It's So Obvious What Happens After You Start To See This!! The Most Important Video Today!

It's So Obvious What Happens After You Start To See This!! The Most Important Video Today!

The House Of Crypto

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@dimension9680 - 03.02.2025 01:56

You’ve been saying it’ll flip bullish for 8 weeks plus. Looking grim now. Tariffs mean inflation which means no reduction in interest rates and no money printing. Been hopeful for the last 10 dips. Now losing faith.

@Hurricanehicks01 - 03.02.2025 02:07

Trump an d his cronies are manipulating the market

@David-s6e4q - 03.02.2025 02:13

Volume and liquidity are at very very low levels. Tell tale signs of what’s happening. But I would never hold ethereum. I consider it a joke coin. Bitcoin is the ONLY decentralized cryptocurrency. There is no other.

@TechTyrial - 03.02.2025 02:15

Seeing all the paniced people in the comments, i feel pretty confident to start buying now 😅😂

@Holdinguniverse - 03.02.2025 02:17

Keep the faith guys, this time it’s the same, but different though😂

@markpyne8354 - 03.02.2025 02:19

NO!, please i cant take anymore.😢😢😡

@SunsetbeachX9 - 03.02.2025 02:24


@rssrss5274 - 03.02.2025 02:28

He bought ETH & shills ETH now 😂😂 waste of time video.

@frankiejoseph7957 - 03.02.2025 02:35

I think making a video showing us your portfolio would be a great idea. Just so we can see you are one of in and we know for sure. Will stop those shite comments. Also would be good to tell us when you plan to get out of those coins

@1rtwilson - 03.02.2025 02:37

Thank you Peter for my daily hopium. Waiting for my alts to stop bleeding

@sampearson6985 - 03.02.2025 02:40

Newbies need to realise that market fear & disbelief is good for prices going forward, but greed and overconfidence is bad. When you see the latter, get out.

@MrAmyamyamy87 - 03.02.2025 02:42


@tricgix2949 - 03.02.2025 03:25

The only thing wrong about your theories are that the USA has the Supreme leader Trump in charge now. Wrecking the World's Economy 😮

@ElliottGregory-q8r - 03.02.2025 03:45

Tariffs will crash the markets. Trade war ends markets go Bull.

@LeonardGonzales9 - 03.02.2025 04:03

Thanks for the educative video…The wisest thought that is in everyone's minds today is to invest in different income flows that do not depend on the government, especially with the current economic crisis around the world, Well Long term investor's know that the market and economy will recover eventually, and investors should be positioned for such a rebound, I gained $380k from bitcoin of 2021 before the market crash, early 2024 i invested in bitcoin with the analyst and advice of Kathleen Eisen not keeping my assets coin on holding but on trading form which Currently am on a high potential profit of 16btc’s, adding more at a time. Having a good financial advisor like Kathleen Eisen, it will add to your success in the crypto market.

@simonlang3387 - 03.02.2025 04:05

This is the last crypto cycle. It's a mugs game. Pure gambling. 99% of coins are down down down.

@simonlang3387 - 03.02.2025 04:09

So many traps, eventually you get caught and die.

@simonlang3387 - 03.02.2025 04:11

Trump will destroy all the markets soon enough. He is incredibly incompetent.

@emilylt2882 - 03.02.2025 05:10

This mkt is heavily manipulated we need to stay strong and stick to our strategy

@chrishusted3809 - 03.02.2025 05:29

The Orange man who just threw a wrench into the largest trade group is the cause.
You buy pullbacks if fundamentals haven’t changed. Fundamentals have certainly changed. Falling knives are always fun to catch.

@JaneCarla-v3v - 03.02.2025 05:42

Keep updating us. But honestly to gain financial freedom you need to invest strongly in the digital market

@simmo8u - 03.02.2025 05:55

Eth is a yesterday waste of time and money

@AmitSonkhaskar - 03.02.2025 06:03

I quit

@takitaki8053 - 03.02.2025 06:13

OK yes, bought in December. Is the advice, just hold? Bought several dips too before this one, out of dry powder.

@disguisedarmy3451 - 03.02.2025 06:43


@Streetsouvenir - 03.02.2025 06:55

This is the cycle we have started alts 😂 noobs gettin wrecked 😢

@jasongardner1562 - 03.02.2025 07:48

My poop coins kicked me in the nuts. Lesson learned. I should have been in more solid blu ships. After the next leg up I’ll finally have been through a whole cycle. I’m still mega bullish. But holy crap this was a rough time to be holding alts. Now I’m hoping it will stay this low for a few more days so I can deploy my last dollars lol. Get rich or die trying.

@Vex-iy8zm - 03.02.2025 08:20

People overcomplicate this stuff. If you're serious about playing the investing game, you buy now while the cabbages are dumping.

@inmate0054 - 03.02.2025 08:23

Just had a meme season

@inmate0054 - 03.02.2025 08:24

Look governments are buying black rock was buying. And it’s tanking. Don’t worry just keep buying like them. It’s gonna pump hard maybe in 10 years or tomorrow

@inmate0054 - 03.02.2025 08:25

This doesn’t bother me because most of my dca is at these low levels or lower so I can buy more confidently scared

@inmate0054 - 03.02.2025 08:26

If that much is being bought why is it tanking

@indigofox72 - 03.02.2025 09:10

Buy, buy, buy, great opportunities to stack and HODL. Great prices brings fantastic opportunities 🎉 let’s go… 🚀 🌙 🔥

@alexandrumales9319 - 03.02.2025 09:48

strategic reserve is not made with BTC at 120k😂

@smalldkcimarchie365 - 03.02.2025 10:10

My $100 is -50%

@vladimirserpov6773 - 03.02.2025 11:24

This didn't age well 😅 Trump keeps hacking the market with an axe

@SM-vj2mz - 03.02.2025 12:01

I love you bro

@rafaeldemeersman1988 - 03.02.2025 12:22

love panicsellers

@ZozoAdventures - 03.02.2025 13:07

I bought huge in this dip

@Whifadira22 - 03.02.2025 13:39

Lol wp GG guys better luck in 4 years

@dietmarstahl5407 - 03.02.2025 15:07

US Government will put 50-100 Billion into a Bitcoin Fund.
Tschechien will put 7 Billion in.
Argentinien now want to open a Bitcoin Fund too.

@mohammadraja1951 - 03.02.2025 15:16

I wonder how different this video would be if Peter made it 10 hours after he released this??

@MariusVGComan - 03.02.2025 16:28

You bastard! People are broken because of people like you!

@CryptoJoe90 - 03.02.2025 17:33

7000 tokens in 2021. 31 Million in 2025. Do the math friends.

@cryptoman206 - 03.02.2025 17:43

Unfortunately we have been fooled. The market topped in q1 2024 for some alts and q4 2024 for Bitcoin and remaining alts.

It’s over the institutions pulled the rug from us. Smart Money bought Bitcoin in 2022 with their altcoin gains they made in 2021. Alts r finished they can’t even outperform the stock market let alone Bitcoin.

Influencers sold us the altcoin story when we should have just bought Bitcoin instead.

@mikegarcia7743 - 04.02.2025 02:17


@colmitch4754 - 05.02.2025 00:55

Loads of bull but i still have the same amount

@Mark-sy2bx - 05.02.2025 03:25

Last year I kept hearing after April Alt season is ready to begin, I said it was over. I was right

@tommyy__ - 08.02.2025 10:19

Interesting take, thanks for sharing!
