What if Viewers Voted on The Collapse of Communism?

What if Viewers Voted on The Collapse of Communism?

Possible History

1 месяц назад

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@kernel3895 - 06.10.2024 12:22

What if the Polish November uprising was successful?

@viniciusdasilva7052 - 06.10.2024 13:23

Good video

@somehungryguy4887 - 06.10.2024 13:58

since germany is not backed by western europe, their economy is non existant, and their military is still most likely quite weak, poland would probably eventually invade them to get their old territory back after they get themselves together since so much has happened in such a short time if germany doesn't give them back

@pippo_beffardo - 06.10.2024 14:38

Day 14 of asking "what if everything went perfect for Italy"

@Bloodknight7567 - 06.10.2024 18:07

This is literally a hoi4 setup💀 I feel like I’m gonna see a “possible histories collapse of communism” mod

@MrRhombus - 07.10.2024 03:56

South Korea retaking North Korea is the most unrealistic part of this scenario

@temporaryname4121 - 07.10.2024 04:06

PH viewers try not to recreate the events leading up to ww2 (impossible)

@Kenji-k3i - 07.10.2024 08:21

What if everything went perfect for the Ottoman Empire

@rinoku16 - 07.10.2024 14:32

Ukraine and Kazakhstan might be one of the greatest allies in this timeline, because Kazakhstan want to further expand its influence for Example on Tatars and Bashkortostan, and Ukraine needs free Belarus to secure the northern border. They also need to keep an eye on russian radical movements, because of the possible revanchism. Poland might join them i the liberation of Belarus, even with territorial disputes with Ukraine, just to not be isolated, it also might push for the integration with Lithuania, and try to secure the Allied government i Belarus to dominate the eastern Europe, however Ukrainian nationalists in Lviv and Transcarpathia region seems to have other plans. Romania seeking for the return of northern Transylvania might join some of the sides if the war is to broke out. From there idk what to expect, it can be another big European war. If Ukraine tries to get western land back with the help of Germany it would probably mean the intervention of other big players, especially when Ukraine secured even more buffer zone in russia and became a threat

@grant8525v3d - 07.10.2024 23:34

What if the Netherlands remained part of the Holy Roman Empire?
What if the Abbasid Caliphate survived the Mongol invasions?
What if the Frankish Empire tried conquering Muslim Spain?
What if everything went perfectly for the Latin Empire in 1204?
What if the Europeans never discovered the Americas?
What if Persia conquered the Eastern Roman Empire?
What if the Mongols conquered Constantinople?

@maximdrager3639 - 08.10.2024 02:11

italians and croats working together? ouch

@Swedish_ants - 08.10.2024 20:20

What if everything went perfect for Sweden please

@Epimetheus419 - 09.10.2024 00:04

The history channel at 3 am:

@skane260 - 09.10.2024 00:30

bro this scenario is so ass 😂

@TheRavenLord1 - 09.10.2024 03:01

I hereby seize a portion of the comment section as an independent nation of Comment Kingdom.

@Radibu - 10.10.2024 00:02

Pomerania, parts of Silesia returning to Germany, Lwów to Poland and Finlands natural Borders being achieved, the world is healing

@saladmcjones7798 - 10.10.2024 01:50

The amount of wars that broke out of nowhere and were just “uhhh, world tension is high enough I guess, nukes be damned I’m going in!”

Scenario outcome was definitely a HOI4 player collaboration.

@joeyready3 - 10.10.2024 02:11

Me, 5 minutes in, finally realizing that this scenario is fake

@sr.bombardeado8903 - 11.10.2024 02:37

i had a stroke trying to understand any logic the viewers possibly used

@MilanMilan0000 - 11.10.2024 21:16

Whatever happened to kaliningrad? you have it colored red until the very end but didn't mention it at all

@andreasvargamadsen3127 - 12.10.2024 04:10

I waited for this soo long! Thank you!❤

@QuinnMillner - 12.10.2024 21:15

I already said this, but a theoretical version where you vote on the opposite versions (Central power victory, collapse of the first world, or a total Napoleonic victory) would be so cool and a interesting thing to watch

@internetchunk6541 - 14.10.2024 08:42

Next time I believe it would be advisable to seperate history with when the made up scenario begins because it creates a lot of confusion

@sharik-sib - 15.10.2024 23:02

В России в 2005 году происходит переворот, к власти приходит коалиция из Единства, Отечества, Всей России, Нашего дома-России, Родины, Общероссийского Народного Фронта и Национально-Освободительного Движения. Временно исполняющим обязанности президента Российской Федерации был назначен Дмитрий Анатольевич Медведев, который сразу же начал многочисленные экономические и военные реформы. Итогом стало то, что Вооружённые Силы Российской Федерации стали второй самой сильной армии мира, народ стал жить гораздо лучше, чем в любых самых развитых странах, а по ВВП Россия заняла третье место после КНР и США. Дмитрий Медведев начал 08.08.28 Южную Ирреденту. Весь мир был ошеломлён мощью российской армии, ВС РФ уже 11 августа взяли Астану, на следующий же день был взят Киев, а 15 августа Тбилиси, переименованный в Тифлис, к 23 числу Украина, Северный Кавказ, Калмыкия, Кубань, Украина, Грузия, Азербайджан, Армения, Казахстан, Узбекистан, Кыргызстан, Таджикистан и Туркменистан капитулировали. Далее, РФ под руководством Президента Алексея Дюмина начала Специальную Военную Операцию Вооружённых Сил Российской Федерации по демилитаризации и декоммунизации Европы, напав на NATO 24 февраля 2042 года. К марту была взята под контроль вся Прибалтика, включая Советскую Республику Пруссию. 16 марта в честь 125-летия победы Февральской Революции в России была взята столица её Привислинского края - Варшава, 17 марта пали Хельсинки, к концу июня ВС РФ прошли победным маршем до Ла-манша, к началу августа они уже брали Лиссабон. 8 августа 2042 в 14-летие начала Великой Южной Ирреденты была начата операция "Смерть Льва", подразумевавшая полное овладение Британскими, Фарерскими островами и Исландией к концу месяца. Несмотря на ошеломляющую мощь русских солдат, операция была провалена и Британия была освобождена от Евробольшевизма лишь к концу октября. США, видя силу Русской Армии согласились отдать Российской Федерации всё побережье Тихого Океана (включая всю Калифорнию, Вашингтон и части граничных с ними штатов) и Гавайи, а также вступила в созданную Россией Организацию Легитимных Наций - аналог ООН и признала права России на возвращение Новой Москвы, Порт-Артура и всех остальных её бывших колоний. Аналогично поступила и Канада. Был подписан мир, Россия получила около трети всей Европы, Тихоокеанское побережье США и Канады, Гавайи и права на лидерство в ОЛН, а также на возвращение всех бывших колоний. Итогом стало полное доминирование России в мире и её идеологии консервативной христианской демократии

@joseph_soseph9611 - 17.10.2024 16:26

This is such an EU4-ass video. War everywhere, AI doing stuff, and bordergore

@Theloudestmime7 - 18.10.2024 12:36

My bad is crazy💀💀

@ShackleYT - 18.10.2024 19:56

I'd say in all honesty, that the idea of Germany being forced to become a communist puppet cuz of their oil being cut off is insane, simply because the US would ignore any and all sanctions against the country in an effort to not only prevent the spread of communism, but also because oil is involved. we have tons of it, and if it means making a buck while sticking it to the USSR, i don't think you could stop the US from doing it.

Meanwhile, i feel like the next big thing to talk about would be vietnam and cambodia. without the USSR, i feel like vietnam would enter another revolution which would be backed by the americans.

@ETiarnach - 19.10.2024 19:55

I put on yt while studying, fell asleep, and this had autoplayed by the time i woke up. i got my cold war paper back today and i fucking failed because i wrote about the invasion of poland, cuz i didn't realise this was alt history💀💀

@wall4325 - 20.10.2024 18:06

based timeline

@AlmightyPumkinPatchShowMapper - 22.10.2024 00:09

Czechoslovakia and Romania invade Hungary

@andreagermini8094 - 24.10.2024 13:21

I think that West Germany had like 500.000 troops by the end of the cold war, a long shot from the 200.000 of today. So Germany's army would have been quite big, not quite small. Apart from that I love how the transition between OTL and TTL is so seamless!

@Wind_and_Ice_Kaiju - 24.10.2024 15:38

Could u make a what if everything went perfekt for Denmark

@junglebogged - 27.10.2024 13:45

Continuation please

@ivanbadaev6621 - 30.10.2024 02:55

I swear the viewers on this channel take some sort of twisted pleasure from partitioning and humiliating Russia over and over and over in almost every video

@Peter.the.tumbler - 01.11.2024 20:15

Probably the most bullshit ive seen yet

@bredoom - 03.11.2024 15:19

honestly i doubt that the soviets would bother attacking when they had such terrible internal problems

@Lo-opss - 06.11.2024 00:53

this video feels like liberal copium

@Tyler-ze4tg - 08.11.2024 04:42

Is there gonna be a continuation of this? 😢

@peetesmi - 08.11.2024 21:35

I find it suspicious how France did nothing when Germany declared war on Poland

@lesterdasmolester - 13.11.2024 23:22

"Damn thats crazy" -Idk the west ig, 1991

@MoolsDogTwoOfficial - 14.11.2024 14:13

I legit was co fused by this video. I was like “There wasn’t any invasion of Poland in the 90s!” And then I realised that the history overview of the USAR collapse was the actual video.

@ariafaygray10 - 17.11.2024 04:03

I thought this was real until hungary, because there was no intro or anything

@AwwsomeHistoryYT - 17.11.2024 08:21

I’m finna make my decisions on the Britain poll as Pro-Central Powers as I can cuz y not

@wivyrn - 25.11.2024 03:54

I put this video on in the background and half expected a real life history lesson as the intro. It took me until Hungary joining the Soviet war on Poland and Romania to realize that the entire video was alt history

@possiblehistory - 04.10.2024 17:45

Since I've seen a lot of confusion in the comment - remember I did NOT come up with these borders, and this video is not meant to be realistic. This was based on a vote done by the viewers - the outcome of which were the maps at the end. I simply tried (and it was very difficult, hence the long wait for this video) to create some form of narrative that could justify it.
