The Hateful Eight - "Major Marquis exposes Senor Bob" Scene | Last Scene

The Hateful Eight - "Major Marquis exposes Senor Bob" Scene | Last Scene

Obiwan Pelosi

4 года назад

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@ShaDO118k - 27.11.2024 18:32

This movie proves 2 things for sure, that every race can be racist and it can be hilarious 😂.

@ChuckPalomo - 29.11.2024 02:51

I love how Mannix goes from hating Warren's guts to becoming his hype man.

@SirGrimLockSmithVIII - 29.11.2024 09:11

Racism technically saved the day lmao

@garzonwhite1029 - 29.11.2024 16:29

Señor Bob aint worth a peso

@kfures3469 - 29.11.2024 18:02

I love how Warren deduces everything. Like a real detective

@Renwoxing13 - 03.12.2024 20:42

Its too bad this movie was kind of ruined by the twist.

I mean it really can never be watched with the same ignorance as the first time.

I almost suspect that Tarantino [his horde or writers?] Didnt know how to culminate the story without the wild twist.

Admittedly it was a pretty dialogue and drama heavy one room story. Which made the ending all the more difficult to write i am sure. Still though its hard to imagine how it could and would have ended without the twist [probably add at least an hour runtime] i think it would have serviced the movie better !

@alejandrofranco1925 - 08.12.2024 03:45

It's idd that Samuel pronounces "señor" the way an American would ("e" like in "he"), but not the way a Mexican would ("e" like in "red"). This suggests both Samuel and his character learnt the word by reading it, not by listening to how it is pronounce by mexican themselves.

@salaheddinbadi9214 - 17.12.2024 07:13

Yes i bought some
Just to get more information and mmore

@VernonWillis-n8o - 18.12.2024 11:26

There was never any such sign.

@Professorrob2k24 - 19.12.2024 18:08

Can we get more movies like these lol?

@theycallmeboyapollo - 20.12.2024 02:40


@SpoiledSkimMilk - 22.12.2024 05:22


@Eschatologygroup - 23.12.2024 08:04

The way bob always has his eyes slanted make its so much funnier

@bisphurokbaruah1492 - 23.12.2024 19:55

Mo money mo problems

@slowbro173 - 24.12.2024 07:56

Bob was so sketchy the entire time

@laronwilson7553 - 29.12.2024 06:50

“Non Fiction”
Science fiction is a movie called Lockdown. The Hateful Eight put ‘em in the lost and ground. Azz Peaks, love it when I hear that Sound. Ask The Feet, you ghouls must be glue in Town. As we speak I know ghouls that’ll never get found🫶🏽✊🏽🫵🏽

@JerryMDean - 29.12.2024 08:34

“How bout tomorrow we make it no hat day!”

@DDlewisDD - 30.12.2024 15:19

Pelosi dont know much

@DDlewisDD - 30.12.2024 15:20

Pelosi dont know much, if nancy pelosi eants results she should contact me,

@101Licious - 05.01.2025 02:05

I really don't know how so many people say that this is QT's worst movie.
I think it's an amazing movie ! I love it 5/5

@MyDesertMyDune - 08.01.2025 19:09

“You killed Minnie!” BOOM “and sweet dave!” BOOM

@sorenrousseau - 09.01.2025 00:58

The way he delivers, "left it in the hands of a god dammed Mexican" is absolutely hilarious 😂

@dogtoddy - 09.01.2025 10:20

This is the best scene in the movie.

@wetter4293 - 09.01.2025 21:38

He knew Minnie's stew
He knew Minnie's Policy
He knew Sweet Dave's Chair
He knew Sweet Dave's Mannerisms

Yet he chose to omit this until the right opportunity presented itself.
Years of visiting Minnie's Haberdashery afforded him this backhand knowledge of this establishment and it's family that ran it so well that it's almost a safe assumption to say he knew they were dead as soon as he got there.

Let this movie be a masterclass in detective work, IT support, Law, and anything else that requires deductive analysis, investigation, and context-based reasoning.

@LegoJunk128 - 12.01.2025 08:48

Something I just caught on my last viewing is how Bob later talks about how he could never remember how to play chess. I think that’s a hint at his lack of foresight in the Minnie’s situation. His strategy failed and he was the first person to be found out

@Synergistic_Liability - 12.01.2025 16:42

Poor seen your Bob

@TheJtyork420 - 12.01.2025 21:12

Walton Goggins is a treasure he kills it in any movie he does.

@noeditbookreviews - 14.01.2025 05:33

"mescuns" lol

@lorenzogaspero9758 - 16.01.2025 20:53

I believe the major always knew that all this was a setup, he just didnt know exactly who was involved and who wasnt, so he had to wait until something happens. It really sounds like he knew minnie a lot and i bet he knew from the get go all this was a setup. Every more clue gave him more confidence in that.

@Poker1982 - 17.01.2025 04:00

Such terrible writing. It doesn't even make sense. Nobody is going to put up a sign that says "no dogs or Mexicans" without adding negros to the list.

@Rexcelot - 18.01.2025 06:12

Notice how the Gun is pointed at his stomach and the Gun fires only for his shoulder region to blast blood into Samuel L Jacksons face

@Impossible326 - 18.01.2025 08:48

I’m Mexican and I found this scene so FUCKING HILARIOUS! 🤣🤣🤣

@kerswill1985 - 21.01.2025 12:52

I’m confused. If Minnie hated Mexicans, then why didn’t she tell Bob to get out of her haberdashery later on during the flashback scene?

@huskaroar6869 - 24.01.2025 11:57

In the carriage scene these two were at each other's throats and their vile deeds revealed by the other but by now they're like two solid bros trying to find out who wanted to kill them lol ! Epic movie

@calvinmcnab3560 - 31.01.2025 15:26

Kinda like how joe walks away like "fuck thats my freind"

@adub688 - 31.01.2025 23:04

A gah dayum metsican?!

@tonyb1984 - 02.02.2025 08:28

Damn this movie is so great! Just re watched it for the first time since going to see it in theaters 10 yrs ago and it's even better than I remembered.

@Falren1 - 08.02.2025 22:22

That "theory" was a lie to confirm his suspicion, if they didn't know he was lying then they killed Minnie

@jamesmcdermott7642 - 22.02.2025 07:58

This movie was amazing lmao

@erlexar - 27.02.2025 03:52

I just realized something. The Mexican challenged his “farfetched” theory. Warren proved it by referring him as the “dogs” that the owner let in… get it? Dog?… fetch? Dog fetched his own lies. Such an amazing dialogue and foreshadow that Quentin put together in that small conversation between these two.

@richbransford350 - 27.02.2025 20:34

Why Minnie doesn't like Mexicans is a whole other story that should be explored.

@cartergeorge1545 - 01.03.2025 02:36

Minnie was so sweet I love her despite her racism.

@MisanthropeInAGeneralSense - 10.03.2025 15:05

Walton Goggins is such an underrated actor.

@courierz9451 - 13.03.2025 04:39

Lmao every part of this scene was damn good but i busted laughing so hard where the gun very much basically leads to a point of impact, and the blood packs expload in a very different spot. But doesn't make me love it any less

@myfirstcrappyvideobilly - 13.03.2025 15:47

Asking questions when you know the answers

@jimothyasteward1829 - 19.03.2025 17:44

Far-fetched nigga theory lol 😂

@trunch58 - 26.03.2025 10:25

"Now, I am calling you a liar, Señor Bob." Man. The leaked script describes Major Warren as a "Lee Van Cleef type" and damn if that line and that delivery don't display that perfectly.

@marcoaguirre8692 - 27.03.2025 08:53

As mexican myself. Racism for the win?
