the same aspects of life as you did before

@phillipm9328 - 13.07.2024 21:48

I love CGKidds brutal honesty.

@romankozlovskiy7899 - 15.07.2024 11:39

Anyone notice the meth user, aka CG kid his channel is taken down ;(

@techewhite3815 - 26.07.2024 21:39

meth heads are hot

@bodyMoves-u8n - 29.07.2024 10:49

He’s sober but why are his pupils so dilated?

@teaseaboywonder - 05.08.2024 01:39

this person is superimposing his psychopathy and narcissism over a meth addiction and projecting it on users. He's full of shit.

@ryankelly3605 - 05.08.2024 02:09

Philip is a great inspiration

@xXxsTePhIe16xXx - 07.08.2024 16:59

Anyone know what happened to his channel? I loved watching his videos.

@SmilingArcticWolf-qe3yw - 08.08.2024 04:18

The meth heads drink garbage juice for sustanance

@MichaelHopkins-l7l - 12.08.2024 08:38

Meth is good

@jonathanlemus3058 - 20.08.2024 13:09

wow this guy just gave me hope. I smoked for 8 months now, and im so over it

@myriadpro1641 - 24.08.2024 16:55

for being "An Ex Meth Head" he speaks better than me and ive never done meth or any hard drugs or psychadelics at all, shits crazy, proud of him though!

@johnappleseed4223 - 30.08.2024 17:31

I was addicted to Cocaine for 2 years. Really strung out. I was to the point where I was spending 2 grand a week, just to blow it up my nose

@ChadKingOfficial - 02.09.2024 23:57

Is this a meth drinker reference?

@jayjaye144 - 03.09.2024 02:47

He’s missing one thing and that’s yahushua king of kings.

@AjasaadebayoAjasa-c6j - 08.09.2024 05:16

I need a meth buyer

@Twothenines - 09.09.2024 06:37

This guy should try Bromo Dragonfly

@megbugg9904 - 12.09.2024 06:38

This video is 6 years old, thought it was new

@NitaHoffmeister-p5w - 16.09.2024 14:28

Martin Eric Lewis Nancy Lopez Eric

@heightenedsenses9605 - 17.09.2024 07:14

Looks like Philips channel is gone.

@DOM12923 - 04.10.2024 04:19

What happened to this guy ?,is his channel gone forever?

@CLAR-oo1lg - 15.10.2024 21:48


@alvinromo - 18.10.2024 00:21

He gets easily addicted to any drug. How about work?

@papapetunia4905 - 25.10.2024 13:32

Seek and receive the Lord Jesus Christ while he may still be found

@1andonly222 - 09.11.2024 19:46

Addicted For a year lmao

@markrutte5637 - 11.11.2024 05:58

Why was his channel deleted? Where can I find his videos?

@nathanberry919 - 13.11.2024 22:02

Dr. Octopus lookin ass

@matthewtuttle1272 - 23.12.2024 14:19

Dear Philip Markoff: I am really sorry that you tried Meth. I think that it changes your brain. You feel so good under its influence that you want to keep doing it. After one use, everything else in life seems mundane or not fun. I am not using the right words but you see my point. I think that it may take a long time before ordinary activities, like sex, feel like fun again. Good luck, and God bless you. Matthew

@user-bx3rg7yb1d - 30.12.2024 21:00

This guy is back on drugs. Deleted his channel. It's a shame.

I relate to being a poly addict. My mum died when I was 14. I've been on drugs ever since. 22 now, I've stopped taking opiates and mdma, Coke. the hard drugs. Now my thing is psychedelics, 2cbs, lsd, mescaline, dmt, shrooms. They are real medicine for me. Dont abuse them. When things get too much to handle, they take the problems away for a night. Lsd is the best for me. I have 1 trip, I call them brain resets. And for weeks after the trip I'm happy and relaxed. Stress builds up and I'll need take it again. I drink a lot smoke weed, ( weed by far has been my most damaging drug i suffer from COPD now the pure amount of weed and tobacco we smoked, get through an ounce and full packet of 50gram tobacco in a 3 4 days. My lungs are my biggest priority to save now). So im drinking more to stop smoking. I've got knee damage so I have to take codeine, but I take the standard doses. It's a sad thing. Even sadder is seeing the cycle repeat. All the idiot kids trying this shit for first time. My little brother trying drugs breaks my heart. The issue is when you tell a kid not so something they'll do it. They use fear tactics to stop you from taking drugs which don't work. Kids aren't afraid of anything. They aren't scared or dying or getting sick. No one really sits down and explains shit to them. They punish them for taking drugs, get arrested or in trouble with parents. They don't explain it. They think they can use force or authority to prevent kids from taking drugs. It's not the case. Especially for kids from areas like mine full of crime and knife fights. Breaking the rules isn't something we cared about. No one is scared of jail. No one is scared of dying. At least no one I grew up with.

@BrandonGonzale-q5g - 06.01.2025 17:41

Are you fucking kidding me?! Addicted to Meth for a year and he thinks he's a meth head?? This youngster barely scratched the surface of being addicted to Meth. Get the fuck outta here. Yeah I bet he got "irritable" and maybe unpredictable at times but there are stages that all meth addicts go through and that shit doesn't even start until maybe year 4. You gotta find someone a little more rough around the edges to interview brotha 😅

@albin2232 - 10.01.2025 00:52

Ex math head.

@ophiecat - 25.01.2025 16:31

I quit smoking after countless tries. My mind told me that I could not do it. Addiction is powerful. It can control your thoughts. I am now over 15 years nicotine-free (stopped counting after 10 years). Sometimes you are your own worst enemy.

@arnulfbichler5368 - 27.01.2025 00:27

Lost all his emotions. Dude never ever once laughed chug kid

@Real-Times - 27.01.2025 12:22

True stuff

@benbraddock3064 - 04.02.2025 02:50

“It’s like seeing a really hot girl, and knowing she has AIDS.”
-that’s perfect.

@bebemilo999 - 15.02.2025 01:36

Wish his Chanel didn’t get demonized I used to love watching his video

@lynnehood2198 - 19.02.2025 04:20

Did you ever think about your family? I think your a terrible person. you life is not your own. You belong to others.
