Horse Colic Signs and Symptoms

Horse Colic Signs and Symptoms


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@yuvrajrajasthan2681 - 15.11.2021 10:45

Vet form india ❣️

@Skunnt - 21.01.2022 23:53

Usually it’s not so bad just a minor stomach ache. But you want to fix it sooner that later my friends horse who was her baby died from an extreme case that happened so fast. It was so sad because horses become family and when you lose them it’s devastating.

@abigailphilip3169 - 24.08.2022 04:36

Well said ty!

@pmacc3557 - 03.01.2025 02:30

Im here cos I'm reading Siegfried and James are treating a horse with colic in this current chapter 😅

@TheOkeanaSkies - 04.01.2025 23:12

Ive had a horse about a year ago fairly new to ownership (not riding) and my Rocky Mountian has been biting at his gut, then his front legs, stretches weird. Vet didn't see anything so I hit him with a shot of Colic Buster and Total Guth Health. Yesterday and today haven't caught him doing that behavior. Previous Owner said he'd never seen that behavior so unsure if something in the hay kicked it off or what. His diet hasn't changed at all other than it's winter. Id say keep Colic Buster or Colic Eaz on hand always! Avoid that crazy vet bill if possible. Try it on your own first. 350 to be told "I don't know but good job giving him the shot" is a sick joke for a horse owner. Anyway, thanks for the good vid!
