God's call to you amidst false teaching | JUDE 1 BIBLE STUDY WITH ME (SOAP Method) | Kaci Nicole

God's call to you amidst false teaching | JUDE 1 BIBLE STUDY WITH ME (SOAP Method) | Kaci Nicole

Kaci Nicole

9 месяцев назад

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@ronhanish - 28.05.2024 19:09

Most Christianity is false sister. Most is Revelation 17 from catholicism. They don't know how to get you born again Mathew 3 is Acts 2:38. And they don't know Jesus is God the Father. Isaiah 9:6john8:24. They tell you John 3:16 in Romans 10:9 out of context and everybody thinks they're saved, did Paul shows everybody how in Acts chapter 19: 1-7. Y'all need to study that Bibles. Good luck on judgment Day because most reject the word of the Lord. John 17:17❤.

@rosepole7554 - 28.05.2024 19:58

I almost made it thru infomercial!is Jude about money changers?

@jessicasnow9382 - 28.05.2024 20:33

I am so thankful for this. The Lord keeps bringing me to this book this month. And I adore your channel. So when I saw you did your study over Jude I had to watch and of course take notes. I am so glad you do this and it brings so much goodness to us! Thank you for trusting in the Lord and for sharing His word. ♥️ I appreciate all your work for His Glory.

@grichert9988 - 28.05.2024 20:35

Great Bible study, my favorite verses were the following: Jude 20-21and 24-25 KJV 20,21,22,24-25 But ye, beloved, building up yourselves on your most holy faith, praying in the Holy Ghost, 21 Keep yourselves in the love of God, looking for the mercy of our Lord Jesus Christ unto eternal life. 24 Now unto him that is able to keep you from falling, and to present you faultless before the presence of his glory with exceeding joy, 25To the only wise God our Saviour, be glory and majesty, dominion and power, both now and ever. Amen.
God is able, and as willing as able, to keep us from falling, and to present us faultless before the presence of his glory. Not as those who never have been faulty, but as those who, but for God's mercy, and a Saviour's sufferings and merits, might most justly have been condemned long ago. ♥

@MrsRachelKelly - 28.05.2024 21:52

loved this bswm! ❤

@MrsSpurgeon222 - 28.05.2024 22:23

Yaaaay!!! 🎉🎉🎉 thank you, sister. I pray the Lord blesses you in all the ways He sees fit. ✝️

@DaughterofYah101 - 28.05.2024 23:45

Thank you for this!! Very good. praise Yah

@michaelwiebe4282 - 29.05.2024 00:26

Thanks Kaci! Love this format, such a blessing!!

@GloryCrespo - 29.05.2024 04:23

@thereligioushippie Can you unpack this as a Catholic, Please?

@maggiezielinski - 29.05.2024 04:58

loved it please keep up all the good work. God bless, thank you for spreading God glory in his word. This was beautiful it helps me so much to go over what I have read adding more information to understand.

@jennmende2673 - 29.05.2024 08:04

I recently watched all your bible study videos. I find them so helpful and encouraging. I am so excited new ones are here! I LOVEEEEE THESE SO MUCH!

@LiveMercifully - 29.05.2024 09:12

I'm in the middle of listening to this study, but I just wanted to say something... fallen angels and demons are not the same thing. I know that this is a somewhat controversial topic, because not all Christians agree with the angelic interpretation of Genesis 6 (in regard to the Nephilim.) But based on what I've learned in studying this topic, demons are the disembodied spirits of the Nephilim. Which is different than the fallen angels. Ok, I'm going back to the video now!

@ThePlannerPlaceCo - 29.05.2024 12:19

I love your Bible study with me series! Can’t wait to watch this one 👏🏼😊

@kimthomas3399 - 29.05.2024 15:30

This was an amazing study. Thank you

@copperhead7775 - 29.05.2024 15:57

I really need to get closer to God.... Backsliding is not good God disciplines those that he loves and I have forced him to discipline me and it does not feel good at all... Please pray for me....

@miyah-alexzandrias1756 - 29.05.2024 21:59


@Sanctifiedsprouts - 30.05.2024 05:48

Thank you, sister! This study was EXACTLY what I needed today! ❤️

@R.bizzle - 30.05.2024 14:38

My favorite videos!!!!! ❤❤❤❤❤❤

@amandacarolineplotegher5278 - 30.05.2024 15:27

I love your channel! Thank so much for sharing your wisdom! I’m from Brazil! ❤️❤️

@hpinc101 - 31.05.2024 04:41

You are a very gifted teacher Kaci. From someone who holds very closely to the teachings of Dr Chuck Missler, Dr Charles Stanley, David Diga Hernandez, Troy Black, Johnathan Cahn (eclectic bunch - I know 😌) I must say you are right up there with them! Please keep doing what you are doing! I know it would be quite a time commitment but I would love to see you tackle 1 & 2 Corinthians as well as 1,2,3 John (I know those would be easier ☺️) I would be such a fan! Praying for you and your ministry!

@pashahose5585 - 31.05.2024 18:45

Oh I miss your Bible study

@Oluwasewa_ - 02.06.2024 02:28

Hey kaci, I love your bible study. You are truly blessed greatly by God. Pls keep on doing more episodes like this
They are really really helpful, thank you for your submission to faith. You exceptionally reflect the wisdom of God.
Love, oluwasewa from Nigeria💖

@sarahwilliams8857 - 05.06.2024 16:08

Got my coffee this morning and listening ☕️🙌🏻 been waiting for another BSWM series 🎉

@breelauren3748 - 05.06.2024 18:36

This was such a great message and break down of Jude! Thank you so much for doing these Bible Study With Me videos. They are my favorite and I was really hoping you'd release more! Yahweh bless you!

@TanyaReuter-nb4mq - 06.06.2024 16:24

I love these BSWM!!!! Can't wait for the next one!!!!

@ashin.philip - 09.06.2024 13:55

Such a useful Bible study! Love your videos, God bless your ministry! ❤

@박-r3d - 12.06.2024 12:19

I was sexually abused at work continuously for about two weeks before I quit. Since it was only verbal abuse, I am unsure if I should sue him or not- considering I lost my income due to his actions. He also was my boss, and is withholding my pay on purpose. This is a topic I have been thinking about… is this an event I should try to fight or let go? 😢

@বাইবেলেরআলো - 28.06.2024 19:14


@eloiseprays - 02.07.2024 14:29

Thank you, this what amazing ❤

@pollyjackson3140 - 17.07.2024 19:56

Love these bible studies so much! Thank you!

@Lanfam92 - 30.07.2024 08:24

Great study thank you! I’m curious, when it speaks on authority and those who God put in authority, who is the authority and order? My mind goes to Peter, the rock which his church was built on, then goes to the Catholic Church which has stayed the same since the early church. Curious on your thoughts! ❤

@michaelarmstrong1811 - 16.08.2024 00:34

Thank you for your study. Truly enjoyed it!

@sheireland3737 - 28.08.2024 11:15

Thank you

@jessikasotofigueroa9991 - 29.08.2024 01:14

Is not his brother, they are from the same "clan". Cousin is not a word in arameic or hebrew.

@kaymack5304 - 22.09.2024 16:21

I am so grateful to have found your channel. Thank you for helping me explore God’s word with increased understanding.

@elliep4531 - 23.10.2024 07:25


@kacinicole - 28.05.2024 19:08

Finally a new BSWM 🥲 my favorite takeaway from this study is that GOD is the one who keeps us. Though we are called to contend for the faith and seek Him and stand firm, He doesn't expect us to do it on our own. Comment your favorite verse or takeaway in the comments below 🤍
