Deutsche Bahn IC2 : Great Intercity or Glorified Regional Train?

Deutsche Bahn IC2 : Great Intercity or Glorified Regional Train?

Dylan's Travel Reports

4 года назад

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@daskurka - 13.01.2021 10:02

How I categorize them:
White + Red = Fast + Alcohol
Red + White = Slow + Alcohol
Metronom = Slow + No Alcohol

@fjellyo3261 - 14.01.2021 04:43

Ich mag die Fensterkrümmungen oben nicht, da fühlt man sich so eingeengt.

@Patrick_RBX - 15.01.2021 11:58

also they dont need a loco thats pushing because theres a coach cab on both ends now strange that in dortmund sometimes its not also on our train there was only a single door and the front and end of each coach

@Patrick_RBX - 15.01.2021 12:07

when i took a train from dresden to rostock the seats were pretty good but without the strange leather parts at the top and the train at at each coach only 2 big doors and the wifi worked

@170166 - 18.01.2021 00:20

I enjoyed this a lot - and I can't get over the ticket price! A return ticket would be roughly £60? Bargain!

@oliverstemp9132 - 18.01.2021 02:54

Love a double deck train

@jims1812 - 19.01.2021 02:41

Not been on a German train since the eighties.That train sound really quiet and it looked like you got a good view from upstairs.I like the Deutsche Bahn website if gives lots of info and route maps too.I'm impressed they make annoucements in English,would we ever do them in German I think not.

@federicoeveza9656 - 20.01.2021 04:50

are you travelling now in the new year 2021?

@kaz9242 - 21.01.2021 19:27

This is almost as same as the rrx regional train like the RE5 which runs on Koblenz to Wesel route and I've seen 159 km/h on that train between cologne to Düsseldorf. Just slightly better interior. It would be better if the top speed was 200 km/h like other IC trains.

@anebocho7507 - 03.02.2021 00:36

This train need a Board bistro !

@Quasihamster - 04.02.2021 01:07

185 cm? Pff! Dwarf! Pixie! If you were a girl I'd call you Tinker Bell! 186 here!

@itmkoeln - 05.02.2021 23:05

Funny how I just noticed you were traveling from Dortmund, the station we like to call takeaway Restaurant with track connection

@gajuTV - 10.02.2021 02:39

Ok but my questions is: why the fuck did you were in Dortmund? Like there is nothing to see at all, except the stadium maybe. Cities like Essen of Cologne would have been much more interesting or did you visit them too?

@mikhailr13 - 01.03.2021 12:29

"Wasp decided to wreck havoc" haha. I just imagined it sitting with its feet on the seats, smoking a cigarette and talking to its mates on loud speaker.

@jimholder6656 - 10.03.2021 05:45

I liked the IC2s. Took them twice between Dresden and Leipzig, a fairly short trip. They were smooth and quiet. The old ICs were getting pretty worn down, were no longer quite as comfortable. Also noisier.

@POLSKIDĄBROWSKI - 24.03.2021 15:14

Next time travel with an IC2 Stadler Kiss.

@SternenruferinPatchouli1 - 30.03.2021 08:33

does it have a cafe car? cause the FLIRT version does have a small cafe

@Jawdra57 - 08.04.2021 20:12

Good content. What is the difference between long distance train and regional train when taking from Frankfurt airport

@homesinternational8015 - 23.04.2021 13:59

Took it between Dresden and Bielefeld back in Jan. 2020. First class, wide seats, good sound comfort... but non-reclinable ?! And the food is a joke, the only item worthy of attention is the big sandwich, but the few available pieces were taken by 10am, so at noon when we ordered, all there was left to buy was a ridiculous plastic bag with two slices of cold bread and some industrial cheese.
On our way to Dresden we travelled in a ICT (from Frankfurt), great reclining seats, and we could order delicious kartoffel eintopf, enough for a decent meal, nicely served.
If IC2 is the future of inter-city train travel in Germany... then it's really going down the drain. Not to mention the general look of the interior, it's so cold, plastic/metal... you get a better experience in a tramway in Brussels :(

@johnhopkins6260 - 25.04.2021 07:45

By around 1600, Dortmund HbF is usually overrun with refugees... after 2200, don't.

@MrDzack - 26.04.2021 07:32

Great video👍👍

@tonyhancock8479 - 01.05.2021 22:01

Better than a Voyager?

@blista2 - 04.05.2021 17:35

I don't like Germany :(

@user-ys4og2vv8k - 09.05.2021 23:48

This train traveled between Köln and Dresden on a circle line, instead of the shortest possible route - really unusual...

@rabautios - 10.05.2021 11:40

Interregio 2

@paololim3513 - 20.05.2021 20:53

I have nothing against the West German regional trains. A lot of them are quite nice actually and on selected stretches, you can actually use a local public transport ticket.

These certainly feel more 'intercity' than the Dutch 'intercity' services (aka Sneltreins). I think the one negative is the lack of catering, especially for a nearly five-hour trip. Other than that, I agree with you.

@WINGSANDRAILS - 07.06.2021 13:21

I think it's a good mix between the Re en IC/ICE trains

@DonutWaves - 08.06.2021 23:36

Is @Superalbs Travels your friend?

@AZ-vv1rf - 09.07.2021 21:15

All good except for the fact that they didn't make bigger toilets. For a mid-price range train, you'd really expect more than from a casual Regio.

@Danny30011980 - 22.07.2021 12:20

I don't know what to think about these. They just look like bit posher Regionalexpress trains, but from an IC point of view it looks like a downgrading for the look apart from colour distinction. Plus these double decker trains can't go that fast as a regular one-storey train which is another point for the con side. Even the backrest on those lik much skinnier and less comfy. The only plus is that it creates a shorter train which can take maybe the same amount of peeps, as it has two storeys, but that's pretty much all the good I think about it. Luckily most IC's are still regular trains.

@eriks3594 - 28.07.2021 23:32

I live near dortmund and visit the hbf often with my family or school lol

@thomasfritz8174 - 29.07.2021 18:58

The journey was undertaken during the sanitary crisis. Little number of travellers and less hustle. If one travels during normal times, the impression might be completely different.

@clivegoodwin8931 - 12.08.2021 22:20

Firstly, let me say I really enjoy watching your travel reports. I'm from Alfreton in Derbyshire and I've travelled pretty extensively within the UK, so I can relate easily to some of the journeys you make, although not on the newer trains. My girlfriend comes from Osnabrück in North West Germany and when I've visited her, I've travelled on quite a few of the double decker trains like on this video, between Düsseldorf and Munster and I love them cos it's great to have a decent view from the top deck. They are always clean and much quieter than UK trains. I've also travelled on their ICE's as well, which are also lovely trains. Their rail system is great. Pity the UK ones aren't as good yet!
Looking forward to your next update.

@Brauiz90 - 15.08.2021 10:46

I'm on this route between Leipzig and Hannover for a few times for visiting my brother.

@SimulatorGroup - 17.08.2021 16:50

The IC2 is just a overpircied RE train

@anaarch - 30.08.2021 16:10

Hi Dylan, thanks for this video!
Please, do you know if it is possible to buy the ticket in cash? Thanks.

@tysonsander6206 - 11.03.2022 12:18


@rijiljanardhan - 15.03.2022 00:19

I like trains but this ic2 is fun

@cookiewriter4001 - 29.07.2022 04:08

Really strange you didnt get WIFI. I started using trains in the pandemic and my IC2 had WIFI in 2020. I pay 17,90€ for a trip from Bayreuth to Basel (500km) with my Bahncard 25. And the IC2 portion is my favourite. Its quiet, comfortable, has good WIFI and my IC2 is almost never delayed. I think they are great trains. If demand picks up again they have the capacity to keep up. REs are far worse to travel in. They are louder, have no WIFI and are overcrowded. Maybe they have the same layout but they arent even close in comfort. I like the IC2s. Actually a good investment from DB considering rising users in the next 20 years.

@phantom4E2 - 08.08.2022 22:28

ngl doesnt looks good for long ass travels, for regional ok, its like using a 447 or a 450 for regional service instead of 448/449

@applebased8936 - 10.08.2022 20:19

they have now a new class of IC2 trains, which are way more comfortable and feel less like a regional train, perhaps you wanna try it in the future

@thodarundhupayanam5423 - 10.02.2023 22:46

Even a Siemens Desiro HS EMU operated by national express runs at a nominal speed of 160kph as regional express trains

@roberthawes7419 - 22.04.2023 12:43

❤❤❤❤❤sjd hi s

@willemaleva3746 - 24.07.2023 13:03

this is one of the most beautiful train that DB yet has in service!

@tract1oncs - 13.09.2023 23:32

been to dortmund main station once, some libanesian kid stole a cigarette off my ear. 0/10 wouldnt reccomend

@Hansi-e7y - 22.02.2025 12:11

City-/Regional-Train with caroet.

Not a worthy InterCity!
