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@CTSIX-eo9rj - 06.05.2020 05:02

The emperor has won just not in the way he wanted to win and first ha

@michaelbishop3923 - 06.05.2020 05:04

play age of resistance

@BirbarianHomeGuard - 06.05.2020 05:49

Are you going to play Thrawn’s Revenge with the new update? Allegedly there are tons of pathfinding and tactical fixes.

@TheNukem950 - 06.05.2020 08:09

It seems like the issues are from auto-resolving, causing some of the enemy to retreat. It also seems a few fleets would have stopped them from running amok in the poorly defend areas of the galaxy.

@lordvader4089 - 06.05.2020 08:26

Feel like we need to do a mod with the empire and rebels. Hester needs to get some cathartic rebel killing time as the good old empire. Lol.

@nickxelyt5660 - 06.05.2020 09:08

So the Republic doesn’t turn into the Empire? Yeah I think Republic at war is still better. At least that forced you to have a variety of ships and didn’t let you just spam subjugators.. the Imperial Star destroyers would’ve been cooler to see then just praetors and invincibles too. Good gameplay but the mod didn’t live up to the level that Republic at war did.. maybe they’ll change that though..

@BigSmokeSpace - 06.05.2020 14:25


@bspgamingfan218 - 06.05.2020 18:30

should the endgame be easy
