AM I CHEATING ? Brighton Marina West Arm- Sea Fishing in November Sunshine

AM I CHEATING ? Brighton Marina West Arm- Sea Fishing in November Sunshine

Saltwater Angler

3 года назад

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@kerryfoster1 - 06.11.2021 12:21

What a fine day! I visit this arm regularly when visiting the Marina - but to observe, not fish. Never see much being caught, but you can fish at night when it may be better. The west arm can be very snaggy but the east arm is mostly clear (I've been told).
Wonder what a shoal of mackerel would look like on the fish finder?
When the mackerel turned up in September the arm was packed, but it's mostly fairly quiet. Great video mate!

@nevillesnowdon221 - 06.11.2021 13:14

Always good to watch Matt, I think the fun in fishing you never know when you set put what's gonna happen! Gadgets could make you lazy if you know what I mean, you have the skills that's for sure !!

@ianlaccohee7180 - 06.11.2021 22:39

Another great video. I have a deeper chirp, that I hardly use. It would be great for Stillwater so you could map the whole area that you fish, to find holes & ledges etc. Not much use from a beach as the waves would obvious give false readings, & it only takes one storm to change the bottom features anyway. However, this unit can be cast up to 300ft & still maintain a signal to your phone or tablet. Great technology, but limiting to more calm water.

@philbench7622 - 06.11.2021 22:42

Nah, you weren't cheating Matt. .... I cheat though, with my cemtex artificial lugworms 😨😨

@philbench7622 - 06.11.2021 22:52

Here's a tip when fishing busy piers during the summer ... when holiday makers are chucking small pout or whiting back, which are stunned or dead during the "return" =
Freeline a dead pout down the wall, make it float with a hypodermic syringe of air if you fancy??
I've seen big bass who have got savvy, take the pout bait like a trout taking a dry fly 😉 ❤

@trampster7306 - 07.11.2021 02:32

Nice try Matt! Shame the Fishy critters weren't playing ball! Not sure about that Garmin device - I don't think it's cheating, boats use them all the time, but I'd be worried about getting it snagged & lost. Stay safe & well. 👍👍

@leightongroves1509 - 07.11.2021 13:40

Great video 👍👍🎣🎣

@mikecurtis9617 - 07.11.2021 14:04

No self respecting boat angler would go to sea without a sonar so why not use one from the shore in certain circumstances? I would suggest that a harbour wall would be perfect to use the Garmin to find structure where a conger might be hiding. I’ve dived along the harbour wall years ago and there were many holes and rocks with a conger poking out. The Garmin would help find those features without getting wet. Having said that the regulars know where they are because fish have caught there before.
Great watch as usual.

@gavinletford1539 - 07.11.2021 17:54

Mat I don't want to here lures only work in clear water please. I live in Hastings near Brighton and I've caught bass on the low tide not even passed 2ft of water deep. Dirty coloured water and I hit the bass more so in these conditions.
Maybe you should visit.
Your channel is worth a subscription.. keep at it mate .

@kynankelly3952 - 07.11.2021 18:19

Great video matt! The marina can definitely produce great fish at times, maybe next time!

@carmelogalea7213 - 07.11.2021 20:50

Matt still enjoyed the video mate better luck next time

@pg4614 - 09.11.2021 02:35

I've never blanked off Brighton marina. Just letting you know. 🤣🤣

@Brian-mb9ez - 09.11.2021 08:34

A good honest video, we all have days like this some more than others, if nothing the weather for November looked fantastic sometime that can be as good as catching, living up in the northeast of Scotland I am envious of day like this as they are very few and far between.

@SeaFishingWithPaul - 09.11.2021 14:18

Goodness how refreshing there are others out there like me, go out full of enthusiasm and slowly get depressed as time goes by. Like you I put videos up showing the good and bad reality of fishing loved it 👍👍👍

@stephenking78 - 09.11.2021 23:41

Beautiful day you had Matt, pity the fish didn’t turn up but that’s fishing. Admit to being jealous watching you on such a lovely day.
Believe you were well into the bass short time later, well done. Can’t have it all the time can we. Take care thanks for sharing, even the bad days lol

@johnmaggiorino4493 - 10.11.2021 00:29

Never ever, bent rod is what counts, more ways to catch the better. Nice one 👍

@grahamunderwood9353 - 10.11.2021 07:41

The arcs off the bottom could be fish on your display

@warrenbailie2962 - 10.11.2021 20:05

Have you heard of a dingle dangle?

@allenbrown8158 - 10.11.2021 21:24

Good effort Mat, if the fish aren't there then you cant catch any. We have all had those days that start with hope and promise, only to be left frustrated and disappointed . As an old git I try to eliminate them but they still crop up. It makes the good days even better. keep up the good work.

@allenbrown8158 - 10.11.2021 21:26

By the way the cod are showing in the Bristol channel , give it a go.

@Golly87 - 11.11.2021 15:43

I think that was called a snag mate…

@tedvicarri6153 - 11.11.2021 18:26

wouldn’t have happened in the 70’ plenty of fish inshore!

@peterchessell28 - 11.11.2021 23:13

That has to be the worst fish finder in modern history.

@richardmillican7733 - 13.11.2021 14:49

Just came across your channel, subbed of course! I'm up in Anglesey, but fished that spot one Christmas, loads of good sized codling to about 5 pounds, on black lug and squid combo only about 40 yards out!

@maximusmeridius1240 - 15.11.2021 11:56

There are no fish to be caught the French where there earlier 🇬🇧

@stevenwynne1034 - 15.11.2021 13:53

This is why its called fishing amd not catching lol.

@daddyfixit5188 - 16.11.2021 19:26

I always take a small rod as well as the big guns and put out rig with small hooks. Usually I get the most fish on that one. Also can bang feathers lure float out. Call it a reaction rod. I have caught 3 lb bass on tiny sabuki this year which has changed the way I fish. I rate mackerel bait over squid any day. I have even out fished guys using fresh lug w all the trimmings on Mac 👍👍👍

@tonynewcombe9075 - 16.11.2021 20:36

Looking forward to listen to you and natural sound around,!!
But some clown was playing bloody music, didn’t watch every more.

@hueman8607 - 19.11.2021 08:58

I want 1.
For my creek fishing

@rhyshunter1972 - 19.11.2021 12:38

better on the beach there for bass or by old pier

@Nduk123 - 28.11.2021 12:15

You need a Bluetooth mic

@alasdairdouglas7485 - 09.12.2021 06:18

Your not cheating the trawlers are, so fish all you can lad,good luck 👍👍👍👍

@alasdairdouglas7485 - 09.12.2021 06:21

I wonder how tom swayer managed, 🤣🤣🤣

@MrTench8 - 08.02.2022 13:48

Many years ago maybe 20? i had an Hummingbird fish finder which worked brilliantly. I have recently bought the Deeper start which seems great although only used it once. They both process the data and have varying size fish icons on the image instead of displaying it raw like the screen you showed. It's not cheating, it is increasing your chance of catching! Just like bait on your hook does!

@chrisardern4594 - 08.02.2022 18:38

As you said you dont normally fish that area in other words stick to where you know.

@craiglemare5705 - 17.02.2022 00:02

Where is best to park and get fishing there

@janestirling7970 - 17.02.2022 00:07

It might help if you don`t talk so much

@laustephen4382 - 07.03.2022 22:04

Went to the same spot yesterday. 2 hours before and 2hours after the tide, no fish no bite for the whole pier. Probably fish not active on Sunday in Brighton. Prefer to rest. No eating.

@abdul-hadidadkhah1459 - 21.05.2022 02:38

Another waste of time video.

@scottmcdowall4230 - 23.05.2022 14:23

What are the prices for fishing the marina and how do you pay?

@iconictv1120 - 31.05.2022 23:44

May I ask the gear you are using? A guide for a bigener like me. Thanks

@Fishing2Bait - 28.02.2023 21:48

Love fishing in Brighton marina !!

@johnmichael1220 - 12.04.2023 03:57

Cheating No practicable Yes

@hungfaili19 - 25.04.2023 11:29


@jackgreen7947 - 16.05.2023 01:33

Did you find it realky snaggy here ??

@sussexseaangler1858 - 06.06.2023 10:10

During the constant winds of Winter 22 the beach next to the West arm was covered in mussel shells. This HAS to be a good bait there!

@charliedelarosa5507 - 20.09.2023 13:13

I’ve watched two videos now and you’ve caught nothing 😂

@carylmorales2210 - 30.10.2023 19:18

How much do you have to pay to fish there?

@265petsar - 26.06.2024 09:01

There's no need for the crazy music, spoils video.
