I hope efootball 2021 will be on Nintendo switch hopefully I get a response
ОтветитьWhat happened to the launch trailer for cuisineer?
Ответитьi love the water buffalo
ОтветитьSUper ninja boy was pretty fun co-op
ОтветитьSuper Ninja Boy is one of my old timing video game! I can't believe is re-released again
ОтветитьWe want SUPER PUNCH OUT from WII
I'm guessing Mai's upcoming release for Street Fighter 6 had something to do with it?
ОтветитьWait, we got Mai?! But Super Nes is for good boys, like Super Smash Bros Ultimate 👀
ОтветитьCan we please get a new FZero game….
ОтветитьFatal Fury on the Super Famicom is more mammary, I mean memorable.
ОтветитьThe 3 Fatal Fury fans must be happy
ОтветитьWhere can i find what recent games been added to rest of the expansion packs.
ОтветитьDeath and Return of Superman!
ОтветитьCan't believe after covering weird Satella spinoffs on our show so many times, we finally have a Satella-original on NSO. Who is curating this collection? It's so eclectic!
ОтветитьMystical ninja please!!!
ОтветитьWho asked for dis
ОтветитьYou shouldn’t have
ОтветитьMai Shiranui 🩷
ОтветитьI wonder what Sutte Hakkun translates to. I've never heard of it but I guess because that's not a Super NINTENDO game but a Super FAMICOM game.
ОтветитьNeed concurs bad fur day on the 17+ Nintendo 64
ОтветитьWould LOVE Bubsy on SNES online.
ОтветитьSuper Ninja Boy!!!!!!!! 🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰
ОтветитьIt just dawned on me, why the he'll don't we have super smash bros 64?
ОтветитьRelease top gear
Ответить3 games that are better than Pokemon.
ОтветитьHi, great games but I would like you to add back the ogre battle the march of the black Queen 1993. The first game I played 😎💯💎.
Ответитьall three look amazing! can't wait to jam out on them!
ОтветитьThey should release the Game Boy version of Sutte Hakkun as well. It's sad to see how it was finished but it didn't get released, not once, but twice with a GBC enhanced version.
ОтветитьSuper Star Wars Trilogy please 🙏🏼
ОтветитьNow add Popeye for NES
ОтветитьI would like to see the original sims city i spent hours playing that when I was younger on my dad's snes
Ответитьbabe this isnt chrono trigger
ОтветитьCan we get super plerm please, I know it was for a limited term, but I NEEED ITTTT!! PLEASE NINTENDO
ОтветитьWhere is DK64? Where are more games people want to play? If you going to charge extra then give extra!
ОтветитьNow we just need the following games for the SNES Nintendo Switch Online: RoboTrek, Secret of Evermore, Chrono Trigger, and Illusion of Gaia
ОтветитьWish you guys would port Clayfighter on SNES online. 🤞
ОтветитьIf they added Fatal Fury 2, why don''t they add Street Fighter
ОтветитьWe want shin megami tensei I and II translated to english for snes online
ОтветитьEu quero super Mario RPG no switch online em super nes
ОтветитьThey need to add Castlevania, contra and final fantasy for snes Nintendo switch online already
ОтветитьPleas put pokemon old games in gameboy
ОтветитьWhere is Donkey Kong 64??? It is ridiculous that we haven't gotten a DK 64 sequel sure, but it's a no-brainer to put it on the Switch Online Shop! It was already modernized for the WII U and should just require some minor tweaks to add it. Please Nintendo, stop sidelining one of your best games and characters!
ОтветитьNobody really cares about another fighting game Nintendo..
ОтветитьThere is no reason that any game cannot run at 80 fps on the Nintendo Switch. Absolutely no reason. You all are stupid, you all are only thinking this way because they tell you to think this way. I am going crazy with this. I feel crazy, I feel insane! I feel insane with mad! I feel insane with outrage! 80 fps on the switch IS doable, it really is! You just have to release games that are 80-fps but they WONT do it! It's to rile people up! It's to make people mad! Its to get them talking and drive engagement toward shameless ads and sludge fest directs! I swear this is true! The games can run at 80 fps I have seen it! I have known about it! I know this is true! I am not insane, I am not crazy, despite what EVERYONE (yes I KNOW there will be HATE towards me, I KNOW there will be HATE HATE HATE) says! Please Nintendo, make the realease to make sure they're 80 fps at all times! Always, and for always. Make the games. Faster.
ОтветитьAnything to generate hype for City of the Wolves it seems. Even if it won't be on Switch.