heartless (a playlist) - instrumentals

heartless (a playlist) - instrumentals

books of azwei

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@whiteeaglehapkido - 16.06.2024 21:54

Love your playlists!! ❤️❤️ They really help me study! Thank you!

@natalee_jane - 16.06.2024 21:54

ahhh heartless is my favorite book! i’ll have to reread it with this playlist sometime <3

@layla9319 - 16.06.2024 22:22

The way I screamed at the Emma music lol. Love your playlists!

@michellegehan2672 - 16.06.2024 23:17

I read this book for the first time a few months ago and I still can't stop thinking about it. This is such a beautiful playlist❤🖤💖

@CaroDrxh - 17.06.2024 11:24

I haven’t read this book but I love following your book’s playlists ❤

@ashliejayde - 17.06.2024 15:42

it is beyond convenient that the day after I start this book, this video is dropped ! it was meant to be. I love this so much !!!

@ДарьяАлексашкина-э7я - 19.06.2024 01:20

Instant heartbreak as soon as I saw the cover of this playlist. How tremendous the difference is: first pages Cath was all rosy fluffy girl and the last pages... "It was another day in Hearts..." I'm sorry. Crying again.

@katgreer6113 - 19.06.2024 03:18

Ugh this book is on my tbr thanks so much .

@Janellelynnmayo - 22.06.2024 03:46

Not me thinking this had something to do with Kingdom Hearts

@bubbleshine2232 - 22.06.2024 16:29

This has now become my new favorite playlist ❤

@pipyt3409 - 25.06.2024 19:10

omgg heartless is one of my favorite books of all time and this playlist is beautiful!!

@belgianquaffles5349 - 06.07.2024 19:05

These are so amazing and I love how I can actually imagine some of these scenes coming to life through music! Because you’re doing popular books/series, could you consider doing a Shatter Me or Inheritance Games playlist? ❤

@0MGURF4V - 18.07.2024 02:42

I just finished heartless. And my god, I’m broken. All throughout my three days of reading heartless nonstop, and listening to this playlist nonstop, it was all I could think about. I can’t count how many times I’ve played this video, but I’m sure it’s many. I don’t know how a book like this can change my perspective on life and have such an effect on me. A part of my heart will always be split in half (like cath’s) because of this book. And I will always be pondering, “why is a raven like a writing desk” and why Cath would be so foolish and sacrifice the lives of four ppl for the life of one. I will never stop thinking about this book. And I’m sure many other people can agree.

@milky5724 - 30.10.2024 08:07

I f cried while listening to this and reading chap 47. ty for this playlist, I enjoyed listening to it all along the book.

@No-ff5vz - 18.02.2025 04:05

Incroyable !😮
