How road warriors clear snow after a Maine snowstorm

How road warriors clear snow after a Maine snowstorm

The Maine Monitor

4 года назад

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@colbygilbert2191 - 12.01.2021 04:50

that’s my dad!!!

@christopherparsons3477 - 12.01.2021 10:14

As someone who did snow removal in portland in a small snow removal company I commend their hard work. Keep those streets open ladies and gentlemen. WE THANK YOU!!!

@Brian-rh3os - 13.01.2021 18:49

Excellent video.  It provides some great insights into the challenges of urban snow and ice control.  Many thanks to the Maine Snowfighter!

@2jsims - 20.01.2021 02:38

i mean, CMON!! give these people a Solid Raise & MOVE your car!!

@elainebmack - 28.04.2022 16:00

As a Chicago native I drove in a lot of snow! Once when i had to drive from Chicago to Milwaukee in a snowstorm, I drove the entire trip behind snowplows. It was much easier that trying to stay ahead of everyone.

@smalltownMainer - 29.08.2022 03:05

i live in jackman, they just plow it here, only once and a while will you see a tractor moving snow from around or near something.

@DirtySanchez943 - 24.12.2022 22:16

Maine ppl r the salt 🧂 of the earth quality material.

@patherjoyce3875 - 14.04.2023 23:57

