Hawktail, whole set, 2/29/20, Northampton, MA

Hawktail, whole set, 2/29/20, Northampton, MA

Less Than Face Productions

4 года назад

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@reliablebow - 16.04.2020 03:14


@thaddeus2700 - 16.04.2020 03:22

Dean, the shoot looks great. We did have ourselves one weekend with these fine folks, didn't we? I don't know when you, Bill & I will get together again (with this damn virus). Let's make sure we take good care of ourselves and there will be good times again for us musically.

@onijunbei - 16.04.2020 06:58

thank you for uploading this

@TirikitaBlogspot - 18.04.2020 01:01

'Unless' is better here than on the recording. Kudos all.

@jeffallbon5838 - 18.04.2020 17:40

These folks should be compulsory listening - just sublime music from sublime musicians. Thanks guys!

@christiankenney2059 - 07.06.2020 08:37

I hope Dom gets more integrated into the band.

@janetswitzer7301 - 06.07.2020 07:55

Awesome as per usual!!🤾🏽‍♀️🎶🎻

@124retlksncvlifvlxiu - 24.10.2020 03:31

Fantastic thank youuuuu

@mitchmatthews6713 - 18.02.2021 00:10

They make it look easy.

@ChristopherQuale - 11.03.2021 05:07

Man I love this band. Their show at the F&S in Berkeley was maybe the best live show I've ever seen. This video captures that same vibe.

@paullindenauer2654 - 20.05.2021 23:36

Pure inspiration, guts, taste, delight! Thanks so much, hope to see you in person one day.

@jackcrane7853 - 24.05.2021 22:29

I used to like CLANNAD, but now I like THIS!

@Johnny-lr5jt - 02.09.2021 07:54

This music is incredible-glad I found this. Thank you, You Tube!

@ricardobablersassioto2523 - 06.09.2021 15:11

Obrigado pela oportunidade, mto obrigado os acompanho desde Florianópolis (Brasil).

@williamc.hensel130 - 23.09.2021 18:57

The Bible speaks of 'the weight of glory' - this beautifully played and recorded session has that glory - and its weight is not heaviness, but overflowing joy and the magic of music among skilled friends. I'm late to countless wonderful parties; this morning is the first time I've heard (of) Hawktail. But it's been fun finding them. Brittany Haas fiddles with focus and intensity and fierce joy. Paul Cowert is astounding. I love the transformations and permutations that come with great musical gifts and a spirit of sharing. And this group and this set embody those good things with the weight of glory and the lightness of joy.

@markwilliams8532 - 20.04.2022 22:20

Truly great musicians making Truly great music.

@MelodyVillaMusic - 29.11.2022 19:14

I'm so happy I found this. I have seen Paul perform with Punch Brothers, but I did not know he was also with Hawktail. It's a new favorite for me, and I'm loving this! Thank you for being so talented and amazing. I think this shows me a musical side of Paul on the bass that makes him shine, and the Celtic-inspired fiddling is awesome. 🥰 Lovely to my ears!!!

@RichBowden - 05.02.2023 11:25

Utterly inspirational.

@markwilliams1579 - 06.05.2023 01:23

How great thou are

@CarlMCole - 09.02.2024 05:10

That last tune "Unless" is just awesome ! Isn't it great that human beings can do things like that ?
